Vol 3 Chapter 465: This fight

The Holy Son of Peizi screamed in horror. This silver weapon was enough to pose a deadly threat to him!
His fist slammed into the shadow, and those fist shadows that could threaten the protection of the water bottle hit the sickle shadow, continuously weakening the power of this blow!
When Siying disappeared again, the whole person of Beizi collapsed. At this moment, his hands were full of blood!
Look carefully, there are a few fingers of different lengths under Beizi's feet!
"Why? Why! What is this!"
Bei Zi screamed in shock and raised his hands howling!
His hand is to be cured by one person, so even the legs of the magic gold throne can only temporarily look like this, which shows that the cost is high, and even two holy seats can only afford the cost once. (Eight (One Middle [[[文[[W]W]W}.) 81ZW.COM
But now, it has been scrapped again, and two are scrapped together!
Even though the palm is still there, six fingers have been cut off, four on the right and two on the left!
All of a sudden, how can Peizi accept it.
He did not know how Xia Bai, who was already at a complete disadvantage and could be killed at any time, started this series of counterattacks that made him unclear.
Xia Bai's Soul Reaper's professional skills: The ability of the Dark Scourge is not actually to hide the light, but that is why Xia Bai uses it in order to match his Shadow Phantom lineage. The true power of the Dark Scourge is the black powder formed by the explosion just now.
This powder is not a poison or a plague, it has only one function, which is to increase the degree of damage to the target body injury contaminated by many times.
To put it simply, if you don't have any wounds or affected areas on your body, then these powders will have no effect on the body, but even if the body breaks a little skin or even congestion, it will be magnified countless times!
Xia Bai naturally knows that she can drag, or even let her teammates help out, but this is not her style. Since she came out, there are only two endings, either kill this shellfish or be killed by him!
Because no matter who it is, insulting her can, insulting the man who pulled her out of but not! Even if Peizi just "threatened" Ye Zhongming in words!
Xia Bai is like this. After being stimulated immensely, she ruined her appearance. She did not go crazy, but her spirit became extremely extreme. Ye Zhongming has become the only reason for her to live in this world. If Ye Zhongming appears later , What she will do is not even clear to herself.
So she wanted to kill Pei Zi. From the beginning of this idea, she arranged according to her own characteristics and equipment.
If you are careful, you will find that Xia Bai is not reckless and bumps into Peizi Holy Seat. Every time she chooses to collide, it is Beizi’s right leg, or the same place!
She naturally knew that it was impossible to take advantage of it, and knew that she would be injured, but it was enough to be able to let Beizi get bruised there. The effect of the dark natural disaster was enough to hurt Beizi’s right leg.
Then, the ability to use the sad ink-scythe.
"Ability 1, inertial attack, after the user makes an attack intention, whether or not he continues to hold the sad ink sickle, the weapon will complete the attack."
"Ability 2, the will reappears, the user can let the weapon copy the last attack without the sorrow ink sickle. The cooling time is 24 hours."
"Ability 3, sadness lines, when the user is injured, the sadness inkline sickle will increase the attack power with the degree of damage to the user, and it will consume mental energy."
The first Xia Bai attack used an inertial attack. She deliberately found an angle and aimed at immobile shells. The result was naturally unsurprising.
Then let Bezi'injure' and cause the dark natural disaster, making the right leg of Bezi's holster more serious and unable to move, and her own injured arm injury is also more serious, so that the effect of ability 3 sadness lines is maximized, and finally, the ability is activated 2 Will repeats, copying the last inertial attack!
After the whole process came down, the fingers of Bezi's hands were cut off.
Xia Bai didn't tell the battle in this way, but many people later recalled this battle after learning about the ability of the Sorrow Ink Scythe. They were extremely shocked by Xia Bai's fighting talents. Not long, only a short while, but can use these abilities so perfectly in such a short time to shake enemies stronger than yourself. I have to be able to say that the lunatic is a genius in some ways.
Even if this lunatic was formed the day after tomorrow.
However, Xia Bai was very dissatisfied at the moment, because she set up such a serial'routine' that she could only seriously hurt the Peizi throne without killing him, so that the battle that could be written into the textbook did not draw a perfect ending. .
Xia Bai walked towards Beizi. Although her arms were injured and she became extremely painful because of the ability of the dark natural disaster, she still wanted to kill Beizi.
Killing is not necessarily only possible with hands.
Bei Zi's howl still continued, but when Xia Bai was very close to him, this cry suddenly stopped.
"Shield her!"
Xia Lei's face changed drastically, suddenly shouting to remind Park Xiuying.
But even faster than her, there were hundreds of shellfish shadows above Xia Bai. These shadows were high, one leg and both hands were bloody, but the intact left foot was already raised high. Come back to Xia Bai!
And connected to these ghosts, it was Bei Zi's suddenly opened eyes!
A pair of yellow compound eyes that are scary and disgusting like flies!
Few people will shout the name of the skill in battle, but at this time, Bei Zi seems to be excited about something, and he calls this ability.
"Dead! Die! What do you think about the world after breaking through, I now have "Qiguang compound eyes!", you have to face countless me!"
The sentence was sharp and short, and fell with the attack.
Qi Guang compound eyes, the most powerful ability that Pei Zi Holy Seat got during this time, not only made him make up for the regret of losing the world, but also brought his strength to a higher level!
It's just the ability to enlighten the compound eyes-the compound eyes Bai Zhongshan's attack distance is very short, this is the screaming of Bei Zi's gaffe just now, his purpose is only to make Xia Bai feel that he has collapsed, and then has no arms. Get close to yourself in situations!
Bei Zi succeeded, and Xia Bai entered his attack distance, so he attacked without hesitation.
This ability to explode hundreds of attacks at the same time is enough to kill a five-star evolutionary who has been seriously injured!
Xia Bai is counting Bai Zi, and Bei Zi can't count Xia Bai.
The situation was reversed again in an instant! (To be continued.)
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