Vol 3 Chapter 940: Genting reorganization

Although the wisdom of the three-nosed elephant is now impaired, I don’t know if its strength will be affected, but even so, if it can really make it a war beast, it will also make a lot of money. As long as the ability is under human control, it can also play a huge role. . ? Eight? One Chinese? W? W? W?. ㈠八㈠1?Z㈧W?. ㈧C?O㈧M
This is different from Yan Shushu. It is a cooperative relationship with Yan Wangshu. To put it bluntly, the two parties build on the interests, and the previous agreement is completed or impossible to complete, which means that the agreement is over.
Successful completion of the agreement is okay, if unsuccessful, it is estimated that they will turn against each other.
Today's three-nosed elephants are different. If they really become war beasts, it would be a great improvement to Genting.
Let Park Xiuying control the three-nosed elephant to do some actions and give some instructions, this guy can complete it accurately and understand clearly. It's just a pity that it hasn't healed and it's temporarily unable to test the application of skills.
But even if he can follow the orders to fulfill all human requirements, Ye Zhongming is still not at ease.
Mutant lives that can evolve to eighth level are all talented, and who knows if it will recover brain trauma over time? What should I do if Su Xiuying suddenly started?
So the safest way is to find a scroll of the war beast contract and complete the contract directly while its wisdom is impaired, so that everyone can be assured.
Then the question is coming, Ye Zhongming does not have such a scroll.
If it is a war beast egg, Ye Zhongming still has a way. After all, there are broken dreams obtained from the sea giants, which can easily make the hatched war beasts recognize the Lord, but for the three-nosed elephant that is already eighth level, the broken dream is No effect.
The contract scroll must also be of the highest quality, which is not cheap.
Ye Zhongming thought about it and decided to wait for a while to see if there is any reel of this kind of war beast contract in the roulette information collected recently. If there is the best one, he will turn it himself. If not, then the reward task can only be distributed.
Of course, there is another way to seek help from the Ogre Chain and order from him. But the price must be a sky-high price, less than a last resort, Ye Zhongming will not choose them.
Before the high-level war beast contract had any news, Xia Bai and Park Xiuying had to be together. There was no mutant life around them. Even the intact three-nosed elephant was not Xia Bai's opponent.
After setting up the three-nosed elephant, Ye Zhongming fell into a busy state again.
Posthumous Warrior 6 continued to return to the secret area of ​​Bruce, this time they suffered a lot of losses. Although others did not say compassion or something like that, Genting couldn’t help but say that even if they wanted to help them defend the royal city in the future, there will be losses, but the core members met After the research, it was decided to give the posthumous people a batch of evolutionary potions and weapons, and how to distribute them, it was King Zun's thing.
During this period, Yun Shao returned. He was sent by Xia Lei to the base of the new district before, contacting the family members and Daming to see if they could absorb them. If not, they could reach a partner. Only after Yun Shao arrived there, the base of the new district has been empty, occupied by mutant life, and their families have disappeared.
Ye Zhongming heard the news, but also secretly screamed, I hope these old friends are all right, and then let Yun Xiao, who has not caught up with the war, go to rest.
Next, there was no gap between the siege of the Dawning Temple and the Genting team reconstruction work was carried out. This time it was more detailed, mainly divided into the main team and the guard team, as well as several functional teams.
There are seven main teams, from the first team to the seventh team, in no particular order. The captains are Mo Ye, Xiao Hu, Liang Chuyin, Guangyao, Tonghu, Yun Shao, and Ayang.
There are four guard teams, also divided into the first team to the fourth team, the captains are Xia Bai, Sheng Yuan, Tang Tian, ​​Rong Jie.
Several functional teams are Xia Lei’s inspectorate, Aao’s tribal team, Park Xiuying’s auxiliary team and Lu Yi’s caravan, and Yunpeng as the commander’s Yungang branch. unit.
The main station team is naturally responsible for external battles, including those that mutate life, as well as those of the same kind. They will become the sharp blades of Genting, and the number of teams varies, but the difference in strength is not large. The captain’s own relatively weak copper pot, Yun Shao and Ayang are all assisted. The copper pot has Xiaoli, Yun Rarely his relatives and previous men, Ayang has seven of his brothers.
The guardian team is mainly responsible for important personnel and locations plus the base's defense work. The task is also very heavy. Among them, the responsibility of the Xia Bai team is the most watched. They are Ye Zhongming's personal guards and are only responsible for Ye Zhongming's safety.
Sheng Yuan is the main person in charge of the two experimental security work, and even Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan's personal safety, Sheng Yuan has to bear most of it. It can be said that his importance is no less than that of Xia Bai, and he is even more responsible. After all, Ye Zhongming's personal strength group usually has no problem with self-protection. Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan are different. Although they have good evolution levels, they are not combatants.
Sheng Yuan is responsible for such an important position, which shows that Ye Zhongming trusts and values ​​him.
Tang Tian is mainly responsible for the defense of the city walls in Genting. Rong is responsible for the security work within the villa, and their responsibilities are very clear.
In the functional team, Xia Lei's inspector team and Aao's tribe team, as well as Park Xiuying's auxiliary team, are newly established teams.
The inspectorate team is based on the team of Xia Lei. In the future, he will mainly assist Xia Lei to manage a growing number of mountain members. After formulating some rules, he will supervise everyone to observe and have great rights.
The Ao tribe clan team is the predecessor of the Yunding League. They are all composed of posthumous warriors. They have no clear positioning. They belong to the mobile force and the reserve team. They are usually responsible for guarding the Puxing Town Exchange Market. Enter the main battle team sequence.
As for Park Xiuying’s auxiliary team, it is because with the increase of various auxiliary professionals in Genting, it is necessary to manage them in a unified way, so the formation of this team, their duty is to provide such as pharmacy, medicine, food supplements, etc. These ones. Candy also entered into Mr. Park's deputy.
Lu Yi continued to command the caravan, and Genting's motor vehicles were mostly in the hands of this team.
In addition, there are actually two other extremely special teams, one is naturally retired, and now the command of this team has fallen into the hands of Ye Zhongming, who is only responsible for him and specializes in external news Spy collection, intelligence analysis and sorting, spy agent installation, etc., are all secret organizations. After the establishment of the inspector team, the refuge is no longer responsible for internal matters, but all personnel in the two laboratories will still be monitored. The doctor's video materials are from their hands.
The other one is a corpse team. This team is divided into two parts. One part is red, including thousands of zombies such as brain children, and the other is a copper corpse and silver corpse recently secretly manufactured by Ye Zhongming. Twins The sisters are responsible for managing these puppets.
Logistically, Xia Lei is still in charge, and Honey Bud and Big Tits only become her deputies.
In this regard, Genting has completed the most important reorganization, each team has a clear division of labor, the overall structure is basically completed, a level of power, faintly rising from the east of the world.
When the relief work for this battle was completed, Ye Zhongming knew that after Annei, it was time to stay away.
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