Vol 4 Chapter 1518: Wilderness Massacre (Part 1)

"We know that Genting has teleport equipment, but it is unclear whether so many people can be sent at once. If we assume that it is possible, then once the enemy appears, we may have to face the entire Genting Mountain Villa, Wanshou Manor, The deacon team and the coalition forces of the Daily Liberation Army may also include a large number of Aboriginals in secret."
The chairman of the conference made a final summary under the direction of the director and Wen Yan.
"Now that Ye Zhongming is certain to call the army against us by teleporting equipment, there are only two ways to convene. The first is to transport equipment to Ye Zhongming, and the second is somewhere in the surroundings. Others control, Ye Zhongming takes us there."
"According to Ye Zhongming's current escape route, we analyze that no matter where the summoning equipment is, whether it is Ye Zhongming or other people, the best place to call is this plain! Because it helps the army to unfold smoothly. Otherwise In the hills or the woods, it is not us but them who are attacked."
"I have to say that Ye Zhongming's plan is very good. Perhaps the army at Yunding Mountain Villa does have the strength to swallow us this time, but the king of Genting has made a mistake, a fatal mistake!"
"He is too confident, so confident that he will be bait alone, and this situation will continue until he reaches this plain position, then our opportunity comes, that is, he will not be allowed to... get here safely!"
"As long as he is killed, no matter how many people come through the teleportation equipment, they will definitely lose!"
"In this case, he is willing to make bait, then let's eat this delicious bait! You guys, the action of killing the king of Genting is now officially started!" The chairman smiled nervously.
Ye Zhongming still ran unhurriedly, and from time to time, he would go back and kill him.
The team of zero chambers of commerce, originally full of fifty people, has now killed more than a dozen people.
But the rest of them still followed daringly.
No way, they must always report Ye Zhongming's whereabouts.
However, Vice President Yang seemed a lot calmer. Even if his men were killed, he did not show any emotion, but instead got closer, as if he was no longer afraid of Ye Zhongming's counterattack.
Ye Zhongming quickly discovered these anomalies. He thought about it and suddenly accelerated, leaving the tracking team within minutes.
Vice President Yang hesitated, letting his followers follow the mark he left behind, and then speeded up, chasing Ye Zhongming away.
There was still some distance from the plain. Ye Zhongming stood on a hill and observed it, then turned over a few hillsides, and reached a mountain that was not high. There were valleys and woods between the hillsides, because there was no road, so It's harder to go, but for the eight-star evolution, these are not a problem.
Ye Zhongming decided to rush to the plain as soon as possible after discovering the change in attitude of Vice President Yang.
He has a bad feeling.
When he jumped down the hill, this feeling was fulfilled.
Ye Zhongming looked at the front left of him, where, out of a faint light door, one man and one beast came out.
Man is an eight-star man, and beast is an eight-level beast.
After this man and a beast appeared, the light door disappeared immediately.
"Calibration transmission? You are really willing."
Ye Zhongming saw the light door and said something.
Calibration transmission is a professional skill, which is the ability of the ‘Pearl Teleporter’ to cool down for tens of thousands of hours. Basically, it can only be used once a year.
This ability is to send the target to an accurate location with a certain characteristic, and then return at any time within the skill duration according to the target's wishes.
It seems simple, but it is not.
Ye Zhongming remembers that there was such a bead carrier in the previous life. Whenever his cooldown time is good, the team will take an adventure around this ability, such as entering the Jedi, using this ability to pick some extremely precious but Materials or gems guarded by powerful life.
Basically, every time this skill is used, it means that something precious is available.
Now, to chase Ye Zhongming, the opportunity cost is a bit large.
Of course, from the perspective of Ye Zhongming, he thinks this ability is wasted, because he doesn't think this person can kill himself.
"Shentang, Tonglv, my partner, Nether Tiger."
The man introduced himself coldly.
Without waiting for Ye Zhongming to say anything, Tong Lu once again said: "As long as you are killed, everything is worth it."
After he finished speaking, he jumped on the back of his war beast and struck Ye Zhongming.
Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows. He saw that during the charge of the Tong Brigade and his war beasts, some tentacles protruded from the bodies of the people and the beasts. There were many densely packed tentacles. Together, connecting people and beasts into one, is just a breathing effort, and the tentacles have wrapped the legs, buttocks, and even waist of the brigade.
This is not over yet. The face and hands exposed by the Tong Brigade began to be animalized, with sharp fangs protruding from his mouth, his hands became claws, and his upper arms and upper body became extremely strong.
what is this?
Under normal circumstances, out of spirit, Ye Zhongming should avoid it first. The special equipment is when he does not know what kind of ability this is. Even if he guessed that this should be some kind of technology developed by the shrine, it is safe to look at the situation and then it is the right choice.
But Ye Zhongming didn't avoid it. Instead, he opened his gain field instantly. The king Shayue Blade in his hand waved, and the Wanzhong Sealed Knife was used.
Feeling bad, this person appeared alone, and Vice President Yang was chasing after him. Ye Zhongming felt that these people had thoughts about themselves.
Although he is powerful, he is not truly invincible, especially when Dihuang Maru Yangos red hair is not around. Once he is surrounded by the other party's master, he can't guarantee that he will get out of trouble.
This person appears first, the purpose must be to entangle himself, and it is estimated that more people will appear soon. Ye Zhongming knows that he must be quick and quick, and give them the opportunity without giving the other party a chance to entangle. Shocked.
So he shot with all his strength.
The invisible number of sword shadows merged together and fell in a thunderous gesture.
Speaking of hard steel, Ye Zhongming was never afraid of anyone.
This is not bragging.
Not to mention the various spirit elements of the field of origin, these are the medicines that Ye Zhongming takes to improve physical fitness, and there are two special physiques that increase the body-the clear body and the beautiful celestial body. The advantages.
The clear body is the passive skill of the Thousand Body Sage Saint, which increases defense and resilience, and the Beauty Ladder is a comprehensive special constitution that will be strengthened in almost all aspects.
Such Ye Zhongming, holding the purple level in his hand, is warmly raised by the pregnant soldier skills. I don’t know how long the king is Shayue Blade. He really dares to fight against anyone.
Tong Lu should not have thought that Ye Zhongming would make such a choice.
His ability to combine with the war beast is indeed the technology of the shrine, or the most advanced technology so far. Facing the famous Genting gene warriors, people in the shrine believe that this ability called ‘He Soul’ represents the highest level of human science and technology.
Because this is an ability that can benefit both the evolutionary and the war beast. It is based on high-end technology such as war beast cultivation, genetic change of the evolver, and the mutual exclusion of different lives. It is much stronger than the genetic modification of Genting. Too.
This change was very dramatic when he joined the soul, and the person he met for the first time usually chose to retire because he didn't know what it was. Tong Lu thought that Ye Zhongming should also be like this.
However, in the face of such an attack, Tong Brigade was not at all afraid. He had long lost sight of the king of Genting, and had been thinking about the revenge of Genting to attack Base No. 3.
Tong Lu did not see any weapons in his hands. He jumped up suddenly during the charge and greeted Ye Zhongming. His body leaned back slightly, making the war beast Minghu more forward.
At the same time, a beast shadow appeared behind him, which was exactly what the Ming Tiger looked like. The only difference was that the head of the Ming Tiger was replaced by a human head.
This strangeness lasted for an instant, and the beast shadow detached from the body, rushing towards the sword light.
The two sides collided in the air.
There is no loud noise, no splashes of blood, and only the space distortion caused by the energy chaos.
Daoguang froze for a moment, and then cut the shadow of Minghu.
Behind the boy monster cried, and waved his paw with the ghost tiger, catching the rest of the knife light.
This is not a simple claw swing. It should be a skill. The claws of humans and war beasts carry light. Swinging out will leave an afterimage in the air.
A puff, like a centaur, no, the half-human tiger's brigade and his war beasts fell from the air and rolled up on the ground before standing up.
Tong Lu's head, chest, and Nether Tiger's head all had a shallow scar, and blood was leaking out at the moment.
And their claws are better than that of the children's brigade. The right hand is safe and sound. The sharp nails of the left hand are cut off, but the ghost tiger's is very miserable. Both front claws have been cut off by half. , But it was obviously painful, and a tear-like scream came from his mouth.
Under a single blow, Ye Zhongming was seriously injured and her reputation was not well-known, but she had a very good double 8th level.
Ye Zhongming, who took a step forward, suddenly flashed to the side, and a cold light flew past the place where he had just stood.
Ye Zhongming Yu Guang swept to the hill behind him, and Vice President Yang appeared. At the moment, he was holding a beautiful crossbow arrow, facing his own direction.
The eight-star vice president of the Zero Chamber of Commerce, after leaving the team, quickly rushed to the battlefield.
He knew very well that if Ye Zhongming killed Tong Lu, he might really have lost the trace of the king of Genting.
At this time, Vice President Yang was also desperate. While continuously firing crossbow arrows at Ye Zhongming, he rushed down the hill while constantly throwing something out of the space.
It was a white ball similar to a golf ball. It was thrown on the ground and slammed forward with Vice President Yang. During the jump, it became larger and larger, waiting for Vice President Yang to rush down As the hills entered the battlefield, they had become more than one and a half meters in diameter.
During this period, Ye Zhongming didn't want to kill the boy brigade, but this guy was very slippery and began to avoid war. When Ye Zhongming controlled the gravity field, he still used a surprise skill and a defensive equipment. Blocked the attack and insisted on the arrival of Vice President Yang.
In fact, this is only a short time. When it is necessary to avoid the crossbow attack, it launches two attacks at the same time. Ye Zhongming is already very fast.
Arriving on the battlefield, Vice President Yang yelled, his body became bluish purple, and a body of odor smelled in the air, becoming a ghost image of blue-faced fangs.
This is his professional ‘zombie’.
With a raise of his hands, two green mists of thick and thin fists protected him, and a passive corpse poison body was launched.
Fighting with Ye Zhongming, Vice President Yang didn't want to win at all. What he did best was his own appearance.
Later, the spheres exploded at this time, and huge eyes that didn't know what were flying out of them. There were five eyeballs in each ball, and dozens of eyeballs spread all around.
After the eyeballs appeared, they kept turning and saw Ye Zhongming immediately launched an attack, shooting a series of light beams from the eyeballs. The speed was extremely fast. Ye Zhongming flickered repeatedly, but was still shot by some of them.
This light beam has no attack power, but has a slow effect, and even Ye Zhongming is not spared.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Vice President Yang and Tonglv joined together.
"Can you fight?"
"Can't be able to do it, there are still four minutes before the required time!"
The two talked quickly, and at the same time they had to use assault as much as possible to attack the king of Genting who had become slow.
From the appearance of the boy brigade to the beginning of the battle, it was actually only a minute or so. He lost too fast. If Vice President Yang did not come, he had been killed.
The shrine master who thought Ye Zhongming was nothing before is now completely convinced. The gap between him and others is comprehensive.
But... How can he and Vice President Yang persist for four minutes?
"Do you have any tricks to use? Wait for it to be impossible for us to retreat together, regardless of whether it is enough for four minutes!"
Vice President Yang really didn't believe it. If they didn't do it, they would kill them.
Tong Lu nodded. He had already seen that Ye Zhongming could not completely avoid these eyes, but various methods began to smash them. One at a time, half of the eyeballs had already occurred in these ten seconds after two people said a few words. Shattered.
Tong Lu took out a small jade bowl from the space, with a reluctant look in his eyes, but it was simply released.
The small bowl flew out, falling backwards towards Ye Zhongming, and a golden light flashed on it.
This turned out to be a golden piece of equipment.
Vice President Yang was not idle, his abdomen contracted violently a few times, and then he began to vomit towards the ground. Every time he vomited, his mouth would be propped up hugely, and his head would also become larger. Here, spit out green zombies that are only fifty centimeters tall!
In order to entangle Ye Zhongming, the two elites of their respective forces are completely fighting.
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