Vol 4 Chapter 2181: Ye Zhongming's Fu Leila

"I don't know if these points can be given."
Ye Zhongming said abruptly, and then said: "If it is possible, and then we have to go through the test, maybe it is a very cost-effective thing to join forces to push Jie Su to the realm of a master."
Seeing that one point can be exchanged for two payra values, Ye Zhongming had this idea in mind.
If today's action world Su is a master, then there are too many operability places, and it will not be so passive.
What's more, now that Zimu is dead, Ysevi's crisis is temporarily lifted. Next time she will see her, she may be able to become a master. If Jie Su also enters that realm, it will undoubtedly have their plans. Great impetus.
They may begin to master some of the rights of the two super-clan in advance.
Only three people tried it, and there was no response.
After Jie Su, the image that appeared was Ye Zhongming. The other two people were very curious. What is Ye Zhongming Fu Leila now?
The first is the reward value. Ye Zhongming has a little more than Robe Bai and Jie Su. He is 11, and then he is Fu Leila.
The finally displayed value made Roubai say that the country's curse was gone!
This is too exaggerated!
It cannot be denied that Ye Zhongming is a genius and a born warrior. But this progress is a bit scary.
When entering the novice battlefield, he did not even have two thousand, and later in the star eye clan, that is, the early two thousand.
Later, in order to rescue the Changxu Shui people, Ye Zhongming's Fu Leila was about 7,000. At that time, Robe Bai was shocked. After taking those drugs, this value increased to more than 10,000.
This should be the same line, because later Ye Zhongming used the ability and drugs such as Liutian sharing to temporarily increase Fu Leila to more than 50,000, but that was only temporary, and there were considerable side effects. He took some time to recover , So that they can’t do it when the Soviets negotiate.
Then, there is the conflict and battle with the Huitang clan, and here it is again.
In a short period of time, how did Ye Zhongming's Fu Leila reach more than 30,000? !
It has been less than a year since he arrived here from the day of pick-up. Will this growth rate scare a group of people if it is announced?
"You... really a monster..."
Jie Su bitterly shook his head.
Just like the mood of seeing his Fu Leila robe white, Jie Su really felt a sense of powerlessness when he saw Ye Zhongming's Fu Leila.
Although the gap with him is still very large, Jie Su knows that he can't measure his good friends on a normal scale. As far as the current individual combat capability is concerned, Jie Su does not have to be in a position without Ye Zhongmingqiang.
More importantly, they all know that the strongest moment of this brother was when he was transformed. At that time, Ye Zhongming was able to exert a fighting power that was double or even stronger than the normal state. Jie Jie felt that it had changed Ye Zhongming is not only a white robe, but he is not an opponent.
"That side effect... is it gone?" Robe White refers to the drugs that instantly boosted Leila when he killed the captain of the Holstein slaver.
Ye Zhongming shook his head, "The side effects are definitely there, but it's okay for the time being, and it will definitely affect my ceiling for paying Leila."
"Then you now..." Robe White means what Ye Zhongming chose.
Ye Zhongming thought for a while and chose to keep the values ​​temporarily.
When it was Bailongma's turn, everyone was a little surprised.
The reward value of the white dragon horse is 10, which is higher than that of Jie Su and robe white, and its payrera is also up to 55598 points.
"I'm not as good as a dragon?" Robe white looked at the white dragon horse, his eyes stubborn.
Bai Longma looked at the silver eyes of the Xingyan tribe, and proudly ignored him.
Ye Zhongming looked at Bailongma and thought he had picked up a treasure. Because this guy's Fu Leila's growth rate is also very impressive, he does not know whether this is the characteristics of the traitor tribe or only it, if it is the latter, then this is indeed a more talented guy than Yangos.
The reward that White Dragon Horse can choose is different from the three people. Its reward pool is not that much, but each item is specially prepared for it.
There are special foods, special equipment, special medicines, special capabilities...
Look at a somewhat cold white dragon horse with straight wings.
"It seems to see a road that can become a master when he is a minor." Jie Su laughed as he looked at the white dragon horse.
Bailongma ignored a few people. He picked and picked himself, and finally exchanged only three points for some food that was very beneficial to it. The other points were kept.
After the choice was over, the energy gate returned to its original appearance, and after a while there was that kind of power to take them forward again, so the trio and dragon entered the space for the second time.
This time they appeared in a swamp, and they were attacked as soon as they entered. They were covered with green-green bouncing parasites, each of which was still poisonous. There are a pair of red eyes looking at them...
Zimu’s body was placed in the largest camp of the Hall Stars. The pinnacle master sat in the first place, squinting his eyes and not knowing what he was thinking. The following people were talking.
The death of a prince is definitely a big event. After going back, I don’t know how big a storm is going to happen. Everyone here is responsible.
Even the pinnacle of powerhouses at the moment can be held accountable.
After all, he is just a rare pinnacle master, not the only pinnacle master in the family, nor the strongest pinnacle master.
"Tell me something useful." The pinnacle master waved his hand, and the following immediately fell silent.
"I can be sure that His Royal Highness and his guards were killed by cosmic races. These cosmos races have superb teleportation technology, strange and powerful abilities with visions, and traitor dragons as war beasts. Good at using poison and good at assassination."
Based on his investigation of the place where the incident occurred, the pinnacle master spoke out the information he could grasp.
"All you have to do now is to investigate your surroundings closely and screen all the information before the incident, to see if you can find their traces and some useful information."
"Hunting continues to proceed normally. This time we will take the initiative to clean up the peaks within a hundred kilometers, and complete the minimum task we have set as soon as possible."
"Also," the pinnacle master stood up, "monitor all the super clan and the clan that participated in the planetary hunt this time, the focus is...Lena star and Sioux, see if they have any abnormalities, is there any important The characters disappear at this stage."
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