Vol 3 Chapter 1381: Extra upper limb

The huge chimpanzee immediately became irritable, and his body did not move, but his eyes became red, his breathing rate increased, and his chest undulated violently.
The leading old man made everyone quit.
The people in the Alamos laboratory finished the preparation and looked to the other side.
People in the Guancheng Village laboratory are also busy.
It's just that it's different from the very labor-saving approach on the other side. What they did made the people present stunned.
They are totally operating!
Guan Chengcun personally pulled the mutated chimpanzee out of the cage with several assistants, stunned him directly, and took out a sharp scalpel to cut two large holes in the chimpanzee's shoulder.
The blood spewed out from inside immediately.
This scene saw other people's hearts beating.
What the are you doing? People are increasing the strength of chimpanzees. You are better off. You just cut two knives. There is no such thing as self-mutilation.
But thinking about the name of Guan Chengcun's dark laboratory, everyone has some expectations.
No one was sitting at the scene anymore. They all stood up and gathered around to see what the famous laboratory in the country should do.
After Guan Chengcun cut two openings, an assistant immediately sprinkled some unknown medicinal powder on it. After confirmation by the people of Wanshou Manor, these medicinal powders were the bets they used for the first game.
After the powder entered the wound, just a few seconds later, the mutant chimpanzee woke up. It was obviously in pain. When he saw the wound, he wanted to grab it with his hand, but he didn’t wait for its claw to touch it. Suddenly, as if suffering some pain, his body suddenly stiffened, and then a huge howl was made in his mouth.
Kneeling on the ground, the upper limbs spread out, the cries in the mouth continued, the head swelled up, and the thick blood vessels swelled all over his body, jumping from time to time, looking very scary.
Originally, the dark body seemed to be on fire, and some fiery red light spots appeared in the body, which were clearly seen through the skin.
Then something unbelievable happened to everyone.
Something started to grow in the two wounds on the shoulder...
The evolutionists present are all elites in the last days. Their eyesight is naturally good. They can see that the wound is sticking out, which is a growing bone!
Even if everyone can be called a killer, but seeing this scene still makes many people's scalp tight.
With the bones sticking out of the wound, there are also flesh and blood tissues, dense lines of flax, red and blue and purple, which makes this scene full of blood and strangeness.
Originally, many people who disagreed with the dark laboratory of Guan Chengcun would not look down on the weird man who looked at the four legs at this moment. This hand alone is enough to make people dare not underestimate.
The bones and flesh stretched out quickly, and quickly formed a limb that was about the same length as the previous arm. After the flesh and bone gradually wrapped the bone, a new arm appeared, but unlike the original upper limb, these two The brand-new arm has no skin, and those tissues and blood vessels are all exposed, terrifying.
"Mine is alright."
Seeing the mutant chimpanzee gradually quieted down, he tried to control the brand-new upper arm with a blank face. The humans in the whole scene were silent, so this sentence was clearly heard in everyone's ears.
The members of the Ten Thousand Beasts Manor, who monitored both sides, asked Li Daqian with their eyes and saw that the boss nodded slightly, so that the people who controlled the mutant chimpanzees would bring their'experimental body' to the center of the venue.
This level of mutated life, even after the transformation of two laboratories, can not pose any threat to these people present, so there is no need to make a special ring, everyone is watching it, and it is still very far away. near.
Two mutant chimpanzees were sent to the center of the field, and a steward of the Beast Manor walked to the side. I didn’t know what method was used. The glowing palms were patted on the two guys. They immediately became irritable and glared. Looking at each other, after a while, rushed towards each other.
The mutant chimpanzee in the Alamos Lab took the lead. The huge fist flew in the air and smashed towards the same kind. The body moved with strength, and it was not awkward and slow at all.
This time, the strength was great, and the winds that caused the eyes of the surrounding evolutionaries widened.
This momentum is not something that a level 4 life can possess.
It seems that this is due to the kind of potion in Alamos Lab.
Faced with this punch of the same kind, the mutant chimpanzee with a brand-new arm was a little dazed. He was directly hit by the punch on the head. The huge body flew out and fell to the ground, where the skin cracked a few mouths. , Blood DC.
Many people did not expect such a result. Is this the end? Everyone can see that the chimpanzees with limbs are a little weak, and at the same level, this almost means defeat.
The chimpanzee of Alamos Lab ran at great strides, his feet slammed on the ground, the huge body jumped somewhere, the whole body jumped up, the elbows were raised in the hardest place, a bone spur about 20 centimeters long Suddenly, looking at the falling position, it would be the chest of the chimpanzee that had not yet risen on the ground.
Many people don't want to see it anymore. When you get here, the chimpanzee lying on the ground can't hide, and the battle is over.
Sure enough, as expected, the whole body of the chimpanzee in the Alamos laboratory hit the same kind of body with a huge inertia, and the bone spurs of the elbow penetrated deeply into the same kind of body, and a large amount of blood was spilled.
David looked aside, and there was a triumphant look on his face. Although the powders did not show the desire he wanted to have, it was an overwhelming thing to be able to win a game and get a formula.
Deacon Li Daqianshui and other evolutionaries in the country are a bit indifferent. Don’t look at each other as being friends, but now Guan Chengcun represents the country to some extent. good looking.
"It seems this is the first game, that's it." Mr. Wen said in a rather pityful tone, and Li Daqian wanted to announce the result.
But these masters felt very keen after all, without waiting to say anything, they all looked at the field together, only to see that the chimpanzee that had already won has fallen silently after falling down.
The person in charge of the Ten Thousand Beast Manor immediately ran over to look at it, and then said in a surprised tone: "Dead... dead!"
With his words, the chimpanzee's body fell to the side, and the others saw that the two upper arms of the chimpanzee in the Guancheng Village laboratory that were thought to be dead had been inserted into the other body. At the moment, it was creeping as regularly as sucking. Every time it moved, the body of the other kind shrank by a few minutes. After a while, that kind of kind was sucked into a skinny look and died miserably.
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