Vol 2 Chapter 433: Welcome to the roulette space of competition and death!

"Thank you for your indulgence and the rewards of many other book friends, thank you for your support and monthly ticket recommendation tickets. Seeing the poor, the official battle has begun. A new type of roulette has also appeared. Many small foresaws are also necessary. collected. ≯>Bayi Novel Network W﹤W≦W≤. <8≦1﹤Z≤W≤. ﹤COM》
It is impossible to describe the feelings of both sides of the battlefield when looking at this person clearly, but one thing is certain, no matter who it is, there will be a momentary blank in the mind.
That kind of illusion like passing through makes people feel a little unreal.
This man... is still alive.
This man disappeared for more than half a year and reappeared here when everyone thought he was dead!
All kinds of legends about this person immediately flooded everyone's heart. The jealousy, fear, hatred, envy, all at this moment, have an accurate image.
This person is really alive!
When Ye Zhongming's upright figure really appeared not far from the anti-Genting alliance camp, the quiet battlefield began to be in an uproar, and then, it was out of control.
To be honest, the people here don’t know Ye Zhongming too much, but this does not prevent Ye Zhongming from being familiar with them, especially for the end-level forces such as the Zero Chamber of Commerce and Yao Shijun. Not many people have suffered losses, so these three words will be remembered so clearly.
"Ye Zhongming."
"Ye Zhongming."
"Ye Zhongming!"
At first, this was just one person talking, but immediately there were many people talking, and finally all the people were talking.
The three words put together finally made the Genting people on the city wall sober from the blank.
The little tiger clasped the city walls, leaving white marks on the bluestones, and his voice was dry. The rocky body facing the strong enemy was shaking violently at this time.
"This kid..." Sheng Yuan held up the cracked shield and looked at the figure coming slowly, with a sour smirk.
"I Tm knew he wouldn't die!" Tang Tian thumped the wall around him hard, and the wound on his arm ran out of blood without realizing it.
"It's a naughty child." Teacher Park's face was pale, and the battle was short but extremely fierce. She didn't know how many empty shields and nectar she had painted.
"Huh, I know I will come back." Liang Chuyin lowered his head and wiped his eyes with a long disguise, but the curvature of the corner of his mouth was so obvious.
These people, plus Mo Ye, Xia Bai, Rong Jie, Lu Yi, Yun Shao and many other core members, as well as the guards who saw this scene on the city wall, all burst into cheers at this time.
Their leader, at the most dangerous time, is back!
Xia Lei looked at the shadow that was getting closer and closer. These days, all the emotions that were forced on her heart surged up. She jumped down the city wall, and the double knives tapped the wall to remove the inertia of the fall. He rushed to the figure.
A slap in the face that Ye Zhongming was about to smile, and then in his amazed eyes, the woman's warm lips were printed on his lips.
"Dead things, you still know to come back!" The young woman murmured, and her tears began to pour silently. After her strong and open figure, the unimaginable pressure was finally relieved at this moment. Xia Lei doesn't want to do it now, just wants to hug his man and let him perish.
"Oh, I wanted to install x. How can I install it like this?"
Ye Zhongming rubbed Xia Lei's head indulgently, and his eyes fell on the anti-Genting Alliance.
Gently shook his finger, the anti-Genting Alliance appeared there, and a group of people walked out of the surrounding forest. The three were all five-star evolutionaries, and the number of four-star evolutionists was dozens!
These people respectfully walked to Ye Zhongming, nodded and signaled that they had done what was required of them, and then protected Ye Zhongming in the middle.
At this time, all core members and ordinary soldiers of Genting gathered around Ye Zhongming.
Just kidding, this is the real boss of Genting, it is too dangerous to stand in front of the enemy!
Even Red appeared on the side with his zombies, but still kept some distance from humans.
Ye Zhongming gestured to his group of people. The gratitude and comfort contained in it could be seen by everyone.
"Ye! Bell! Ming!"
A team suddenly flew out of the city wall, and the white robe in the wheelchair saw Ye Zhongming almost squeeze these three words from his body.
They were going to raid the two laboratories in Genting Mountain Villa, but the movement at the city wall was too great, and those Genting fighters who no longer resisted them all the time and caused them great casualties suddenly ignored them and all ran out. As a result, no matter how stupid the white robe knew, there was a big deal, and quickly flew out to see, but saw that the people who appeared in the nightmare almost every day stood alive in front of the eyes, which immediately made the white robe red eyes.
"Oh, you, haven't your legs grown yet?"
White robe flickered in the air and almost rushed to find Ye Zhongming desperately. It was Wen Hong who said that her husband calmed Bai robe slightly and landed in the camp of the Yaoshi army with a severely damaged flying unit.
"Don't show such an expression, if you don't know, you think you are afraid of me, don't you just know that I am alive? You are here now. This is very bad."
Xia Lei chuckled a little next to him, and his blood-stained hands were twisting around his man's waist.
"You reminded me that I came here to kill you."
The collar of the Fifth Army of Yaoshi, who had been standing quietly since coming here, suddenly spoke.
He looked at Ye Zhongming, his expression indifferent, "Yao Shi Fifth Army Commander, became Skyrim."
"How about you? This lord of the Zero Chamber of Commerce?
Hearing Cheng Tianjing's self-introduction, Ye Zhongming shrugged uncomfortably, and then asked the beautiful Zero Chamber of Commerce.
The two tattooed men who stood behind the pretty man immediately took a step forward and attempted to shoot, but were blocked by one arm.
"If you can still maintain such a state of mind before dying, it will not be a disappointment. Our Zero Chamber of Commerce paid a huge price to send it once. My name is Qiu Songsong, and I will report to the when he arrives."
"Is it just four stars? It's really beyond my expectations." Lu Lan pushed the eyes on his face and said to Dr. He around him, his expression full of disappointment.
Hearing this sentence, Genting's talents turned their heads to Ye Zhongming, all of whom felt unbelievable that their boss was only a four-star evolutionist.
Because Ye Zhongming was four stars when he left. More than half a year has passed without any progress?
And many people who already know why so many master anti-Genting alliances have also talked about it, so that the four stars are so exciting?
Ye Zhongming smiled, ignoring those people, but walked in one direction, while talking to the people beside him while walking.
"I'm sorry I just came back, and I know that you have suffered a lot of wrongs during this time, so let me let you out next."
With that said, Ye Zhongming had reached a position that had been calculated long ago. He suddenly turned out three 7th-level magic crystals and sprang into the ground. Then he cut his wrist and spilled a lot of blood on that place.
This is not over yet. In the stunned eyes of others, a flag streamer with purple light was inserted above the magic crystal, and an instant mass of pink mist rushed out of the flag streamer, and quickly covered the entire cloud top. And then spread to the entire Yunding Mountain!
When the mist appeared, the ground under the flag stream began to seep light, which began to spread like the same bright line. This situation also occurred at various nodes throughout the Yunding Mountain. These bright lines began to follow quickly. The previously arranged directions extend to the surroundings. If you look at it from the sky, these bright lines are forming a mysterious pattern that covers the entire Yunding Mountain!
Everyone panicked or looked at the pink mist in the sky, or the bright white lines that spread under their feet, and they didn't know why for a while.
After the bright lines completed the pattern in a very short time, all of them suddenly rose slowly from the ground and gradually increased, and the pink smoke that was so thick that it almost made people see nothing began to be continuously sucked into these bright Line.
A blast made everyone's heart suddenly beat. At the moment when the powder mist was absorbed, the entire Yunding Mountain suddenly burst into light, and a huge mask wrapped the whole mountain in it, temporarily making it isolated from the world.
And a huge white jade roulette like a castle suddenly appeared on top of everyone's head!
At the same time, Ye Zhongming received such information in his mind.
"Driving roulette ghost streamer is activated (purple), and dying roulette enters the selected stage."
"Activator starts to choose (minimum requirement: four-star evolution.)... actual level, four-star, successful selection!"
"Participant level selection begins (minimum requirement: six levels of evolutionary life number four.)... actual number, seven, selection success!"
"Participating teams begin to select (minimum requirement, number four.)... actual number, seven, selection successful!"
"All the conditions are met, the competition roulette is starting..."
"Successful start, welcome to the roulette space of competition and death!"
The last sentence came to everyone's mind on the battlefield. (To be continued.)
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