Chapter 197: Island sound

help me? What the hell?

Jiang Qiao keeps trying to capture that cricket voice. This voice keeps repeating the words of the reader to save me. The voice of the repetition is from the female voice at the beginning to the male voice at the back, children, children, All the elderly have.

This feeling is like tens of millions of people repeating these three words in their minds.

Minjiang Bridge focused his attention and tried to talk to this voice, but what came to mind in the next second was ... ‘I really want to eat roasted whole lamb. The roasted whole lamb brush sauce of that family must be delicious. ’

Stop quickly! What is your goddess, besides roasting whole sheep?

Qiu Jiangqiao really wanted to use her fingers to play the navy's forehead, but now it can't be done, and the connection will be broken with a click, and then Hailan proves with strength that she is thinking of more than roasting whole sheep.

There are potato chips, fried chicken, cola and ... three coordinates.


Hailan was still able to do a little business. Jiangqiao quickly grasped the three coordinates found by Hailan and wrote it down. When Jiangqiao opened her eyes again, the shouting voice gradually came out of Jiangqiao's mind. disappear.

"Which side should we help?" Hai Lan opened her eyes, and the first sentence was not a roasted whole sheep.

The Minjiang Bridge opened the portal and pulled the sea blue back to the astrological tower of the Holy Spirit's plane, and then began the conversation.

"We help on both sides, I said, I want everything on this island."

Minjiang Bridge opened his book of systems, and the projection of Brand Island emerged in front of Jiangqiao's eyes.

What Hai Hailan refers to as "helping that side" is actually a choice between Mother Earth and Goddess Island.

The original commission of the Mother Earth God was to make Jiangqiao clean up the crystal plague on this island. This is also the main task that Jiangqiao announced to players at this stage.

But just after the sea blue devoured the core crystal of Tianshuanglong, he heard a call for help from the Brand Island.

This cry for help was not transmitted by any creature on Brand Island, but the entire island!

岛屿 The island is also calling for help from Jiangqiao, and the island has also issued a main line mission to Jiangqiao, which is the three coordinates.

The three coordinates marked by Erhailan for Jiangqiao are located in the crystalline land of Lingmai Forest and the central part of Bailand Island, and an area named by Jiangqiao as a black soil swamp.

坐标 The coordinates of these three areas happen to form a line ... As for the meaning of these three coordinates, it is the place where the consciousness of Brande Island can barely maintain the reason.

Yeah ... to maintain reason, Brand Island has its own thinking, but its thinking has entered a violent state, and its manifestation is that crystal-infected monsters on the island will attack all creatures indiscriminately.

The Lingmai Forest, the crystalline land in the center of Brande Island, and the black soil swamps are the areas where the thinking of Brande Island remains.

This is also why the core crystal of the Lingmai Forest is not in the body of the monster, but in the hands of the thieves, and the area established by the cities of the thieves is the crystallization place in the core of Brand Island.

If you consider Brand Island as a god, it should be a like a slime monster, it has a strong learning ability, and it is drawing the power of this world uncontrollably.

Minjiang Bridge is not sure that this is the source of the crystal disease, but the law-stealing person and a group of people infected with the crystal disease can be regarded as believers of Bailand Island.

But the brand consciousness is harmless. To be more precise, there is no idea of ​​"wanting to hurt each other" in his thinking. It is like a newborn baby. It is caused by too much power and cannot control itself. Runaway.

It not only has power, but also its learning ability, which can be expressed from the ability possessed by law thieves.

The plagiarizers endlessly imitate the power of others, and this imitation sometimes hurts the lawbreakers themselves, and Brand Island is now in this ... pain.

所以 "So how can we save this ... island?" Hai Lan heard Jiangqiao explain for so long and didn't understand what Jiangqiao was saying.

"Just turn it into your followers completely." Jiang Qiao flipped through the pages of the book of the system, and there was a row of data in each of the three areas of the Spirit Vein Forest of Brandland, the Crystal Land, and the Black Earth Swamp. .

Assimilation value is 15.1%, assimilation value is 41.1%, and assimilation value is 0%.

These three areas refer to the assimilation values ​​of Lingmai Forest, Crystal Land, and Black Earth Marsh.

"Should I ask what this assimilation value attribute means now?" Hai Lan asked.

"This attribute means ... the control progress of the Brand Island." Jiang Qiao said for a while.

"You can think of Brande Island as a baby. This baby now has three stepfathers. The first stepfather is me, the of bite, and the players. The second stepfather is a thief, and the third The stepfathers ... haven't shown up yet, all three stepfathers want the little baby of Bailand Island to become like himself, so that they can grasp the tens of millions of assets left by the little baby's biological father of Bailand Island. "

那 "What about the gods of this world? Nanny annoyed by Brand Island, are we more like a killer hired to kill this little baby?" Hailan asked.

"We are the killers hired to kill the baby's bodyguards, not the baby itself. The gods of this world intend to directly grab the property left by the baby's biological father! Instead of waiting for the baby like the law-stealers, Take the property, but ... the baby's bodyguard, that is, crystal disease, does not allow the gods to do this, and even the gods near the baby may be killed by the bodyguard. "

Jiangqiao did n’t know how to describe Hailan ’s comprehension. In a nutshell, there was an existence in Bailand Island that did not belong to this world, but it was still very weak, too weak to control its own power, and even You will be tortured by your own might.

The gods of this world want to get this power, but they may be infected by crystal disease even when they are close, so let the Holy Spirit come to weaken the crystal disease, and then find a way to occupy the power buried under this island.

Jiang Qiao guessed that letting God choose to sacrifice Tianshuanglong is one of the methods. Tianshuanglong is equivalent to the realization of the confusion consciousness of Bailand Island. If Shadow Gods can control Tianshuanglong by some means … It's tantamount to stealing one-seventh of the power of Brande Island.

"Are we going to ... take away the baby's property?" Hai Lan guessed what Jiangqiao wanted.

"You are stupid, Brandy Island is a very important resource in itself, and its power is second, so what we have to do is to become the designated stepfather of a baby! Let it follow us willingly, and then its property will be It just belongs to us! "Jiang Qiao said.

"But the specific operation method ..." Hai Lan looked at the three assimilation values ​​thoughtfully.

"Teach our life values ​​and the Three Views to Bailand Island 呗, it also means to ask for help ... Players only need to expand their base in Lingmai Forest, recruit new people with crystallized disease, or raise this island When the creatures on the planet are pets, they can increase the assimilation value of the area, so that Bailand Island will learn the lives of the players ... wrong ... the way of existence. "

Minjiang Bridge cannot treat the study of Bailand Island as ordinary learning. The learning of this island is a concept like a law, just like the law stealers can imitate the skills of players for no reason.

Brand Island is also learning the power of the gods.

"The most straightforward is to teach this island how to be a good server. After it learns, we can directly transfer it to our ontology world or inner world." Jiangqiao said.

"Is it really going to be so smooth? Does this law-stealer and other gods know?" Hai Lan asked again.

"The law-stealers must know that, and they want to dominate the consciousness of Brand Island. At this stage, the gods just want to steal the power of Brand Island. They just don't know if they will ... continue to play the role of heartless father. Now. "

Jiangqiao glanced at the black soil swamp area above the map. This area is currently undeveloped by anyone. As long as any leads his own people to board this area, Bailand Island will gradually learn this. The presence of a group of people.

"But I have to admit that ... At this stage, Bailand Island is biased towards law-stealing people. I still need to explore the specific method for increasing the assimilation value, but what we need to do next is to encourage players to build strongholds! This point That's right! "Jiang Qiao once again turned his eyes to the Lingmai Forest area.

Now players have established thirty-four strongholds in Lingmai Forest. The assimilation values ​​contributed by these strongholds can be seen on the projection.

The enthusiastic base of Coca-Cola made the little baby of Bailand Island very happy. The assimilation value was as much as 5.1%, followed by the stronghold of the Nuclear Association. The assimilation value was 4.1%.

"The more people infected with crystal disease, the higher the achievement of each building in the stronghold?" Jiang Qiao guessed how to increase the assimilation value.

Minjiang Bridge closed the book of the system in his hand, opened the Holy Spirit Forum and began to browse a series of news and information related to Brand Island.

One of the posts caught Jiangqiao's attention.

"After the base is built, there is no leaderboard or rating. The monster siege event will trigger one or two times. The dog plan begged you to brush a few monsters at the door of my home ~ ~ Gang The cannon made is about to rust. "

'Be careful brushing a lot of lord monsters to demolish your stronghold. Reply: Cruel moonlight.

‘I ’ve never seen such a strange request before. Ten thousand people wrote books to plan and dismantle the base of the Abyss Temple. Reply: Dogs are not delicious

‘Most players build a stronghold just to build a beautiful big house. I think it ’s time to build a stronghold ranking system. I want to see what the stronghold attributes are. Reply: Haskabi.

Minjiang Bridge was immersed in watching this post. If ... the monsters on Bailand Island are also the consciousness of the island, will these monsters and the Holy Spirit fight to increase their assimilation value?

"But make the leaderboard first, think about it after the monster siege." Jiang Qiao knows that playing the game is not exciting at all ... it is tedious, but there are many farming players.

In short, everything comes one by one.

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