Chapter 196: Cloud hoof

The slopes on both sides are a little steep, but it is nothing to the evolutionary, and even Ye Zhongming can be steadily walked up. Bayi Chinese website www? www. ?8?1?z?w. com
There are only five people left in the Jingwu Squad. In addition to the candy brothers and sisters, the other three are responsible for carrying Ye Zhongming in turn and holding all the luggage.
They may be high evolvers outside of the Jedi, but here, they just want to be able to save their hard work.
The wooden stick that Ye Zhongming took out, the moving ice lotus attacked, it was really too powerful.
It is so powerful that the three one-star evolvers have a profound sense of powerlessness. Even when Ye Zhongming has a look in the other side, they will have a terrible fear.
It's not that they are timid, but when people can easily evolve second-level monsters that are as powerful as you, and second-level monsters that are stronger than you in seconds, you will become small.
Lifting your finger can kill you. Such a person really cannot resist.
They carried Ye Zhongming, waiting anxiously for their destiny.
Resistance? They had such thoughts, but they went out in an instant, after learning that they were already two-star evolutionaries.
"Wow, what is below."
Candy's mood gradually recovered after a few hours.
In fact, she doesn't have much affection with the people of Jingwu Squad, just because she has great use value, and those talents have always taken care of her.
Now that those people are dead, Candy is a little bit uncomfortable, but she soon shows up and seems to be more comfortable with this person.
As for murder... In the last days, even a soft-hearted girl like candy, is far less serious about murder than peacetime. To put it another way, if Uncle Da kills Ye Zhongming, will Candy turn over with them? No, no, even if the candy is good, it is on a certain basis.
The foundation is that she is alive.
Ye Zhongming never thought that this soft-hearted girl needed self-denial. Will also maintain a certain degree of kindness.
Again, in the last days, no one is noble.
Candy is confused and does not understand.
"The name of a monster, because it looks similar to cows and horses on the earth. The four hooves are white, so they are called cloud hooves."
Ye Zhongming explained, while looking at the cloud hooves below, thinking about the next action.
In these days of Shanghe Jedi, Ye Zhongming has shown the footprints of Yunhoo more than once. At that time, he had an idea, but because of the strength and conditions, there was no possibility of having an idea.
However, the appearance of candy gave Ye Zhongming hope.
She is an alchemist.
Ye Zhongming just found a kind of alchemy recipe material known in previous life.
Also, Ye Zhongming is a gardener.
The combination of these conditions allows Ye Zhongming to decide to take an adventure when the injury is not good, and an adventure with a low risk factor.
"Luo a red a juice, what kind of thing? The color is pretty, is it poison?"
Candy held several bottles of light red potions in his hand. Then asked again.
Because this formula was not taken from the sheepskin roll, although she could formulate it according to Ye Zhongming, but no specific information appeared in her consciousness, she mastered the brand new formula, but she was out of her profession. In addition, she will not gain professional proficiency in making this kind of juice.
Although candy doesn't know what this thing does, it knows that it must be very precious, because every bottle requires a secondary magic crystal for energy.
This is an area she has never been in contact with. When I prepared it just now, I was extremely excited when I succeeded, and when I failed, I was extremely distressed.
Ye Zhongming didn't say anything, they could see it anyway.
"Also, what is this shiny gem in your hand?"
"Why are you one hundred thousand?"
Ye Zhongming said something. Candy threw out her tongue and stopped asking, but her eyes were fixed on the natural gemstones without blinking.
At this time of day, Ye Zhongming did not need to hide and tuck it, and took out the original stones of natural gemstones for processing. I succeeded in getting two gems, but my luck was not as good as yesterday, and I got only two preliminary gems, one for water and one for ice.
The plan to be carried out in a while also requires the help of the Staff of Nature. The more natural gems in your hand, the better.
Others were not as big as candy, and lay prone on the hillside, looking at the cloud hooves below pale.
Level 2 monster!
Hundreds of second-level monsters!
These fiery red horse faucets, above the white magic crystals with bright foreheads, are round bone protrusions, more than three meters long, with thick backs and thick legs, hoofs are white and hissing like tigers.
The Jingwu Squad was scared away by two second-level monsters yesterday, and now seeing hundreds of monsters of the same level below, it is strange to calm down.
I don't care too much if I have a thick nerve line like candy.
Could this person's goal be the following hundreds of second-level cloud hoofs?
Crazy, must be crazy.
The original players of several Jingwu teams thought so.
Ye Zhongming didn't care about these people, he first focused on the cloud hoof group, and then began to patrol the rest of the valley.
After a moment, his eyes were fixed on the left side of the valley.
Red eggs!
Although the appearance of cloud hoofs is very similar to the hoofed animals on earth, they are oviparous.
Ye Zhongming puts the target on these cloud hooves. There are two purposes. One is naturally the magic crystal.
Now that the evolutionary tide of mutant life is surging, Ye Zhongming can't be without a little pressure. He needs to maintain at least the same degree of evolution as the mutant life in order to occupy the first chance with the experience of rebirth.
In addition, he also needs the team to have a leap in strength after occupying the Genting base, otherwise the place in Genting cannot be held, and too many people will covet.
Secondly, Yunhoo is one of the few monsters known to Ye Zhongming in the previous life that humans can domesticate.
Cloud hooves are omnivores. They eat humans, but they prefer to eat grass and young leaves. Their combat strength is not strong, they can be quick, and their endurance is good. Most of the several common talent skills are also in terms of degree and explosiveness. of.
After the addition, the survivors can now domesticate these monsters, so Cloudhoof has gradually become one of the best grown-up mounts in the last days.
Ye Zhongming’s presence of cloud hooves in the Jedi on the river is also an unexpected joy. Anyway, in his impressions, he had never heard of cloud hooves here in his previous life. It is estimated that if the butterfly effect of his own rebirth changed something, it should be It was here that the blood of the monster was washed, and this group of cloud hoofs was wiped out.
Ye Zhongming didn't investigate the truth. He let him carry him down the hillside to a tender green meadow just outside the valley.
"Sprinkle the medicament evenly, this area should be spilled." Ye Zhongming began to order several people to do things.
The three members of the Jingwu Squad did not dare to neglect. They carefully took the potion and began to sprinkle it on the meadow a little bit, as carefully as touching the smooth skin of the first love.
Ye Zhongming turned his eyes to Candy's brother.
"Tang Tian, ​​wait a minute to lead Yunhoo Group out."
Candy's middle-aged brother was surprised for a moment, but Ye Zhongming didn't expect him to do such a thing.
"Hey, it's too dangerous. My brother won't go."
Candy is reluctant, Tang Tian is her only relative, she can't let him take the risk.
"Everyone should reflect their own value, and no one has an obligation to raise useless people."
Ye Zhongming's words are hard to hear, but this is the end of the world. Even in the Jingwu Squad, Tang Tian is responsible for the hardest, most exhausting and most dangerous work. When you have no other specialties, this is the most suitable job.
What Candy still wanted to say, but Tang Tian was stopped.
"I know that you are not an ordinary person, and I also know that your real idea is to let my sister follow you from now on, I... presumptuously ask, what can you give her?"
Ye Zhongming smiled, and his guess was right. This Tang Tian, ​​the only thing in his heart was candy.
"I do need candy to do something, but unlike your previous squad, it is very safe to do things for me, there will be few dangers, and, in the future, you will find that candy will become a two-star evolution, a Samsung evolution, and even Higher, she will become an intermediate alchemist, advanced alchemist, or even higher."
Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhongming continued: "She will live longer and better than most people in this world."
"How can I believe you."
"You don't need to believe me, you just need to live and watch it with your own eyes."
Tang Tian and Candy froze, the former frowned: "You said, I will live?"
"If it is a mortal task, the three people over there are more suitable than you. Of course, the danger is there. In the Jedi, there is no time to be safe."
The two brothers and sisters stopped talking, and were digesting Ye Zhongming's words.
Ye Zhongming now holds the power to kill and kill them. There is no need to lie about this kind of thing, so they do not doubt the truth of Ye Zhongming's words, but they are still hesitating whether they can do it.
"Okay, let me go!" Tang Tian promised, clenching his teeth. "If something happens to me, you should take good care of the candy."
Ye Zhongming nodded and threw the potion to Tang Tian.
"Rewards in advance."
Tang Tian brothers and sisters froze, they now have a bottle of one-star evolution potion.
This thing, but what they dreamed of, Uncle Da had promised before entering the Jedi. As soon as he found the material of the paralysis potion, he gave Tang Tian a bottle of evolution potion.
But now...
Tang Tian looked at Ye Zhongming with a complex complexion, suddenly awakening. It turned out that just this young man's temptation, if he refused, he would probably follow Ye Zhongming, but in the status of others, he and her sister may be similar to those three.
Give the sister a reassuring look, Tang Tian served the evolutionary potion, with the surging power of the whole body, dived into the valley.
Ye Zhongming walked to the middle of the meadow after several people finished the potion, squatted there, and supported the ground with one hand.
Start. (To be continued.)
ps:    Thank you for fooling my brother 1888! Thank you!
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