Vol 4 Chapter 2618: The curtain opened (middle)

Heiting Yanting's eyes narrowed instinctively.
"Where?" Lingqin on one side fought violently, a trace of fierceness appeared in the rare performance.
The chaos in the city of the gods happened on the night when the dwarves announced the three gods. It was hard for Lingqin, who was standing in the center of the stage, to forget the embarrassment of the playful gaze of the cosmos below at that moment, even, She felt humiliated.
She usually has a gentle personality, but that time, she had the urge to destroy those people for the first time.
"Yes, it should be two people!" That person probably came to the report because he had just received such important news. He was a little anxious. Only then did he make it clear that under the pressure of a master craftsman's pinnacle combination, the words were all I stuttered a bit.
"One, it's him!"
The man pointed to the Genting Manor on the light curtain and said: "The position of the god's eye shows that a mark is inside!"
The news obviously made both Heiting Yanting and Lingqin startled.
After that, it was all in a daze.
It turned out to be like this!
In this case, everything before becomes reasonable.
Why would this person do something to the dwarf? Because he hated the dwarves, because he was originally the agent of the dwarves, but betrayed to other races. After resentment, these behaviors are understandable.
It's just that this man is lucky and very scheming. He has top-notch manufacturing technology and has obtained a lot of help from external forces. That's why he has today, who can cause big troubles to the dwarves!
Heiting Yanting sneered, and the temperature in the room dropped.
"Where is the other person?"
The patriarch of the taros red dwarf asked again.
"The other one, the current location is... the small town of Ogilos."
"Where?" Heiting Yanting's voice rose a little.
"Aojie...oh, it's about fifty kilometers southwest of Acros City." The subordinate quickly explained after realizing that the master had never heard the name of the town.
The city of Aclos is more famous. It is a well-known agricultural area and trade center for the entire universe. The dwarves have a lot of business there.
Heiting Yanting thought for a while, then took out the terminal and inquired again, and said slowly: "It seems that there are not many people there."
Lingqin was also inquiring, and nodded after hearing her husband's words: "Most of them are neutral areas. Not only us, but other super clans also don't have much power."
"What should I do? Shall I take someone there?" Lingqin obviously wanted to do it herself, she was asking her husband for advice.
Heiting Yanting shook his head, "Of course we are going, you can go if you want, but not just a few people!"
"You take the Golden Molybdenum Legion, and take two more Martyr Grades for yourself!"
Heiting Yanting's voice reverberated in the room, shaking the body of the assistant who had not left yet.
Basically, if the spirit-level equipment made by oneself is not sold, then the master craftsman who made it has the absolute right to use it. After all, he is the person who knows the equipment best.
This assistant knew that Lingqin stepped into the spirit of the craftsman but has always been there, plus another spirit rank and a powerful legion composed entirely of Taros red dwarves. The team pulls out and heads to a survivor fortress that is mostly a neutral city and force. This is a bit... not suitable, right?
Lingqin also thought of this question. She looked at Heiting Yanting and said: "There are mostly neutral cities over there, and no race is stationed there with heavy soldiers. If we rashly take an entire army with us, there will be three more. As a pinnacle player, I am afraid of causing unnecessary trouble."
After all, the dwarves have not yet reached the point where they can fight against the entire universe by themselves.
Heiting Yanting smiled, "Yes, you can't go like this, but you should... let the Third Mechanical Corps withdraw and set off with you and Jin Mo's group. We are not going to one legion, but two! Five pinnacles, six fierce gods! No matter who the person hiding in that small town is or which force they belong to, they will be thwarted!"
"As for whether someone is dissatisfied with our behavior, hum, can't help but come to our troubles, otherwise just bear it!"
"Your Majesty, there is something happening on the Sioux side..."
Standing behind the queen, the waiter lowered his head, quietly waiting for the queen who was looking at the scenery outside to give an order, but the ruler hadn't moved for a long time.
The waiter is used to it.
Nothing seemed to interest the queen, even the live broadcast of the Tarros Red Dwarf attack on Genting Manor, who now occupies almost all the channels outside, did not watch the queen.
The waiter subconsciously looked at the city outside through the huge terrace. It was very beautiful. He didn't deny that, but he watched too much. After watching for dozens of hundreds of years, he should be tired.
Perhaps this is the reason why they are the queen and have maintained the status of Lena Star.
"The one who should come is always coming."
The queen of the Lena star suddenly sighed.
The messenger behind was unknown, so he raised his head slightly, revealing a slightly surprised face.
"The people in there not only killed the Talus Red Dwarf's Zique by means, but also the top craftsman who cracked the dwarf technology. By the way, he was also the initiator of the chaos in the City of Godsman."
The waiter's eyes trembled, and after the shock, it was the complex emotions that normal people would have.
Can you take it for your own use? If not, can you kill it?
The queen didn't even look back and knew what her waiter was thinking.
"It is not our turn. People and the Su ethnic group are very close. The conditions given by the Su ethnic group are estimated to be surpassed by no one. More importantly, there is a bounded Su, and the emotional card is also clinked."
The waiter listened to the queen and said in silence: "What conditions did the Su clan give? Why can't it be surpassed?"
The waiter's doubts are understandable. After all, the Lena Stars are much stronger than the Su Clan. The conditions given over there must be given here, or even better.
The Sioux is really not good at grabbing talents.
"We can't give it, because what the Su people give is... the right to change direction."
The waiter didn't understand, but the queen obviously didn't seem to explain. After reading the next few seconds, she said again: "What is the change of the Su clan?"
"Oh, it's like this." The waiter didn't get used to the Queen's jumping thinking, and quickly pressed his terminal, showing a map, and then replied: "Your Majesty, see, the army of the Sioux League has appeared here. Here, and this area."
"These places are the key places in our own clan or camp. There are material distribution centers, energy filling plants, and training headquarters."
"Is the Su Clan going to war with us?"
The queen laughed.
"They are not crazy, they..." Before the queen finished speaking, her own personal contact device rang.
The queen of Lena star looked back at her waiter.
"Look, the time has come for us to choose."
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