Chapter 40: No one is noble

"You're crazy!"
Mo Ye followed Ye Zhongming, his face anxious.
This man chose to go to the market at this time!
Mo Ye is not a fool, she soon guessed that Ye Zhongming's purpose was that he went for the roulette in the city. Although she didn't know what it was, she also guessed it was related to the magical power.
But even the most magical things have to be fetched! What is the situation now? There are zombies everywhere now. Although they were attracted a lot by the survivors in the Ministry of Armed Forces, there are always some scattered along the way, and there are still a lot of people around the city.
If you want to go to the city, there is no doubt that there are hundreds of zombies now. What happened to this always calm man?
"Human death is for food and death." Ye Zhongming replied nonchalantly, but the pace was not slow.
"Your purpose is to make these children attract zombies and give you a chance to enter the city!?" Mr. Park gritted her teeth with hatred.
"You still follow me? I thought you would continue to be Lei Feng."
Everyone could hear Ye Zhongming's deep sarcasm, obviously obviously dissatisfied with this beautiful teacher.
"You can't speak no one when you are dumb.? Eight No. ◎ §卐一¤§ Chinese? Net? www," Liang Chuyin has long been uncomfortable to see Teacher Park, because this woman, a few people already Twice in danger, and now the situation shows that Ye Zhongming is the thickest thigh. If you don’t hug it, it’s still a problem. How do you graduate from college? Why is EQ so low.
Ye Zhongming cut down two zombies, dug out the magic crystal neatly, hid behind a tree and waited for the dozens of zombies in action to leave.
"Ye Zhongming is not that kind of person." Mo Ye pulled Teacher Lapu's sleeve, afraid she would make the atmosphere stiff, and explained kindly.
"No, I am." Ye Zhongming suddenly turned around and looked at the three women. "Don't treat me like a good person. When there is an interest before me, I will abandon you without hesitation."
Looking at the dumbfounded three women, Ye Zhongming said with a firm tone: "I think I'm bad, right? Tell you, the reality is so cruel. The jungle law of survival of the fittest is now more direct and red. a naked! You can't adapt to die!"
"Don't use the previous moral standards to measure the present, it has no effect except to make you die faster. You need to think about the problem in another way."
Mr. Ye, who said that Ye Zhongming was fingerless, said: "For example, when you questioned me, everything came from your perspective, everything came from your usual value standard. But you Do you feel right? What obligation do I have to help you and your students!? They are neither my men, nor my brothers, and you are not my woman. What reason do I have to help you! Use? What are some of the wastes that have a large number of people and weapons, but are squeezed by three or four people who dare not resist? Maybe their escape gave me a chance to achieve my goal, but I can’t do it without them? Let’s switch to another method. 卐卍八一中文?◎◎卐?网§卐?w, w`w, .`8-1, z, w-.-c`o, m,"
"This beautiful Korean teacher, don’t take yourself too seriously. Now the end of the world is just beginning. After a few days, when the question of survival is before you, you may still feel righteous and feel that you are possessed by the goddess of light. You will take off your underwear to the person you hate and disgust now, pluck up your and let anyone play with it, just for a piece of moldy bread!"
"Don't pretend to be noble, it will make me feel vomiting!"
Ye Zhongming's words hit the hearts of the three women heavily. Until many years later, when Liang Chuyin recalled when he really began to adapt to the end of the world, she would remember this man's words. Mo Ye later had to admit that it was this man who taught her how to survive in the last days.
Glancing at Teacher Park coldly, Ye Zhongming turned and continued to move towards the city. Two seconds later, Liang Chuyin followed, and after a few seconds, Mo Ye's solemn face followed. After another ten seconds, Teacher Park stumbled with pale face and numb eyes.
In the face of survival, no one is noble.
Regardless of whether Ye Zhongming was intentional or not, one thing Mr. Park said was correct, that is, the zombies that surrounded the city were indeed attracted to most of them.
Ye Zhongming took a few people around the city and found a place to enter.
It was a small window on the side bathroom on the second floor, enough for one to get in. Ye Zhongming asked the three women and Dihuang Wan to wait here. After a few meters of running, they climbed up and looked inside. Drilled in.
The city was not dark, and some emergency lights were on, which gave Ye Zhongming a great convenience. He quietly left the bathroom and came outside.
This should be an employee changing area. There are three rows of lockers outside the bathroom. Many doors are open. There are debris everywhere. Many cabinets are spattered with blood, but there are no corpses.
Ye Zhongming came to the entrance of the rest area, and the probe looked out. There were several zombies wandering in the sales area, and many shelves fell.
After solving the zombies, Ye Zhongming descended from the outgoing escalator to the first floor after collecting the magic crystal. According to the student's description, the roulette should be here.
The city gate was resisted by several cash desks, and the sound of the gate was very loud, making the first floor far less quiet than the second floor.
Through the emergency lights, Ye Zhongming saw a lot of corpses and limbs on the ground, of which zombies accounted for half of the small. It seems that there should be fierce fighting here, but I don't know if there are any survivors.
The low hiss of zombies came from behind the two shelves, and Ye Zhongming passed by and solved them one by one. Going forward again, I finally saw the roulette.
Like Mu Xinfei's family, this is a first-class roulette. It stands beside the wall. There are many corpses around the roulette. Several magic crystals are scattered on the roulette's operating table. The survivors here already know how to use the roulette, but it seems that their luck is not very good. They were attacked by zombies without waiting for the turn and died here.
These are just the judgments Ye Zhongming glanced at. He cares more about what is on the roulette.
Ye Zhongming's eyes narrowed, and this first-level roulette actually required ten magic crystals to rotate once!
The ordinary standard first-level roulette only needs five magic crystals to rotate once. Because there is a lucky function card in Mu Xinfei's family, seven magic crystals can be rotated, which is already a very good reward in the first-level roulette. Too. But this roulette actually needs ten magic crystals! Among these ten rewards, what good things do you need to make so many magic crystals to turn this roulette?
Ye Zhongmingxun looked at all the rewards. There was no surprise that there was a star strengthening potion, and a round iron shield. Others were all small things, cigarettes, liquor, batteries, power banks, bananas, cables... …
Finally, there are two things, an emerald necklace, and a bottle of pale pink liquid!
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