Chapter 301: Life and death

Ruan Bing showed an extremely worried expression when he heard that Xiaowan had an accident, but he immediately responded to Lu Jundao, "In the attack of the mutant beast just now, the military directly killed hundreds of people. The number of injured has not yet been counted. It has also attacked under the city wall, and the surviving soldiers are resisting, but they won’t be able to defend as long as this is!"
After Ruan Bing finished speaking, Ruan Xue immediately added,
We have sent the warriors from the preparatory zone to support, but the loopholes in the defense line are still large, and we currently lack lighting and don’t know the specific location of the mutant infection. Mutated Infected Body may attack the city wall at any time..."
After Ruan Xue finished speaking, a flare suddenly appeared on the high platform of the city wall. It is estimated that the members of the blasting squad are only now recovering from the ultrasonic attack of the bloodthirsty king bat.
When the flares reached the top, they exploded suddenly, and the light re-shrouded the earth. With the light brought by the flares, the road army could clearly see the situation on and under the walls.
The warriors in the war zone kept running up the city wall, lifting the wounded warriors off the city wall, and then replacing their combat positions, resisting the infected group below.
As for the soldiers who have died, they can only throw their corpses off the city wall to prepare for the war. Although this is a bit disrespectful to the deceased, the situation is urgent now and they need to quickly make room. There is not so much time to slowly lift the corpses down, directly Leaving the war zone is undoubtedly the best choice.
The guards of the Blackstone Consortium at the B1 section of the city wall also suffered a lot of deaths and injuries, but their alive people recovered quickly, and now they have regained their guns and shot the infected bodies below.
The person in charge of loading the fire guards with ammunition did not forget their mission. The five fire guards were filled with ammunition as soon as their bodies recovered, and now the five fire guards were able to fire again to help the road army earn dragon coins. And dragon title value.
As Ruan Bing said, the infected body group has already reached the city wall, pulling the wall under the city wall in an attempt to threaten the wall, but according to their destructive power, it is necessary to destroy the solid wall. A lot of time.
The tyrant infected body and the three double-hammer infected bodies also walked 20 meters away from the city wall. When they saw the flares light up, the three double-hammer infected bodies used their power and slammed their right foot on the ground. The whole body soared into the air, leaped all over the city wall, and began to slaughter the soldiers.
The tyrant infected body was not idle either, squeezing the normal infected body in front, and rushed straight to the gate of the gathering place, and began to attack the gate with his strong arms and body.
It has learned to be smart now, knowing that it is difficult to break through the city wall, and it takes the weaker city gate as its target.
It is no exaggeration to say that now is the time to decide the survival of the gathering place. If the city gate is breached and tens of thousands of infected bodies flood in, the defending forces will be unable to defend it.
In fact, things will turn into the current situation. It is all caused by the attacks of the mutant blood bats and the bloodthirsty king bats. If they hadn’t suddenly appeared and attacked the wall, it would be impossible for the infected group to get close to the wall. of.
It's a pity that it's too late to say anything. The defenders have just lifted the threat from the sky and are facing the siege of the infected group. Even if they have three heads and six arms, they can't hold it...
Zhang Deshuai also knew that the situation was extremely urgent. He shook his head in confusion, and immediately raised the intercom and said, "Quick! The communications team will let more people come to support! The logistics corps will withstand the city gate! The blasting team shot out all the shells! Everyone fired with all their strength, and all grenades were thrown down for me! If we can't keep it, we will all die!"
After hearing Zhang Deshuai's order, the people on the wall and the combat preparation zone and the fighting capacity all took action. The defenders threw a large number of grenades off the wall, blowing up a lot of ordinary infected bodies below, and alleviating the pressure on the wall. .
The communications team immediately went to the barracks in the gathering place to report the situation and brought more soldiers to support. People in the logistics corps risked their lives and continued to reinforce the city gates with their bodies and tools. The blasting team was also desperately launching from the high platform. 'S grenades entered the infected group...
It can be said that it is rare that Zhang Deshuai can issue correct orders in an emergency, and these orders can indeed extend the time to defend the city wall.
But he still forgot one thing, that is, they couldn't deal with the three double-hammer infected bodies on the city wall. If the double-hammer infected bodies were slaughtered all the way, the soldiers on the city wall and the war zone would have to die.
Lu Jun looked at the city wall that was slightly restored to order and nodded slightly. As long as these people have the courage to continue fighting, the city wall has hope of holding on.
Although the soldiers can't deal with the double-hammer infected body, he can. The double-hammer infected body is just a shot to him. He decided to solve the three double-hammer infected bodies first, and then watch the next step. The situation, now we can only take one step to see.
Thinking of this, the Lu Jun immediately took out a bottle of mental reagents and drank it to restore the exhausted brain power, and then took out a large number of high-explosive grenades and burning grenades on the spot. He had a lot of these things.
After doing this, the Lu Army said to Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue on the side,
I’m going to solve the three double-hammer infected bodies. You two are responsible for throwing these grenades down. The city gate may be lost at any time. Don’t run around. wait me back."
After speaking, the Lu Army took out the Death Tu 8000, filled it with bullets, and walked towards the middle of the city wall without looking back.
As for why Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue are responsible for throwing grenades, it is because they can get rewards for killing the infected road army. At this time, the road army is still thinking about rewards, and there is no one...
After listening to Lu Jun's words, Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue nodded silently while looking at Lu Jun's back. They didn't know Lu Jun's thoughts, but the calmness of Lu Jun allowed them to calm down.
Ruan Bing immediately grabbed a large number of grenade on the ground and walked to the city wall. Ruan Xue followed closely behind. The two of them threw the grenade one by one to a position five meters below the wall.
Because this can prevent the grenade from damaging the wall, otherwise the infected body will not scratch the wall, and the wall will be destroyed by one's own grenade, which is not worth the gain.
Looking at the infected body with its teeth and dancing claws below, Ruan Bing's mood sank slightly to the bottom. If these are mutant beasts, she is not afraid, because she can solve it with a soul storm.
But these are infected bodies without souls. Her soul attacks have no effect on the infected bodies. In front of the infected body army, she is just a stronger ordinary person...
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