Chapter 674: Westerly Fortress changes

Under the attack of the capable person of the city guard, the Baqi party suffered a heavy loss in an instant, and fell more than 30 fallen fighters and a black robe man.
Seeing that they are all supernatural beings with support, the city guards have become brave again, after all, anyone who bullies a lot and a few can do it.
Feeling that his own casualties are gradually increasing, Baqi, who has turned into a serpent form, is somewhat powerless, because he is alone and has limited abilities.
And the duration of his third ability is coming soon, if it changes back to human form, it is estimated that they will fall into defeat.
Fortunately, at this time, the other two third-order black-robed men also realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately displayed their third ability, Shadow Warrior and Hand of Punishment.
In the next moment, hundreds of black shadows suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and they joined the battlefield to help the Yaqi side attack the city guard.
The ground also began to become muddy, and blood-stained arms continued to stretch out, pulling the city guard down.
These are the effects of the Shadow Warrior and the Hand of Punishment, generally considered to be very good Tier 3 abilities.
With the help of two Tier 3 abilities, the advantage finally leaned toward Baqi, and more and more city guards died.
In the end, after killing six hundred city guard soldiers and forty city guard's supernatural powers, the city guards were defeated and fled to the surrounding area one after another, and the Baqi side was able to escape the encirclement.
Although they won the victory, Baqi and others were completely unhappy, because they also paid the death of hundreds of fallen fighters and three black-robed men.
Seeing the soldier who fell on the ground, Baqi's heart seemed to be dripping blood. After all, he lost a lot in this battle.
Although he wanted to catch up and kill a few more city guards, Baqi did not dare to stay in this position for too long, he was afraid that other city guards would come out.
After helping the wounded who belonged to them on the ground, Baqi walked west with the remnants, wanting to get away from here first...
At the same time, on the other side, the Lu Army rode a ostrich for a short time and quickly returned to the West Wind Fortress.
When seeing the first sight of Westwind Fortress, the Lu Army couldn't believe his eyes, because the changes in Westwind Fortress were so great.
Not only has the site expanded five times, but the Westwind Fortress has added a lot of facilities with a sense of science and technology, and even has a complete set of power systems.
Looking at these familiar skills, Lu Jun knew that these were all made by Shaqili, that is, the Tier 3 ability person he brought back from the Ori City Research Institute.
"Honorable Lord, you are back." The supervisor suddenly appeared, kneeling in front of Lu Jun.
"Get up, I have worked hard for you during my absence. I am very satisfied with the efficiency of construction here." The Lu Army praised the supervisor.
"Wish to serve the Lord Lord!" The supervisor lowered his head and stood up after speaking.
"How many buildings do we currently have in the Westwind Fortress? What is the number of slave laborers? What about the technological situation? Have you found the minerals I asked you to find?" Lu Jun asked several questions in succession.
"Report to Lord Lord, we now have more than 2,000 slave laborers in the West Wind Fortress, and the total number of various buildings has reached 400."
"Because you provided enough technology points, all the technologies of our Westwind Fortress have doubled, and all production and construction time has been shortened by 40%."
"I found the mineral resources you asked me to find yesterday. It is 40 kilometers away from us. It is a very high-quality iron ore. We can extract enough iron from it."
"But you must authorize the construction of a mining farm, and our current population has reached its limit. It is urgent to continue to build orc huts, otherwise our development is likely to stop." The supervisor truthfully answered all the questions of the road army.
"Very well, I will build a hundred orc huts immediately, and give me all my strength to produce slave labor and warriors. You choose the position, and I will authorize it soon."
"As for the mining farm, you should arrange it right away. This is very important. Send a part of slave laborers and soldiers to garrison and mine uninterrupted for 24 hours. After the mining is completed, you will give me the equipment you need." Looks like, he just got a lot of strategic points anyway, and he came back to build.
Hearing that the Lu Army had solved all the problems as soon as he came back, the supervisor again respectfully said to the Lu Army: "Yes! Lord Lord."
Seeing that the supervisor was still in a daze, Lu Jun waved his hand: "Where is Shaqili? It's the human who made things here. I want him."
Listening to Lu Jun’s description, the superintendent immediately pointed to the direction near the main fort in the middle: "Report to the lord, the person you are looking for is in the smoking house in the middle..."
Seeing such a strange expression on the supervisor, the Lu Army quickly walked towards the middle of the Westerly Fortress, enjoying his "city" comfortably while walking.
After walking for nearly one kilometer, Lu Jun saw the smoking house, surrounded by a lot of waste materials, which seemed to be the waste products that Shaqili failed to build.
Smelling the pungent smell all around, Lu Jun couldn't help frowning, thinking to himself that Shaqili was playing something inside...
"Shaqili, Shaqili..." the Lu Army shouted several times into the largest room.
About twenty seconds later, a man with messy hair and gray on his face walked out of the room, looking impatient.
"Who called me!" Shaqili yelled first, and when he saw that the person coming was the Lu Army, he immediately smiled on his face and ran towards him, "Oh, boss, why are you here..."
Seeing that Shaqili changed his face faster than flipping a book, and his clothes were more refugees than refugees, the Lu Army couldn't help scratching his head. I don’t know what Shaqili was doing...
"Uh...cough did you do this? Those orcs didn't torture you, did they?" Lu Jun pointed to Shaqili's clothes and whispered.
"Ah? What?" Shaqili didn't understand the meaning of Lu Jun. When he saw his clothes, he immediately reacted and gave a dry smile, "Ahaha...I have been busy building things, I don't have time. Take care of this and make the boss laugh..."
Seeing that Shaqili was in a good mood, Lu Jun nodded silently, took out a pack of cigarettes from the armed module, stuffed one into Shaqili's mouth, and lit one himself.
Although Lu Jun has no habit of smoking, sometimes conversations between men need this kind of thing to promote.
"Let's go, and tell me about your achievements these days by the way." Lu Jun spit out a puff of smoke and pointed to the front.
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