Chapter 162: Bloody Battle (Part 1)

The old king sat on a ridge, smoking a crumpled cigarette butt, taking a sip, and strangling it out, and after a few minutes, ignited again, repeating with pleasure. ? Bayi Novel ¤ Net W, W-W`. `8, 1-z, w`. `c`o-m
A young man next to him watched him do this, and he was a little irritated.
"Pharaoh, please be quiet. Isn't it better to save some energy? What toss."
The old Wang smiled, because he hadn't brushed his teeth for many days, and exposed the grains of rice left in the teeth between meals at noon.
"You know, I used to be very addicted to cigarettes, at least two packs of cigarettes a day, but unfortunately the end of the world is here, this is my last cigarette, I haven't been willing to smoke, I cherish nothing wrong."
"But you can't get it right after the pumping, is it used like this!" The young man was a little anxious, with an abnormal flush on his face that he didn't know about himself.
"Relax." Pharaoh looked at the shovel tightly held by the young man and smiled: "You will tighten your muscles for a while, and then you will lose strength. How will you fight?"
"I..." The young man loosed his hands, and now his hands were all sweaty. He wiped them on his pants, and his expression slowed down.
"I know you're scared, but I'm the same." Pharaoh ignited the flame again. He took a deep breath, enjoying the comfort of the smoke wandering in his body, and finally spit out slowly: "This is me The last cigarette is gone, and it's gone. I might die today, but I don't want to leave the cigarette."
The young man was stunned, but he didn't expect the Pharaoh to say so.
"You, you can not come. ◎? Eight? One Chinese? Wen Wang № № № № № № №? W`W, W, .-8, 1"
Today’s actions are voluntary, and those who are afraid of death can stay in the base.
"Don't come?" Lao Wang smiled, "If you don't come tomorrow, maybe I will starve to death the day after tomorrow. Now I come. Although it is very dangerous, it is likely to die, but at least two full meals. Be a starving ghost."
Lao Wang took another breath, and the cigarette in his hand had burned to the vicinity of the filter. "I didn't know that Tm used to. The rice without the sand was so delicious."
The people listening to the conversation between the two people suddenly looked towards the front, and now the three people are running towards the enclave. These are the most powerful evolvers in the base.
Behind them, the dense masses of corpses have exposed their dirty figures.
The old king sucked hard, threw the cigarette on the ground, crushed it with his feet, pulled out a homemade spear that was inserted on one side of the ground, and pouted his palms, the smile on his face disappeared. It was replaced by the unprecedented grimace.
"Sun damn, you're desperate!"
Liang Chuyin was placed on the front line.
According to the level of defense, there are five lines of defense in the gully, which are basically in the most critical position. The front is full of strange trenches and obstacles, so that the survivors can kill in the back. Swastika? Swastika in August 1st? Www-w`w. , 81zw. com
In order to prevent these defenses from collapsing due to psychological factors, each row has an evolutionary sitting in it, and the evolutionary in the first row is Liang Chuyin.
Putting her here, one is because she has some popularity among young people because of her peaceful career, and it is easy to form cohesion, and the other is that the professional skills of the wind dancers are group attacks, good at dealing with large-scale corpses, The damage under one blow will cause a strong visual effect, which will greatly enhance the morale of the survivors.
Seeing Ye Zhongming coming back three times, Liang Chuyin immediately raised his whip and began to mobilize.
"Be spirited, like a man, take out your courage to peep at the face of the old lady and cut it towards these dirty things, don't be soft, otherwise the old lady will give you a title, soft man!"
Many people laughed. There were nearly a hundred people in this row of defense lines. The first row faced the danger first, so even if they laughed, it was actually very reluctant. If it is replaced by a man, it is estimated that they are all one. Zhang poker face.
"To be honest, survive today, maybe you will have a different life."
Liang Chuyin shook his maverick whip, "Like me."
Many people's eyes are bright. Evolution, the word now appeals to anyone, especially these young men as much as a beautiful girl with a hot and beautiful appearance.
When Ye Zhongming arrived, Xia Lei and Mo Ye directly crossed the crowd, and their defense zone was behind.
"Don't fight for battle. When the ditch in front is filled, the corpse rushes back and retreats back into the predetermined location in the back quarter."
After a cry, Ye Zhongming called in the iron corpses, and each disappeared quickly.
The command here is given to Liang Chuyin.
The speed of the corpse movement is not fast, so the time from seeing them to these monsters coming to the defense line is actually a great psychological test for the people who first participated in this face-to-face mutant life battle. Many places have There was a commotion.
But at this time, there was no way to encourage or anything. The corpse had stepped into the forefront of the gully.
If one year after the end of the apocalypse, such a battle will start at this time, archers, magic skills, gunners, throwers, etc. with long-range skills will attack, causing a large number of corpses obstructed by the terrain hurt.
But not to mention the long-distance professionals, even firearms are almost unusable because of the problem of ammunition, so the survivors can only watch the foremost corpse dig into the trench ridge and watch them fall, chaos, trample ...
It wasn't until the zombies stepped on their companions' bodies and reached the ridge to protect people that the survivors started their first attack.
This is the most neat and fierce attack!
The click of the sharp weapon embedded in the skull, the cry of human struggling, immediately resounded through the audience.
The black blood and brain plasma splashed into the air, as if there was a light rain, the sound of the corpse falling to the ground, a prelude for death.
Death is not just for corpses, but for humans.
Even the first blow killed dozens of zombies, even if the humans exploded with great strength in one blow, even the gully defense method proved by science, but this does not offset the weakness of these ordinary people’s combat power. After the first blow, death appeared.
Some people are inexperienced and use too much force, and their bodies fall directly into the corpse and are torn apart in an instant. Some people got their weapons caught in the skulls of zombies and couldn't pull them out, and suddenly became empty-handed. Others, even without the strength of the first blow, became soft-handed in the face of zombies.
How could the zombies spare such opportunities, they used their teeth and claws to reap the lives of their former compatriots.
Liang Chuyin did not expect that the first line of defense would be defeated so quickly. She gritted her teeth and moved the shadows to dance, and the long whip slaughtered the surrounding zombies.
The morale of the survivors was boosted by Liang Chuyin's shot, and many humans who had an idea of ​​escape also temporarily stopped their footsteps, and then moved back.
Dozens of zombies fell again, but the first line of defense also collapsed in an instant!
Liang Chuyin stood at the front, resisting the attack of the corpses, she could not let too many people die, otherwise the defense force in the community behind would be weak, and that is where the final battle is.
Just a while ago, two or thirty people died on the first line of defense, and the survivors immediately retreated after hearing the order to retreat.
Liang Chuyin threw a whip, shattered the heads of the two zombies around him, and then backed away.
But before waiting for her to take two steps, a black shadow suddenly flew out of the corpse, and flew to the nearest place in the blink of an eye.
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