Vol 4 Chapter 1776: Underground palace

Ye Zhongming didn't say anything. He walked directly behind these people to the place where they fell, feeling that the body was lifted by a force, and then rose into the sky, leaving the space at an unpleasant speed. .
Without this space barrier, Ye Zhongming saw the outside scene.
If you must describe the scene in front of you with a sentence, then this is a city that exists only in human imagination, no, not even imagination.
The first sensation is too complicated, and there are so many grandeurs, dreams, novelties, shocks, surprises and so on.
Before waiting for Ye Zhongming to take a closer look, that force dragged Ye Zhongming down again. Only then did he discover that the place where they landed was another ‘receiving’ space exactly the same as before.
Here, brought two lives similar to Ye Zhongming.
In this way, plus the space where Ye Zhongming'birth', I went to five same places in total, and I ended up picking up after picking up eight people.
A group of people flew in the air for a period of time. During this time, there was still no words to attract people, but they were handed over to Ye Zhongming and others with a transparent screen. The above is a language, known as sliver language.
For the life of Ye Zhongming's evolutionary level, with a detailed introduction, accurate pronunciation and grammar demonstration, it is very easy to master a language, before falling to a... sewer entrance (at least Ye Zhongming thinks, That should be a sewer), eight lives can initially communicate in this language.
"Where is this? What are we going to do?"
A life finally could not bear, standing at this entrance and not going in.
Ye Zhongming understands this attitude very well.
These lives, like he himself, are all top-level existences of level nine. Such existences, let alone masters, are at least one hegemon.
Now that there is no explanation at all, it is necessary to take one into the most obscure or even shabby sewer entrance in this Ambilight city, and everyone will be anxious and alert.
It's just that this life might be used to it, and I forgot when and where it is now.
The mask-headed life said nothing, everyone just saw his very wide robe moving, and at the next moment, a transparent bone hand was already inserted into the chest that questioned life.
The life looked incredulously at the pierced body, and fell backwards behind him, fell on the ground made of unknown materials, and the transparent bone hand that killed him became a mass of energy, slowly Covering the corpse of this life, the corpse will become a void in a while, as if that life had never existed.
The other seven lives saw scalp tingling.
Because it means that they can be killed at any time.
"Go in."
The mask man had only one sentence, including Ye Zhongming, and the remaining seven people obediently entered the sewer.
After entering, there is no narrow and dark imagination, no dark and gloomy, no damp and stench, some are simple and neat, and... high-end.
Anyway, Ye Zhongming didn't know the vehicle that carried them forward.
After a few minutes, the vehicle carried them all the way down and stopped at a place. When they stepped out of the vehicle, a magnificent underground palace appeared in front of them.
The building is very retro, and there are some shadows of Western European style during the feudal world, but it is countless times higher than that of the high-end. The cliffs and the flowing water of plants are perfectly integrated with the building. Some super-tech equipment is stopped or moved around the building. , Indicating that this building does not look so old.
Ye Zhongming and other seven people looked up at the building like a steamed bun. They felt nothing but marvel.
At least in these places of life, it is estimated that such buildings will appear hundreds of thousands of years later.
Not because of lack of imagination, but the generational difference of technology.
The three people who were led first walked through a towering stone bridge over a kilometer in length and entered the first floor of this huge building like a city.
"Garbages, that's where you are trained. Go in for yourself, and I hope you will have a chance to see me."
After talking, these people turned away, without any trace of muddy water.
Ye Zhongming and others looked at each other for a while, and then walked to the place after a while.
The King of Genting has been watching all the way along the way. He always has a feeling that he is a bit out of place with here.
It's not that people on earth are ugly, but style.
Whether it’s the masked pick-up person, or this majestic building, even the few
like Ye Zhongming have such a cold, quiet Even somber temperament.
Ye Zhongming doesn't have these. This may also be the reason why the three pickers paid special attention to the king of Genting whether they were picking up or leaving.
This made Ye Zhongming a little uneasy.
Entering a huge metal door, Ye Zhongming was immediately surprised to see a life in black tights standing waiting for them.
"Trash, you are slow."
Ye Zhongming was surprised that no one was waiting for them, but that this life and human beings on earth were very realistic, but with colorful hair and pupils, which made him extremely strange in Ye Zhongming's eyes as a human being on earth.
"follow me."
The man swept seven people in a circle, then took them into a vehicle, stopped on the ground floor of the palace for a while, and stopped in a hall.
After getting out of the car, several people looked up to the left. There were two huge screens with dense names on them, and beside them, there was an equally huge map with several colors on it. What is it.
"That's the kill list and the honor list. The upper part is the secret city, and the lower part is our own. If you can stick to it without hanging up, maybe you can go up, it doesn't just mean honor, yes. For us, honor is nothing, but rankings represent real rewards. Only when they are strong can they qualify to live."
The man introduced while walking.
"The map is..." A life asked cautiously. There was no way. The just-inviting murder just frightened him.
The current people only say one sentence and don’t mention it, and everyone dare not continue to ask, but everyone feels the increase in the vitality of life in the front, which is a subconscious behavior.
It seems that the story of this map will certainly not be less.
Before reaching a light curtain, the man stopped and turned to several humanes: "Inside, it is where novices are trained, but it should be noted that no one here will teach you patiently, even if there are, you must get rid of it first. Let’s talk about the status of garbage, so novice training is also a battle. If you can survive, you will naturally learn a lot. At that time, you are not garbage, and you will become a rookie."
"Okay, go in and kindly remind you, I know that you are all Venerable Kings on your own planet, but here, put away your habits so that it may be easier to live."
After talking, the man was on the light curtain a little, and the light curtain opened, and suddenly there was a suction. Ye Zhongming and the other seven people were all sucked in at once.
"Good luck, garbage." The man said with a shrug as the light curtain closed.
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