Vol 3 Chapter 486: Close combat

The six weapons in the hands of the weapon blame moved, and the frog's face became more dignified. Bayi Novel Network W]W?W]. ) 8> 1} Z] W). 〉C}O〉M
Obviously the opponent I met today put a lot of pressure on it.
Defensively alone, he successfully resisted a talented skill, and there is no harm. Anyone who encounters it will have the same mood as the weapon.
Ye Zhongming also moved his hands, and just taking over the skills just left his arms slightly numb.
The two sides stared at each other for an instant, and suddenly all rushed forward, fighting again.
Feng Zhongyue in Ye Zhongming's hands carried repeated starlights, and the weapon of the weapon stranger turned up and down, looking for all opportunities that could hurt the other party.
The two fell into a close fight again.
There is no dazzling skill competition, but the level of thrill is so high that the soldiers in Yunding Mountain forget to blink.
Skills can be adjusted, you may be able to adjust it if you lose, but this kind of close combat, an accident, is a terrible thing.
Ye Zhongming used the star-pointed blade as the basic knife technique, and assisted with the scorching tactics, but he did not suffer in a short time.
Weapon monsters are not without talents skills, the six weapons are also used in a well-organized manner, no wonder there will be survivors in previous life to learn skills from it, this monster does have amazing things.
Ye Zhongming stepped back and turned to the other side.
He only has a knife, even though his shots and power are greater than the enemy, but after all, the weapon stranger has six arms and six weapons, which makes it occupy a great advantage, forcing Ye Zhongming to use more To deal with it quickly, after a high-intensity match in a short period of time, you can only take the lead and retreat to restore the vigorously exhausted physical strength.
Obviously, the weapon stranger was not prepared to let Ye Zhongming go like this. It almost followed Ye Zhongming's movement. Six weapons flew up and down, forcing Ye Zhongming to struggle with it.
Due to the rules, Ye Zhongming's pets cannot play with him, and Red, Dihuang Wan, and even the Devil's Hive cannot all be helpers. In fact, Ye Zhongming's overall strength has dropped by half.
Not to mention, Guangguang is a red, and its strength is already close to Ye Zhongming itself.
It can be said that Ye Zhongming has been fighting in an incomplete state before. Until now, no one has been able to force him to treat with full strength.
Cheng Tiantian, who has already died, will not work.
Naturally, weird weapons are not good, but now the monster has an advantage in close combat, so it seems to be pressing Ye Zhongming.
"How can the boss not use that gun?"
"I heard that it cost a lot of magic crystals. The boss should have very little left. Keep the monster that deals with level 7."
"What other equipment?"
"This... don't know."
"What's the matter? Look at it."
Liang Chuyin looked back and drank his two men who had been talking about it, but he had the same worry in his eyes.
"It's okay, he has his pride."
Mo Ye smiled when she saw Liang Chuyin's disagreement, and pulled her: "It's like Zhong Ming seeing Lie Xinxi now."
Others heard Mo Ye say this, and it seemed slightly unexpected.
However, if you think about it carefully, it really matches Ye Zhongming's character. He wants to defeat his opponent in his own way.
Of course, this also relieved many core members, because Ye Zhongming did so, which meant that he had a certainty of winning, otherwise he would never play with this monster. ’
Sure enough, Ye Zhongming's counterattack came and was extremely violent.
In the process of being chased, he turned back suddenly, his two-handed knives became one-handed, and no longer held the knife handle, but pinched the knife body.
This weird posture made the following people stunned for a moment, not knowing what Ye Zhongming was going to do.
In the next moment Ye Zhongming told himself these actions by his actions. He accurately stopped the three weapons on the side of the weapon monster's hand with the rising moon.
Using the upper and lower parts of the knife and the handle, three weapons were blocked.
At the same time, a vacated hand drew a bright light in the air, and several fingers were pointed at the three weapons on the other side.
Tianlong body repairer, Python finger!
The weapon stranger was obviously not prepared for his opponent's sudden counterattack. When he wanted to respond, the three weapons on one side were stopped and the three on the other side were slammed.
But the weapon blamed the hand and did not panic. It moved the body calmly, and the six weapons would be attacked again.
But the opponent suddenly kicked in his abdomen, letting it stumble back directly.
This foot is too fast, almost connected with the previous action, so that the weapon hand does not respond at all.
Ye Zhongming will not retreat this time. He follows the weapon strange hand like a shadow, and the moon dance of Fengyue is impenetrable and begins to pursue.
The weapon stranger quickly stabilized his body to resist, and he knew that the opponent would take the initiative to retreat for a while, because he could not maintain such a high attack all the time.
However, in the next second, Ye Zhongming even directly dumped Feng Zhiyue.
One weapon is already at a disadvantage against the six, and who would have thought that the weapon was even thrown, and at such a short distance, throwing the weapon must have little strength, and it is impossible to achieve results.
But the pain in the abdomen was still there, and the weapon blamed the hand to make defensive actions.
In the next moment, the ribs hurt again, and the weapon blamed his hand again.
Ye Zhongming didn't know when, he kicked a strange foot again, directly hit the rib of the weapon stranger, and then calmly took the weapon in his hand again.
He threw his weapon, just to block his sight! Aware of this problem, the weapon blamed the hands and felt very sullen.
But after all, it was a mutant life that the survivors called the master class. It began to prevent the two losses it had eaten, and did not allow Ye Zhongming to reapply.
It's just that it appears as if everything is different from what it thinks.
The human did not know when a piece of silver metal was thrown beside him, and a metal giant came out.
Condensation is not a pet, but a skill.
Weapon monsters have to start responding to attacks in both directions, but that's fine. After all, it has six arms and can still take advantage.
What's annoying is that when its metal giant metal weapon is next to each other, this human directly discharges on the metal giant body. The powerful current makes the weapon's strange hand shake and its strength is weakened a little.
Elementary Lightning!
Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's body was paralyzed, Ye Zhongming kicked his feet on the weapon strange hand again.
It seems that there is no power, but this is the skill of treading blood boots-kicking, a skill that causes twice the damage of its own power.
A total of four feet went down, the weapon strange hand was finally kicked with a mouthful of blood, and the humanoid body was hit hard!
Perhaps it was the awareness of the danger. The six weapons were immediately put together when the weapon blamed the hand, and a light door appeared in front of its body instantly. (To be continued.)
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