Vol 4 Chapter 1720: stop fighting

Ye Zhongming closed his eyes, but everything around him could be clearly sensed, even better than his original vision.
This is the result of the connection between consciousness and the sensor radar of the whole body of the melee robot, which caused the King of Genting to now see almost 360 degrees.
He was very fast, crossed the Genting City Wall, and after falling outside, he paused slightly to determine the direction, and then ejected.
Although Genting Mountain Villa is not prosperous now, after all, it is more like a fortress than a bazaar, but some key transactions will still be carried out inside the villa, such as genetic life magic crystal weapons, etc. Outside the villa, some people are walking in On the way, either left or came in, I saw this scene.
They looked at the large robot that seemed to be flying in the sky in shock, guessing that this should be the secret weapon of the cloud top. Just now a strong energy collision came from a place, this big guy is to solve the problem? It's just, what are the lines attached to him?
Less than five seconds after Ye Zhongming went out, a team of Genting Warriors rushed out of the mountain like a torrent of torrents, following their king.
People who passed by were even dumbfounded, knowing what must have happened.
They are all the friendly forces of Genting, the five-ring money ogre chain of the deacon team of Wanshou Manor Water, and so on. They happened to see a scene today and immediately passed the news back through various methods.
Ye Zhongming didn't care about this. He was close to his destination. Just one second ago, that kind of terrifying collision happened again. He was already quite sure that it was a battle that only level 9 life could do.
One of them is familiar, the other is familiar.
When Ye Zhongming reached the edge of the battlefield and stopped at a safe distance, he saw two Level 9 lives confronting each other.
That is Yan Wangshu and the language woman.
They just separated, adjusted each other, and did not carry out the next attack. However, the ground between the two people and the surrounding area as if they were bombarded by countless shells was very messy, showing the intensity of the two collisions just now.
For the emergence of a robot, whether it is Yan Wangshu or the language woman looked over.
The advantage of mind control is that Ye Zhongming's breath can be disseminated through it, so that even if Yan Wangshu and the mother-in-law can't see him, they know who is coming.
"This shell seems to be good." Yan Wangshu has turned into a human being. The beautiful face that could only be hidden in the tree body has become a real head, which is a bit like the smell of Xinjiang brothers. .
Wearing a tight black leather jacket, like the heroine of the night legend, but the long green hair is really different, because of the clothes, the limbs are blocked, so that Ye Zhongming can not see the situation clearly, However, from the exposed wrist, it really looks like a plant.
The language woman said nothing, but just gave Ye Zhongming a light look.
"How did you fight?"
Ye Zhongming asked.
In fact, this sentence is useless, whether it is Yan Wangshu or the language mother, they have reached a situation where the senses are as sharp as gods. The existence of the same level, as long as it is close to a certain distance, it will inevitably notice each other.
Then this conflict is inevitable.
To Ye Zhongming, the two beings may have some kind of fetters, but to each other, it is a supplement that can stabilize the state and further the strength.
Ye Zhongming asked this, but just wanted to find a breakthrough to persuade him.
It's not a good thing if two nine-level lives fight together so close to Yunding Mountain Villa, it may destroy the whole mountain.
"Wait first, I will teach her lessons."
Xinjiang Yan Wangshu spoke again. The two collisions with the mother-in-law just now did not lead to victory, which aroused her goodwill.
Lingu looked at Ye Zhongming no longer, but continued to improve her momentum with the black cat under her feet.
"I mean, stop playing." Ye Zhongming took a step forward helplessly and entered the battlefield.
Don't underestimate this step.
Why did Ye Zhongming stop at the edge of the battlefield just now? That was respect for two nine-level lives. He came here to persuade them to stop.
These two guys have close entanglements with Genting, and it's not good for anyone to have an accident.
But now, the two top presences seem to be a little bit out of fire, and they do not intend to ignore Ye Zhongming. This is not something he can tolerate. He must take an attitude.
Entering the battlefield means that there are uncertain factors in the battle between them.
"Go out!"
"Go out!"
Yan Wangshu and the mother-in-law almost issued a warning to Ye Zhongming.
Ye Zhongming was silent for a moment, and answered two top lives with a step forward again.
"This is Genting."
The low male voices floated out of the melee system of the melee robot, and drifted into the ears of Yan Wangshu and Wife, letting them slow down.
"Yang Wangshu, you can achieve your wish, Yunding helped you. Even if there is a part of the body that has not been transformed into a real person, it is very close to this goal. For you, Red Sister even followed the mountain villa, Running on the dangerous wilderness."
"You should know the importance of Liu Zhenghong to me and Genting."
Yan Wangshu heard his face moved, but his body did not retreat.
"Yangma, for you, I saved your life. As for helping me on the mountain king plate, you should also know that it is the icing on the cake, not the snow, we can solve the problem ourselves. The reason is that You shot because you were afraid of our long-standing cooperative relationship."
The vernacular over there frowned, and his eyes moved again. The black cat under his feet raised his eyes at Ye Zhongming, and the inside was full of fierce light.
"This is Genting."
This sentence is the second time Ye Zhongming said today. He raised the robot's arm and pointed to the towering buildings hidden in the distant mountains and forests.
"There is my home, the home of many people."
Later, Xia Bai and others came one after another, and several teams also surrounded this place in a semicircle. Dozens of eight-star core members are evenly divided at the nodes, supporting a formidable front, the sky in the distance, Yangos slowly soaring, beside it, the undead fish dragon and sitting The red hair on it.
There are also some forces that can’t tell the truth, and they all focus here.
"I will not allow anyone to destroy it, including you."
Yan Wangshu and the mother-in-law wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a melee robot waving.
"What you say doesn't make sense, and I say so much just to tell you a word."
Ye Zhongming took a few steps forward again, and the members behind him also entered the battlefield without fear.
The roar of the King of Genting suddenly shocked the whole space.
"Fuck me honestly! Dare to move again, I will tear you!"
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