Vol 3 Chapter 1240: Decide

"The two of you, why is it so long?"
Le Dayuan saw Liu Zhenghong and Ye Zhongming approaching through the window. When he came out first, he smiled and wiped the drops of water on his apron.
He will not only make magic crystal weapons, but also make good dishes.
Le Dayuan said that this was when he was at home when the factory was half dead.
"You smell the scent from a long time ago." Ye Zhongming walked away with a smile, and a large table was placed in the living room with at least ten dishes on it, full of color and fragrance. Of course, these dishes have an obvious eschatological style, and the ingredients, especially meat, are basically the meat of mutant animals.
However, the practice is still the practice on earth, and has nothing to do with Genting cuisine.
Soon after the three people took their seats, Xia Lei, Liang Chuyin and Honey Bud arrived, and Xia Bai and Red Hair also arrived.
These people are intimately related to Ye Zhongming, and they are almost inseparable from each other.
Everyone started to eat it soon, red hair don’t look like it is almost the same as human beings now, but she doesn’t like to eat this kind of food, and she never needs to drink water, just sits and laughs away. Xi Xia, seeing and leaving, followed, and they were all unfit for this occasion.
During the banquet, basically a few women were chatting, and Le Dayuan and Ye Zhongming just listened with a smile, until everyone talked about the serious matter, and everyone entered the discussion state.
"Yingcheng's mutant mice will reach the breeding peak?" Le Dayuan put down his glass and contemplates: "That is, in the next year or even two years, the number of mutant mice will increase to one let us point out. The degree of reproduction, and the speed of reproduction will be maintained because of the subsequent growth of the next generation."
After talking, Le Dayuan paused, and then looked at several people around him: "Can I understand this way, this rat king is playing us?"
Ye Zhongming lowered his head and ate the dish, but chewed it slowly. After swallowing, he said, "At least it is concealed from us. As for the purpose of concealing this matter, it is not necessarily that we really want to be against us, maybe I just want to protect myself."
"Naturally, if one day their strength surpasses us, it will be us who become self-protected."
Hearing Ye Zhongming saying this, Liu Zhenghong also put down his chopsticks.
"I have a different opinion. The rat king guy is far smarter than we thought. Since he believed in the technology of our Genting, he should be able to guess that I can see this pattern, but although he didn't say it clearly, he still sent A large number of experimental subjects have come, perhaps just to express its silent protest in this way, not because of the warning, but only because it needs to be stunned by me. After all, at least for now, our Genting is very strong, and we haven’t been caught. The possibility of them surpassing."
"Sister Hong, do you have an idea?" Mi Ya adored the woman who was almost indistinguishable from the creator in her opinion.
"Hey." Red Sister smiled: "Although I am not sure now, because of the relationship between sufficient experimental subjects, these mutant mouse things may become the most thorough source of genes I can analyze and understand in the laboratory."
Everyone waited for her to continue, but Hongjie stopped.
Everyone was stunned, or Le Dayuan knew his wife best and shook his head in tears, "What are you selling with this group of kids."
"Just Red Sister, we don't understand those of you, bullying us without culture." Xia Lei was amused, seeming dissatisfied.
Liu Zhenghong smiled and began to explain.
"Now that I know best, it means that I can use them proficiently. Perhaps now I am unlikely to make a army of mutant mice for Genting, but use their genes reasonably to give some abilities to other lives that we can control. Presented, this is still no problem."
Speaking of his major, Liu Zhenghong's eyes are bright.
"Once my technology breaks through again, maybe I can really get a team of mice out of Genting."
Hearing the sister Hong said, including Ye Zhongming, her eyes widened.
Liu Zhenghong seems a simple sentence, but it means many things.
The gene life force of Genting used to be a certain amount, but they were all cultivated or improved in the laboratory one by one.
In other words, Genting's genetic technology still stays on the basis of changing the gene itself, which can also be said to be a technical barrier.
It is precisely because of the existence of this barrier that there has been little progress in the human transformation of the king.
But if Liu Zhenghong said that she can use the mutant mouse gene to create a batch of such a large army, it means that she has successfully allowed the improved life to have the ability to reproduce, even if it cannot be born as normal, at least it can be Large-scale test tube cultivation was conducted during the experiment.
Once successful, it means that Genting will have an almost continuous cannon fodder unit, in order to reduce the casualties of Genting regular teams and enhance combat effectiveness.
Even, because of the plasticity of the gene, it may also get some functioning mouse life to provide help to Genting.
This technology may also be able to make breakthroughs in the test projects of Yan Wangshu and other laboratories.
Now it seems that the cooperation with this group of mutant mice is still cheaper. Thank you.
Ye Zhongming thought about it while holding his chin, and then said: "Although Red Sister has a solution, it takes time, and it takes too long to train our mutant rat population. The number of these mice must still be limited. Just a moment."
Everyone knew that Ye Zhongming might have an idea, and did not disturb his thinking. After a while, Ye Zhongming suddenly asked Xia Lei: "When will the first supplies agreed by the Ogre Chain arrive?"
Xia Lei calculated the day, "It should be the most recent, what's wrong? What is the relationship between these supplies and the mutant mice?"
Ye Zhongming smiled: "It doesn't matter. Can you relate them to something? Doesn't it matter?"
After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, and red hair appeared in front of Ye Zhongming. "Can you find or contact the mutant rat king now?"
The redhead thought for a while and nodded. She didn't know where the timid rat king was, but she knew how to let it know she was looking for it again.
"Inform the Rat King and increase the number of materials and subjects provided to the laboratory, at least twice as much as it is now. Also, just tell him that it is time for it to be realized in good faith. I need 50,000, no, ten. Ten thousand mutant mice, follow me to a place."
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