Vol 4 Chapter 1592: no idea

The moment Daoman touched the white silk, the silk moved.
The whole cave is all white silk. This movement seems to be that the whole cave is alive, a net shakes back and forth, and the language in it naturally drifts with the waves, which makes the black cat very worried and subconsciously. I want to get close to my master.
However, the frequency of these white silks was very fast. The black cat didn't hide in the past and was immediately bounced into the body, making a scream.
Originally, the black cat was on the side near the cave wall, because it rushed into the white silk net. After being attacked for the first time, the body lost its balance, and was continuously bounced in the net until it was ejected. By the time, the whole body was already scarred.
Ye Zhongming knows how strong this black cat seems to have only one more magic crystal than the domestic cat. Even if he is, it is impossible for this flexible guy to cause so many wounds in such a short time.
But these white threads did.
The black cat is miserable, and Ye Zhongming is not easy. As the initiator, Bai Si has not let him go. After the knife fell, these white threads pierced in the direction of him. The speed was very different from the previous quiet time. Fortunately, Ye Zhongming was at the entrance. When he found something wrong, he quickly retreated and let these pricked whites come. Most of the silk hit the stone wall, and the hard stone was stabbed out of deep holes like tofu.
Soon everything was calm and Ye Zhongming walked back into the cave again.
He raised his hand and wiped his left face, where there was a wound, not big, and only a little blood bleed out, even now it was sealed.
But in the eyes of the King of Genting, there was more prudence than he had just now.
Bai Si's attack had no signs, and the speed was so fast that there was almost no reaction time. Moreover, Ye Zhongming didn't know how sharp the thorns that penetrated into the redhead's body, but the ones that had stab him just now made him kind of. Facing the feeling of purple weapons.
At the same time, he is also very strange, these white silk can allow the black cat to pick up the gray crystal to see its magic crystal, but do not let people attack its white silk?
It's strange that this random behavior allows people to visit the core but does not allow moving parts.
The black cat crawled slowly to Ye Zhongming's feet. Although he wasn't dead, he wasn't hurt lightly.
But neither the black cat nor Ye Zhongming looked at each other, but at Bai Si.
As a result of the attack just now, these white silks are slowly recovering calm, some thorns are retracting, and some bouncing are slowing down the frequency, even the language is like this.
It seems that everything has to be restored.
However, in those places that hit the black cat, the tip of the white silk that stabbed Ye Zhongming's left face was the blood of one person and one cat.
The white silk, which is becoming calm, has some protrusions appearing in these places contaminated with blood, slowly absorbing the blood.
After more than ten seconds, all of the blood disappeared, and the white silk of the whole hole returned to calm again. In the hollow where the black cat plucked, the magic crystal took another step towards all silver.
Ye Zhongming took out a healing crystal and used it on the black cat, then frowned and looked at the front, thinking about ways to solve these things.
It is estimated that a strong attack is impossible. Ye Zhongming feels that even if it is the strongest attack that Bai Si showed just now, it is impossible.
What should we do to solve the language?
After being treated, the black cat feels a little better, but after all, it is a mutant life, and the effect of healing crystals on it is not as good as that of the evolver.
He lay on the ground, silently licking the wound, and from time to time looked at the language woman who still had no response, and his eyes were full of worry.
Ye Zhongming also sat down. He took out all the things in the space and put them back one by one, looking for something that might be used.
However, nothing seems to work.
During this period, Ye Zhongming tried again. He asked the black cat to withdraw first, and tested it with the hammer and magic crystal weapon from the Blue Secret Realm. The result was that there was no other than being attacked. effect.
Ye Zhongming was caught in a knot.
When Ye Zhongming was looking for a way to rescue the mother-in-law from underground in Yakutsk, the battle between humans and mutated life started again on the ground, and the attacking side was still human. This time, they chose four directions to attack together, three of them All directions are feint attacks, the purpose is to disperse the mutant life, the main attacks are concentrated on the east side.
The battle lasted for several hours, and finally ended with human initiative to leave the battlefield.
Although the time is not long, it is the largest operation in the last week. In this battle, although human evolvers paid more than a thousand casualties, they also received nearly ten times the results.
Among them, several lives of level 7 and one life of level 8 were killed, and the harvest was quite rich.
This is also the reason why the human army is not willing to leave even in the snow and ice. It is really such a rare natural hunting ground.
Every day, you can get five-digit or even six-digit magic crystals and various materials. No one is unwilling,
So it has always been a focal point among the coalition forces, for which reason the major forces have quarreled a lot.
But in the rear battalion, this problem does not seem to exist. Pei Jia and his team were sent to take charge of it, and they were nailed here. Although they don’t worry about eating and drinking, every once in a while, the loot sent in front will be divided. However, how can they meet the needs of the entire team, so dissatisfaction has been breeding in the camp.
Pei Jia sits in position and listens to the report, but only smiles faintly.
"Don't worry, our days are so hard, can't we let the following people have a vent channel? Before the end of the world, that thing between men and women is nothing, let alone now."
Peggy's swarthy face showed a meaningful smile.
"Also, dear Adel, don't you think that these Easterners are rich?"
Greed flashed in the eyes of the man called Adel, but was immediately replaced by fear.
"But the strength of this group of people is very strong. The leader should be an eight-star evolutionary, and his men are not weak, even with many high-level war beasts."
Pei Jia laughed more easily.
"If it's just us, then we certainly won't provoke them, but don't forget, where is this! What is happening! Do these Orientals really dare to be against us?"
After a pause, he continued: "I think that redhead is very good, what do you say Adel?"
Outside the room, some unharmonious sounds came, and Pei Jia seemed to see many magic crystals flying towards him.
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