Vol 3 Chapter 948: Blue Water Shake

Ye Zhongming has a bit of a toothache. Although the beast eggs are not bad, they are not what he needs. After all, the magic crystal on hand can only be turned once. Eight? One? Chinese? Wenwen W≤W≈W=. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM
Without looking at what the battle beast egg is, Ye Zhongming first put it away and continued to turn.
Although I didn't get the Seven Star Evolution Elixir or the Blue Water Shake Fishing Boat, the War Beast Egg was the only one that disappeared from the roulette reward after being turned out, and now there are only four options left.
Ye Zhongming took a breath and started the last turn.
The rotation flew over the four rewards, I don't know if it was an illusion, Ye Zhongming always felt that the roulette was deliberately teasing him, and the time of this rotation was extremely long.
When the pointer slowed down, Ye Zhongming's eyebrows provoked, this is to... stop at the Evolution Potion?
From a normal point of view, this should be the best reward, if it can be turned into a bottle of seven-star evolution potion, it is also acceptable.
It's just that things that go against the wish are alive every moment, the pointer is in Ye Zhongming's eyes, missed the evolutionary medicine, and stopped on that fishing boat.
Ye Zhongming shook his head, took out the model of the ship from the reward box, and then put it aside, the fishing boat immediately rose against the wind and restored its original appearance.
This should be a fishing boat with a mixed structure. The main body is made of unknown metal and wood. At the same time, this is a blue-level equipment.
This is almost the highest level of equipment that appears on the seventh-level roulette.
After being transferred by Ye Zhongming, it disappeared from the roulette.
The blue water fishing boat is about 20 meters long, the cab is wrapped in a yellow-brown wood, fully enclosed style, surrounded by a circle of transparent glass windows. The deck accounts for about two-thirds of the length of the entire ship, and the hull is silver metal.
Ye Zhongming jumped up and looked around. There was no power room, but there was a driving platform in the cab with a concave hole like a roulette, which was used to prevent the magic crystal. There is no reaction. Only when the fifth-level magic crystal is put in, the ship will be driven, and the concave hole on the top is five, that is, when five fifth-level magic crystals are put together, the ship will have power in the water.
In the cabin below the cockpit, it is divided into two parts. One part is a water cell. To put it bluntly, it is a large pool with a metal bar. There is no water in it. The metal bar is also open. Next to it is a metal cage, which is also open.
Ye Zhongming knocked on these metals, which are unknown alloys. He tried it. At least the blue dance sand was cut on it, leaving only a small white mark, and it will recover with time. It only takes a few minutes. The white seal disappeared.
This thing is good!
Ye Zhongming still gave up the idea of ​​cutting a piece and taking it back to study. Le Dayuan is now very interested in various alloys of roulette, but this bed is still useful and still not broken.
Water and metal cages should be prepared to catch aquatic organisms.
The bottom of the cabin is also of this alloy, and like the walls of the ship, there are some lines carved with inexplicable power on it.
Out of the cabin, Ye Zhongming found two very important parts, the weapon system and the hunting system.
There are two types of weapon systems that can be seen. One is the two energy spears that can move 180 degrees on the huge fixed ship, one on each side. The other is a sharp spiral that lights up before and after the bottom of the ship.
The hunting system is two kinds of fishing nets, one is trawl and the other is netting.
Of course, the latter is his own name. Ye Zhongming is not familiar with these aspects of fishery. I only know that this net is put into the sea. According to a huge hood, it is directly immersed in the water. After hunting for prey, It will automatically close and then bring it up.
Ye Zhongming took a look around. Although he had a general understanding, there was still no in-depth understanding.
After thinking about it, he tried to use an enchant on the fishing boat. The changes to the hull were very small, and he did not use too rare materials, which might lead to exclusion such as fertile earth ghost gold.
After being enchanted, Ye Zhongming felt that his mental strength had decreased. If he changed to another craftsman, he would have to take time out of his mental strength. It can be seen that the ship's level is very high, and this is a large equipment, which is also different from ordinary weaponry.
After enchanting, Ye Zhongming got basic information about the ship.
"The blue water fishing boat (green) has the ability of 1, riding the wind and breaking the waves. During driving in the water, the influence of water flow, wind, waves, and wind is reduced by 30%."
"Capability 2, such as the command of the arm. When the hull is in the water, it can flexibly move back and turn."
"Ability 3, Swordfish Heart, active ability, consume a certain amount of energy after shock, and increase the ship twice as normal."
"Capability 4, environment simulation. After putting a certain liquid in the cabin, it will actively simulate the environment before this body fluid."
"Ability 5, metal body. The solidity of the entire hull is improved, and the damage is evenly divided into each part, unless the damage can penetrate the hull in the first time."
"Ability 5, energy account. When the skill is activated, an energy mask will be created around the hull to resist attacks that are about to be ten times the hull's defense power to the hull in the next hour, or when the time is up, The mask disappears. This skill requires continuous consumption of a large amount of energy and a cooling time of 24 hours."
"Ability 6, self-made equipment system. You can set up to six pieces of equipment on the hull. If the equipment is an attack weapon, then for each additional fixed weapon, the hull defense decreases by 5%. If the equipment is a defensive weapon, then each With one more piece of fixed defense equipment, the hull of the ship has dropped by 5%."
"Defense, 15oo. Highest voyage, 35 knots."
After reading these data, Ye Zhongming thought about it. He was measuring the damage of the mutated life. After the measurement, he felt that the ship should initially meet the conditions for sailing in the sea.
Of course, only the shallow sea, even if all six positions are added to the defense equipment, can not resist the terrible existence in the deep sea.
It is estimated that the dragon can penetrate the hull in a few clicks.
When I got what I wanted, the next step was to transport it to the Yungang base. By the way, there was a sub-table with the Bone Devil's Terrace passing by, and the two bases were really connected.
In order to accept the time, Ye Zhongming asked someone to tie the ship under Jing Jue Float and put a not-so-large sub-table into Jing Jue Float. He drove these things by himself. Yungang Base.
It is not that Xia Bai and others are reluctant to follow, but there is really no place.
Ye Zhongming was afraid of encountering a powerful presence in the sky, so letting Jingjie Float mostly fly at low altitude, which touched many human survivors.
Surprisingly, after a few hours, Ye Zhongming arrived at the Yungang branch after a long absence.
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