Vol 3 Chapter 794: Level 5 Gilded Cannibal Flower

After getting Bloodwood, Ye Zhongming temporarily got no help for this big guy, but still got a little benefit. Bayi Chinese W≤W≤W=. ≥8≠1≥Z≤≤W=. ≈C=OM
For example, the dense cannibalism seeds above.
Ye Zhongming collected some and put them in the space for use.
Facing the monster today, he used it. It was these seeds that were sprinkled on the ground before.
The mental power poured into the ground from the left hand, and the piranha seeds that had been sprinkled on this piece just now began to grow wildly. Under the cultivation skills, this plant used only a short time from the seed to the seedling, and then to show the ugly face. Between a few seconds.
Only Ye Zhongming's huge spiritual power can support such cultivation.
The sudden appearance of a cannibalized flower surprised all the monsters, and the body that was supposed to pounce was paused, and his eyes looked at this unidentified mutant plant with doubt.
This piece of more than twenty piranhas stopped growing when it reached more than two meters high. Ye Zhongming didn't stay for a moment, cut his wrists, and sprinkled his own blood on these piranhas, and then used it Activate skills.
These dark purple piranhas immediately began to change, and the whole plant became golden, from the stem to the huge piranha flowers, which turned golden yellow, very similar to the color of Rehmannia glutinosa.
At the moment of life and death, Ye Zhongming did not skimp on his own mental power, these piranhas got full energy to activate skills.
After the skill, Ye Zhongming got such a hint.
"Five gilt cannibal flowers!"
When he came out of the competition roulette, Ye Zhongming also activated the piranha that guarded the roulette in the basement. At that time, he remembered clearly that the name of the piranha was the fourth-level gilt piranha. That is to say, these cannibals now The flower has increased by one level than the original!
There may be many reasons, such as the improvement of Ye Zhongming's gardener's professional level, his mental strength growth, are all piranha seeds taken from the blood tree, the current ones are better than the original ones, etc. Ye Zhongming doesn't know which, But these are not important. What is important is that compared to that time, the fifth-grade gilt cannibalism has an extra ability.
"Skill 1, Cannibalism: Feed on evolutionary life and provide the energy needed for its own evolution."
"Skill 2, stem sucking: draw the blood of the evolver and improve his defense ability."
"Skill 3, Mulch Trap: After activating the skill, the soil will rot in a certain range around the piranha to improve the mobility of the piranha. The mulch trap also has the ability to stems."
This is the ability of the fourth-level gilt cannibalism. Now the fifth-level cannibalism has an extra skill of 4, even branches.
"Long-branch, when there are similar species nearby, the gilt-eating cannibalism root system is connected to increase each other's defensive ability and share the damage."
This is a two-sided skill.
If the attack power encountered cannot kill all of them, then these piranhas can hardly be killed because of their ligation skills, and the damage will be distributed to each individual. It is conceivable how difficult this cannibalism becomes in this situation.
And if the attack power is so strong that you can kill all the cannibals in one second, as long as you attack one plant, the other cannibals will die with it, and they will not be killed one by one, and even the role of involvement will not be shaken.
Of course, if the cannibalism spends a certain amount of time, this skill means immortality to some extent.
In any case, the increase in ability means strength, which is good for Ye Zhongming.
Ye Zhongming flashed into the dozen of cannibalism flowers.
The monster was calm and stared at Ye Zhongming fiercely, and the two sides began to charge for the next collision.
Dihuang Wan rolled on the ground, and soon stood up again, with a low growl in his throat and sharp teeth coming out of his lips.
After careful training by Ye Zhongming, Dihuang Wan at this time has already qualified for the leapfrog challenge.
Whether it has six talent skills at the sixth level or a three-piece black solid suit, Dihuang Wan is not only the strongest in the war beast world, but also the top.
With the current human evolution level and the end time of the end times, it is possible to cultivate war beasts rather than capture them from childhood. It is estimated that no one can really cultivate war beasts to Dihuang Wan. Even if there is, in terms of talent skills, there will never be six times of evolution to obtain the ultimate talent of six abilities.
This growth, combined with its continuous victory, allowed Dihuang Maru to inherit the fighting style of Genting.
So at the moment when he hit the monster, Dihuang Wan started its crazy attack, Ye Zhongming played a round over there, and it was so intense that both sides hurt their legs and one injured their hands, and also called out the piranha. It has been amazing to achieve this level in a short time.
But on the side of Dihuangwan, the two sides have been living each other for three times!
Every time, it ended with Dihuang Wan being beaten.
There was a trace of blood in the dog's mouth, but in Rhubarb's eyes, he was almost full of madness.
If Ye Zhongming sees it, he will surely guess the idea of ​​his war beast from the anthropomorphic expression on Dahuang's face.
But so!
What surrounds humans, what body is strong, what horror exists... nothing special!
Dihuang Maru shook his long hair, shaking off the dust on it, and then the body began to swell with the naked eye.
Body expansion! Follow shape!
One's own talent ability, a black solid suit's suit skill, the body shape of the Dihuang Wan wearing the beast became swollen, and it was about five meters high in one leap.
With a huge bark at the monster, the pair of imperial spirit wings fluttered in mid-air, and Dihuang Wan's body floated to the sky. At this time, he was already looking down on the monster.
Seeing that his opponent had suddenly become bigger and had the meaning of flying up to the sky, how could the monster make it succeed, howling, his body shook left and right, trying to mobilize the center of gravity of Dihuang Wan, and then rushed from an angle After a few steps, he leaped forward and rushed to Dihuang Wan.
Rhubarb saw that the monster had made this action. The dog's mouth cracked and smiled, as if mocking his opponent. At the next moment, Yufeng Lingwing fluttered slowly from the rhythm and suddenly became violently swinging. Dihuang Maru's huge body also followed Swing.
This is not over yet. In this case, the rhubarb turns into rhubarb, and the whole body rotates up and down, so fast that I can only see the phantom shadow.
As the big dog barked, it turned into a drill that fell from the sky, and there was a hint of cold light in the phantom, colliding with the monster that was rushing towards the sky.
Two of the three skills of Royal Wind Spirit Wings-flying spiral, condensing like a knife, moving! (To be continued.)
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