Vol 3 Chapter 1171: Three major abilities

"Selected transformation: Transform the inherent attributes of items. Put the items that need to be converted into the central fate grid, and put the required attributes items in other places."
"After the selected transformation, the item at the center of the fate grid has the attribute ability of other fate grid items. The ability is related to the total energy of the items placed in it."
"Except for the central destiny, the attributes of the other destiny items need to be the same."
"When using the selected conversion ability, you can continue to upgrade the top-level items, but you need to change the attributes."
"When the transformation is selected, a lot of magic crystal energy is consumed."
At first glance, this ability is not so prominent compared to the first one, it is just an ability to transform the attributes of items.
But think carefully, this ability is very powerful.
For example, if there is an item that is not needed, you can use this ability to convert it to the required attribute. Because there is no item level, this allows Ye Zhongming to use some low-level things to transform. Obtain the excellent attributes of these items.
Also, the most important thing is that this ability can break through the limits, which is very natural. Just like a natural gemstone, if a top natural gemstone Ye Zhongming intends to continue to upgrade and increase its power, you can use it to transform it, and then you can break through the level restrictions.
A top water gemstone is transformed with eight primary ice gemstones to get a... super ice gemstone, then how strong will the blue blood lotus it emit?
Ye Zhongming felt thrilled when he thought about it.
And what makes him feel the most incredible is the third and last ability.
"Free transformation: Let the magic box automatically synthesize the items, and the results will appear randomly."
"When transforming freely, you need to put different items in each of the nine destinies. The energy and level contained in the new item finally formed are related to the total energy and level of the items put in."
"Free conversion has a chance of failure."
"When transforming freely, it consumes a lot of magic crystal energy."
This is totally a gambling-style ability. Putting different things into it and transforming them into brand-new items at will. If it succeeds, it’s okay. No matter what, there is something new. But what if it fails? There is nothing.
Ye Zhongming's first impression is that this is an unreliable ability.
But he still read this unusual ability from the introduction.
For example, this ability still does not require a level, you can put in some items that have been eliminated, and you won’t be distressed if you fail. In case of success, you will get a good thing that gathers the energy of nine items, which can be regarded as waste utilization. Too.
Moreover, this ability is not only used for the replacement of waste products, in a sense, it can also represent the future.
Because it will inevitably have the characteristics of better and more advanced new items, when all the good things are put in it, you can use it to gamble, and you don’t need to mention it if you fail, but once you succeed, you may really get one Something standing on top.
Exploring the unknown future will always be the irresistible temptation of mankind.
At this point, the prompt message of Sauron's Box disappeared, and the box flashed with a faint halo, as if reminding Ye Zhongming, this is a piece of equipment that can change the world.
Put away the reward, Ye Zhongming intends to end the adventure here.
Others, especially the members of the Nalan team, have some pity. They can see the name of the Sauron Box on the nameplate, but they don't know its role, and their hearts naturally tickle.
In such a difficult and difficult adventure, the only reward is definitely excellent. They participated in the action here, but they could not know what the final reward was. This is undoubtedly a torment.
Out of the city of colors, Ye Zhongming saw Deacon Tong.
"Are you sure you can keep the secret?" Ye Zhongming gestured, and Deacon Tong asked coldly to Ganlan Mina and others.
Everyone knew what Deacon Tong meant and nodded quickly.
"The safest way is undoubtedly to let you all die, but Mr. Ye didn’t want to do this, and he made a guarantee for you, so I won’t do it, but I have to warn you, once the things of today are leaked, whether you are Whoever you are, I will kill you."
After that, he looked at Ye Zhongming and left alone, leaving the Nalan team members relieved.
One of the five deacons of Wuhuanqian, the master of Mingshui Realm, he warned that no one would be untrue.
When these people looked at Ye Zhongming again, they were grateful.
Ye Zhongming didn't expect Deacon Tong to say this, it seemed that he was selling his favor.
Gan Lan and Mina had a discussion, and came over to say goodbye to Ye Zhongming for a while. They also had to take a break and waited for the Tianbei to open.
As for what happened after going out, the two women didn't say anything, obviously they hadn't considered it well.
Ye Zhongming also said that the previously promised rewards would be given to them at the end of Mingshui Realm.
After the two parties were separated, Ye Zhongming rushed to Bai Cave Marsh again to help Wuhuanqian and others clean up the cat ear hole. After completing the adventure here, they were awarded according to the previous agreement.
At this point, there is only the last one in Mingshui Realm's adventure, but according to the news, it will be completed there soon.
Ye Zhongming used this time to rest with Gao Yi, Zhao Xiangxue, and Li Qiang to restore their state, and studied the Sauron Box.
Deacon Tong later came over to find Ye Zhongming once again and bought the qualification of the lord.
Ten or more hours later, the entire Mingshui world moved violently. All the previously unattractive passages disappeared, and the rumbling sound kept ringing, making everyone realize that the final test came.
The five ring money people began to inform everyone to gather in the previous hall. After arriving at the place, the most conspicuous is the ranking of the country area hanging on the overhead light curtain. After these days of fighting adventures, no small changes have taken place. Among them, the most notable one is the drastic change in the no man’s land. The overall ranking has plummeted, hanging at the end of the list, and Wen Huan has disappeared from the personal combat strength list.
Everyone realizes that the team of the once glorious unmanned zone that came to Mingshui Realm was completely destroyed. The reason why it is still on the comprehensive list is that the unmanned zone base is not aware of this matter. Their strength is not bad, but once they know, they are destined to fall apart and completely disappear from the leaderboard.
Without waiting for everyone to wake up from the horror, a huge glorious door appeared, and several deacons of Wuhuanqian also arrived, leading everyone into this door.
The last adventure in the Mingshui world, the mystery of the Tianbei, officially began.
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