Vol 4 Chapter 2663: Battle of the City of Gods (13)

Everyone was a little stunned.
They may be able to accept that there is a mysterious weapon that blasted open the gates of Godsmiths City, but they could not accept that someone had obtained a gene sample of the slave race.
The slaves are too invincible. In the desperate years, the cosmic races couldn't even approach them.
In these years, it’s not that no one has thought of a way. On the contrary, there have been hundreds of thousands of people in the universe trying all kinds of methods to fight against the slaves like crazy, such as the possible route of the slaves at all costs. Looking for their next goal, I want to make a large-scale arrangement in advance. For example, by means of transporting those parasites back, I can't wait to study every cell thoroughly. For example, without fear of sacrifice, they used large-scale sky fleets to carry out suicide attacks time and time again, in order to kill even one slave race.
But all of these failed, and there was even no progress at all.
This kind of research has endured generations after generations without seeing the slightest hope, so that even if everyone did not completely give up, they became very negative. After they were free, they began to wrestle with each other, calculate battles and even wars.
The cosmos has changed from idealists who want to reshape their glory into survivors who advocating internal fighting. This is the current situation of Ye Zhongming when he came to the universe.
Now, it was still a struggle, and it was the most dangerous time, when Ye Zhongming, who had just gone through the blood baptism of the earth and had a clear mind, initiated it on his own initiative.
When Ye Zhongming summarized it afterwards, he knew that he was probably in this way.
Only at this moment, these commanders and researchers, mostly from the Sioux and minor race alliances, really did not expect to hear someone say that she had acquired the slave gene.
Fortunately, after the shock, no one immediately asked the root cause of the genes.
"All the other orcs, go on." Liu Zhenghong said, those orc warriors who were still under control were immediately awakened, controlling them for the first time, and it was destined to be the only charge.
From the perspective of the sky, densely packed orc warriors covered the entire passage. Those watching the live broadcast were shocked by the sight, and across the light curtain they also felt the determination of the attacker at this moment.
It's just that the two sides of the war and those big guys watching the live broadcast are more concerned about the offense and defense of the city gate and the city's head. It is there that determines the victory or defeat of this city gate battle.
A huge muffled sound struck everyone's heart.
The dull but very penetrating sound gave people a very strange feeling, but it raised the tense atmosphere to the highest level.
The huge meat ball is flat.
It is like a meatloaf, affixed to the city gate.
This situation made the few remaining dwarven robot warriors dumbfounded. What...what does this mean? Killed?
Even many big guys who watch the live broadcast don't know what's wrong.
Soon, meatloaf gave everyone the answer.
It fell to the ground with a clatter, and its flat body began to squirm quickly, and within a few seconds it returned to its fleshy ball state. It was just that so many of the previous arms were gone, and only a new, thick and thick one was left. Long ferocious giant arms.
The dwarf warriors rushed behind the meat ball again, slashing frantically, while the orcs slashed them further behind.
Meatball ignored these dwarves, and the giant arm swung a half circle in the air, shooting towards the city gate like a spring compressed to the extreme.
With a snap, the city gate that might make every attacker desperate was immediately smashed into a huge depression.
At this time, many people discovered that the city gate as a whole had actually been sunken inward by a layer, and its area was exactly the same as the ‘meat pie’ just now.
Knocked the gate out of the depression, and then a few more times, planning to smash a hole?
This... Brute force is supreme?
Or is there something you don't know in it?
No one can say it clearly, and no one wants an answer for the time being. Everyone has only one idea now, this may be the strongest city gate among all races in the universe, will it be broken open?
Second sound.
The giant arm's speed was very fast, and after a shot, it swung back quickly, hitting the position just now for the second time.
The depression there is deeper.
If you continue to play like this, everyone will have no doubt that a hole will be punched here, and then a second hole will be punched in another place, until all the city gates are punched.
That way, the city gate is broken.
At this moment, many people finally believed that the gate of Godsmiths City might really be blasted open.
The last dwarf robotic warrior who left the city fell to the ground. He unwillingly looked at the meat ball bombarding the city gate and swallowed his last breath.
On the head of the city, perhaps the movement at the city gate gave the two meat the strength. They stood tenaciously, although they were almost pushed off the city wall, but the more they were like this, the more braver they were, and their bodies were both strong. Hanging in the air, but it hasn't fallen yet.
A series of mechanical escalators were placed on the city wall, and metal suspension locks shot into the city wall. The thick ones could allow life to walk directly on it.
On the battleship, tens of thousands of power pedals were ejected, hula hovering near the city wall for the orcs to climb and jump.
For a time, countless orc warriors rushed to the city wall, and some even started to rush to the city.
The pressure on the two meatballs was immediately reduced a bit, and the downward trend slowed down.
For the dwarves, the pressure suddenly increased, and most of the mechanical warriors had to give up controlling the city defense equipment and raise weapons to counterattack the orcs.
The two sides have fallen into the most critical stage of facing offense and defense.
The sound under the city gate continued, and the strong city gate had been punched into a deep and huge depression. Depending on the situation, it was only a matter of time before it was penetrated.
In the mid-air is a decisive battle between dragons and three-dimensional city defenses. On the ground is the blood-eating collision of mechanical warriors and orcs. The falling corpses of dragons and orcs' bodies exploded, making the cosmic races watching the live broadcast deeply shocked by this scene. Up.
For the first time, many people have intuitively felt what war is, and they have also discovered for the first time that at some point, life is really fragile, whether it is strong or not.
"Ah!!!" The commander at the dwarf wall let out a huge roar. He didn't dodge the arm of the ball that had fallen down at a certain moment, but instead took the initiative to meet him and still hit him with it, and then he hugged his arm with huge pain. , The mechanical armor on his body was fully powered, and he also exerted his greatest strength, dragging a meat ball and falling from the city head together.
But the commander's fall was accompanied by the instantaneous submergence of the orcs, leaving the dwarven warriors on the head of the city without a leader. Although every dwarf warrior was still fighting bravely, they all knew that the situation was too unfavorable for them.
This recognition made many dwarf warriors show a kind of madness, and began to give up defense, with the only goal of killing the opponent.
Originally, they had an absolute advantage in individual combat power against orcs who had greatly increased their strength even after using a certain potion. However, as soon as this approach appeared, the casualties of the dwarves immediately increased, and the line of defense that could barely be maintained. The son unexpectedly showed signs of collapse.
"What are you panicking?" A voice suddenly appeared on the battlefield under this circumstance, and then a devastating golden light struck the remaining fleshy ball on the head of the city.
The meatball, which has been extremely strong since its appearance until now, was directly divided into two!
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