Vol 4 Chapter 2381: Big Legion Thoughts (Part 2)

Zizi Kaba knew what Ye Zhongming meant.
It is not easy for the Library to go out.
After getting the antidote and lifting the vicious curse, you can come out, is it over?
No, to some extent, it is just the beginning.
This imposed on the bibliophile was added to the entire universe by the ten thousand races. They came out and the universe could not be indifferent.
Wanting these cosmic peoples to agree with this result does not depend on negotiation, nor on pleading, but on the library house itself.
The Library of the Library must show the strength that you can’t move me, so as to be qualified to say that it has completely escaped the tragic fate of so many cosmic years.
Just rely on the bibliophile?
It is undeniable that their strength is really strong. If you pay Leila on average, it is estimated that no super race is as high as these guys in the Library.
However, compared with other super-clan, and even compared to the clan, the number of bibliophiles is too small, and some of them are completely research-type bibliophiles, and the rest can fight. It is estimated that even a middle-class warrior is not as good.
Faced with a clan of millions of warriors and a super clan of millions of warriors, this is obviously not enough.
There are two aspects that people must be afraid of.
One aspect is the top-level combat power. I don’t need to worry too much about it. No one knows the extent of the old director’s strength, but one thing is for sure, that he is definitely one of the strongest people in the universe. It should be on the same level as the old monsters in the races of Gu Rui, Taros Red Dwarf, Lena Star and Hall Star.
Other bibliophiles also have a very strong presence, and the number is still quite large.
Another aspect is overall strength.
As I said before, there are too few bibliophiles. Whether it is Zizi Kaba or Ye Zhongming, it is currently unsolvable.
How many people do they count?
Five thousand or ten thousand?
This person, together with the bibliophile in the Book Collection Palace, told the truth that a large clan also killed them with a pile of people.
Such a book-collecting palace is not qualified to come out, nor is it qualified to talk to the entire universe of ten thousand races, and even does not even have the qualification to challenge any super clan.
Don’t look at Ye Zhongming’s good relationship with the Muske people of the Su nationality, but when it comes to the collection of books, 80% of the people will not stand on his side, and it’s a great human being to stand by and watch.
It's not that they don't help, but that they help and don't help. You can't do it yourself, no wonder others.
Ye Zhongming considered this issue, and Zizi Kaba naturally thought about it.
It’s just that it’s a matter of urgency to unleash the curse before, so I didn’t invest too much energy in this area. Both the Library and Zizi Kaba felt that when the curse was about to be released, it wouldn’t be too late to develop its strength, or simply after it was released. Say again.
However, the emergence of Ye Zhongming makes this issue more and more urgent.
Because so far, Ye Zhongming has found most of the antidote. The rest, there are only a few very difficult to find. Although the time is no longer guaranteed, it is urgent to start expanding the strength.
But Zizi Kaba and the Book Collection Palace have no good way to do this.
It takes more than a decade or even decades to train warriors, and it is an extremely long process to reach the number that makes other races fear.
Zizi Kaba has actually been doing it, but for so many years, it is very difficult to find a loyal and reliable evolutionary to cultivate, and the high cost does not allow him to expand the scale, so his current power, in addition to the formation of the intelligence network In addition, there are only dozens of poor people who are really responsible for fighting.
In fact, this is already a very good result, but obviously can not keep up with the speed of Ye Zhongming.
Now that there is such an opportunity, how can Zizi Kaba not understand Ye Zhongming?
Ask for money and people!
"I know everyone is not easy, but some things must be done." Ye Zhongming whispered: "You may have no good way before, you can only step by step, but I gave a quick way, then give Some support from me should also be the thing."
"Equipment, I can be responsible, whether it is a weapon or a mechanical war beast, or this mechanical armor, I can manufacture it in large quantities. But manufacturing these things costs money, and I can’t afford it, I can only Ask for help, can you understand?"
Zizi Kaba is the true heir of the Book Collection Palace. Ye Zhongming is very clear. The Book Collection Palace has nothing to hide from it. At least for now, the two sides are quite open and honest.
The bibliography nodded his head.
"As for people, you don't have it, but I have." Ye Zhongming gently tapped the table.
Zizi Kaba stared at Ye Zhongming without blinking, and said after half a ring: "Is this your real purpose? Your people, I don’t think it refers to the star eyes, but those on your mother star, Right?"
"Yes." Ye Zhongming admitted quite simply.
Zizi Kaba smiled.
"Look, the objects you said can help the Book Collection Palace to improve its combat effectiveness are your people. Arming them, in fact, arming yourself, there is no reason for the Book Collection Palace to pay?"
Ye Zhongming also laughed: "It's right for me, but it's not wrong to sell my life for the Book Collection Palace? Even if you are hired, you have to pay, let alone fight against the entire universe! Because of my relationship with the Book Collection Palace, my person, my technology, and my manufacturing level are free. Otherwise, what I want is not the cost of materials, but the price of the finished product. There is a big difference It’s beyond imagination, right?"
Zizi Kabbah had to admit that Ye Zhongming made sense.
In fact, this is impossible. After all, the Book Collection Palace is not a race. They need manpower and reliable manpower.
Ye Zhongming's performance till now proves that he is very reliable, so in the same way, his people are also very reliable.
Another point is that although Zizi Kaba will try his best to fight for the benefit of the Book Collection Palace, he actually knows Ye Zhongming's status in his heart.
People are the top artisan masters, and they can sell a lot of money by simply making a set of weapons and equipment. At the beginning, such a person is right for the Book Collection Palace to help others, but the more they will come later, they will help the Book Collection Palace.
In order to obtain help from others, it is understandable to give others some benefits.
Zizi Kaba feels more and more that Ye Zhongming is the person who is most hopeful to help the library to lift the curse, then he should bet on him and do his best!
Just bet this time!
"You are right, I will support your idea." Zizi Kaba directly expressed his attitude.
"Since this is great, you can get the qualification to enter the three-tier auction site, and it is not impossible to get some more advanced mechanical armor?" Ye Zhongming said happily.
Zizi Kaba rolled his eyes directly, but finally agreed to Ye Zhongming.
He can indeed get it, or rather, it has a good chance of getting it, but he must pay something to sacrifice some people.
"So... welcome you to participate and complete my plan for the big army!" Ye Zhongming extended his hand.
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