Vol 3 Chapter 658: Nono equipment first battle

Just when Ye Zhongming and Shuren fought in the underground three-story laboratory, the twin sisters had entered the battle first. ㈧㈠Chinese website www┡W. 8⒈Zw. COM
After they kicked the wooden door of a room on the third floor, they saw the densely packed... mummy.
They are not new to this kind of thing. They were driven to the ground by these things half a year ago.
But now the corpses in the house are obviously different from those they have seen before. The magic crystals on the foreheads of these corpses...have colors.
In other words, these corpses can see the level.
Ya Tian looked at it in white, black, green and blue colors, which means that the level of the corpse in this room from'live' is from level 2 to level 5.
Instinctively, Ya Tian hid behind her sister, but a second later, the sister stood up again.
She is young, but it does not mean that she does not understand anything. On the contrary, she knows something far beyond her age in the last days, and even the small person she has seen in the world is uglier than a normal person in peacetime. I saw much more.
Carrying the silk puppet, she realized that she was no longer an ordinary person who had been bullied by anyone, and her sister was not that sister anymore. Now she needed to stand up and fight side by side with her sister.
The little girl's original fear disappeared, a sweet smile appeared on her face, and some blood was slightly oozing from her big bright eyes.
At the moment the door opened, these corpses had rushed over, and fighting was inevitable.
And, just like stabbing Ma Honeycomb, many other corpses rushed out of other rooms on the third floor almost at the same time, blocking the twin sisters in the center of the corridor.
"Sister, let's fight out!"
Ya Tian sticks out her small tongue and licks her lips, the pink becomes shiny.
Yin Ni Yan's expression and psychology did not change as much as her sister. When she saw the corpse, she entered a fighting state. If it was not for her sister who had no clear instructions, she would rush out.
Hearing Ya Tian's words, the bow tie ability 2 was connected by heart, Yani understood the meaning of her sister unmistakably, where she could bear it, and rushed into the group of dry corpses.
Even if there is no equipment, the silver corpse is very scary. Now because of the close connection with the spirit of his sister and the autonomy of the silver corpse, he has learned to use the equipment of Nono’s wild companion, and his strength is even greater. Zeng, her charge is like a tiger going down the mountain, and as soon as she enters the corpse, she opens a kill ring, and a pair of fists wave around, and all the cadavers that she touches are all flying.
Only because of the height, the fist of the silver corpse rarely hits the head of the corpse, most of them hit the abdomen and chest, and these humanoid corpses will immediately be punched with a hole. If the level of the corpse is not high enough, it is likely to be interrupted by a punch.
The corpse in the house was knocked down by a quarter of this crazy Yani in half a minute.
Ya Tian turned around to deal with the corpse in the corridor. She had little combat experience and was not as high as her sister, but the little girl was not afraid.
It doesn't matter if you don't have combat skills, isn't it just a fight? Just hit it.
So Ya Tian waved the silk puppet in her hand, and did not move, so she stood there, which corpse came up, and she picked up the puppet and beat it.
To tell the truth, the Sisi puppet is just like a rag doll. It is actually attacking more than 400 powerful weapons. If you say the value alone, it is estimated that the whole Yunding Mountain Villa is second only to the crystal energy bullet gun. In the past, as long as the corpse was touched, it was directly destroyed.
And the little girl is very clever. She stood a little inside the room. The corpses rushed to the door and blocked up to three. This allowed Yani to calmly attack, while she was fighting and laughing, like that. It's like playing a field mouse game.
But the easy fight of the twin sisters is not so optimistic with the addition of high-level corpses.
The youngest sister, Ya Tian, ​​who was in danger, broke through the walls of the house and rushed in, followed by her fellow swarms.
The two corpses attacked Ya Tian from left to right, making the younger sister who had no combat experience suddenly nervous, and subconsciously called Sister Sister.
The silver corpse Yani rushed back almost after hearing it, directly dashed away from her sister, and took the place herself.
With a blast, the attack of the two corpses hit the silver corpse, and the small body was sent to the rear by the force, smashing a group of corpses gathered around.
Ya Tian got up from the ground, and just saw that her sister flew out. The blood in her eyes immediately became thicker. The black head began to swing without wind and her head was slightly lower. Because of the sharing of life, she was also injured at the same time. Blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth.
"I'm angry! You are waiting!"
Half of Ya Tian's face was overshadowed. When she threw it, the silk puppet was thrown out, and the corpse in that direction was smashed directly.
After throwing out the puppets, Ya Tian instantly entered a petrochemical state, the bow ability of Nono and her partner 3, and the attachment of the partner!
Over there, Yanni Yinni immediately increased his strength by 20%!
Yani, who has already passed the fifth-level evolution of her true strength, has reached the level of the sixth-level mutant life. She supported her body with a hand, and the body of the corpse was directly crushed. With this power , Yani jumped up and flew a distance away from gravity in midair. His feet slammed twice and kicked on two fifth-level corpses. The middle foot immediately collapsed and the corpse fell backwards. go with.
Without waiting for the landing, the silver corpse rolled in the air again, and his fists smashed the heads of the two corpses around him, and then his body fell.
There were a lot of corpses in the house, the walls were now knocked down again, and the corpses in the corridors had already poured in. Even if the sisters had already killed a lot, the number was still large.
This large number of advantages immediately manifested itself. Before Yani’s body fell completely, the corpse grabbed her arm and there were more than one. He began to pull hard the next second, apparently wanting to pull Yani directly Split body.
But two red lights suddenly struck. It was two table tennis-sized fireballs, which accurately hit the corpse that held Yani. Two dead objects that had no water on them immediately burned up, and within seconds Turned into black and gray.
The power of the flames caused the other corpses to step back a bit like encountering natural enemies, taking advantage of this gap and Yani stood up steadily after landing.
In the corner of the room, the silk puppet has transformed into an adult female magician wearing a navy blue background, wearing a gold-rimmed robe, and holding a magic wand. The two fireballs came from her. .
Doll princess heart moves second! (To be continued.)
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