Chapter 377: Domestic violence

Jiang Qiao didn't waste time, he took his mother directly to the habitat of the Ember Dragon, and also brought Queen May and the other five knights.
It may be because of the second cub period. The Emperor Dragon couple rarely left their own place to do something. After the release of Miss Ailu's task of maintaining ecological balance, the update of Kuroshio Island version was added.
The players who really come to find the Ember Dragon are much less, but this time Jiangqiao led the mother and mother to the other side of the lava cave where the Ember Dragon inhabited.
"Human ... leave me ..."
Before the Ember Dragon had time to shout out the threatening roar, Jiang Qiao suddenly lifted the collar of the hostess next to her.
"Agent, although I told you that you can share memories between the owners of the island, but ... I think there is a better way to reach them."
The mother-in-law drew four puppets in the air like a cat, but her narrowed eyes still maintained a comfortable smile.
"This method is simpler and more straightforward, Sword and Axeman! Lionheart Knight!" Sword and Axeman and Lionheart Knight immediately acted under the command of Jiang Qiao.
The power of the moonlight grasped by the axeman bloomed from his transforming axe. The Ember Dragon also noticed the threat, and a hot flame burst out from his body, but the flame was completely shocked before the flames gathered. disperse.
When the flames surrounding the side of the Ember Dragon dissipated, the Lionheart Knight appeared in front of the Ember Dragon and pointed his spear directly in front of the Ember Dragon's pupil.
Ember Dragon hesitated for a moment because of this spear, but this small 'toothpick' was not enough to make him afraid, but at the moment of hesitation, its sight saw a smiley face fluttering towards it. .
The mother-in-law on Jiangqiao's hand struck directly on the forehead of the Ember Dragon, when the forehead and the Ember Dragon collided with each other.
My mother's memory of Kuroshio Island is constantly replayed in Ember Dragon's mind ... which includes many things.
For example, the Lord-class dragons eroded by the abyss on Kuroshio Island can only accept the master-class dragons enslaved by law-stealers, and there is also a view of Bailand Island that was completely destroyed after Kuroshio Island struck.
The flame of the Ember Dragon suddenly extinguished at this moment. It stepped back a few steps and looked at the mother in amazement. The mother was now rubbing her hot forehead.
The surface temperature of Ember Dragon is fifty or sixty degrees, and when it is angry, it may go directly to a Baidu. If it is not the physical quality of the mother, it has been repaired a lot by the power of Bailand Island.
She may have the smell of roast meat on her forehead now.
"It's ... you again!"
In the depths of the cave suddenly another scream of female roar suddenly appeared, the faint blue flames replaced the hot flames of the Ember Dragon and swept the entire cave.
"Does it really matter to the wife?" Jiang Qiao stunned the subspecies of the Ember Dragon out of the cave, and the Lord of the Islands in the lava area was owned by both Ember Dragons.
This book of the subspecies system named it Yan Guilong. Jiang Qiao feels that it is not as good as Yan Wanglong and Yanfei Dragon in another action Tianzun game.
"They ... for a reason."
The Ember Dragon wanted to stop the attack of his spouse. He raised his wings and made a movement like a human hand blocking it. The wings ripped a scary scar with its back.
"No reason!"
"How are you ...?"
"Kick them out!"
"Hear me out!"
Jiang Qiao watched the scene and sat down beside him, and at the same time he took out an ice pack for cooling down and gave it to his mother.
"Don't you stop them?" The mother put the ice pack on her head, and her only servant, Wen Enna, was sent back to Kuroshio Island for some secret mission.
"Can't stop it ... I originally understood your communication methods by relying on your translation. Let me calm down after they finish typing."
When Jiangqiao was preparing to open a can of Coke and waited slowly, Queen Maye, who had been watching behind him, suddenly came out.
"Agent, I think I'll leave it here."
Queen May feels that she has been paddling since the Kuroshio Island version. Basically, she has nothing to do with her. If she doesn't stand up now, her role will probably be robbed by the hostess.
"Don't be too reluctant." Jiang Qiao guessed what Queen Maye wanted to do. The ecological balance plan on Brand Island was all in charge of Queen Maye, which means ... the owners of these islands knew Queen Maye.
The figure of Queen Mey stepped into the fighting Ember Dragon couple. They really stopped the offensive action when they heard the voice of Queen Mey.
"Food?" Yan Guilong's title to Queen Mey slightly raised Jiangqiao's eyebrows. This is not a very good title.
"I've always had this impression in your eyes?" The expression on Queen Mey's safari cat's headband instantly changed to '(` д ??)'.
This is the first time that Queen Maye understands the ideas of the two couples of Ember Dragon. With the hostess as the intermediary, Queen Maye's thoughts are connected with the two island masters.
Both the hostess and Jiang Qiao could feel the emotions transmitted from the Ember Dragons and their husbands at this time ... gradually turned from irritability into a strange guilt.
Jiang Qiao didn't even know that the two evil dragons had the feeling of guilt, but Queen Mey could also be regarded as the breeder of these dragons. Usually he came to feed them something to eat.
At this time a Ember Dragon cub suddenly emerged from behind the Ember Dragon.
It was only about a month old, and the little wings behind it flew into the air with some difficulty. The cub wanted to climb to the side of Queen Mey, but was shouted by Yan Guilong with a low cry.
"You ... what do we want us to do for you?" Yan Guilong also seemed a little surprised because her meaning, Queen May, could understand.
"Not for me, but for you and your descendants, join us as soldiers." Queen Maye said, staring at the Ember Dragons and the couple.
"I ... can trust you, but ... the Holy Spirit ..." Ember Dragon seems to have found a suitable term to describe the player, although its words are a little rusty.
During this time, the Holy Spirit who was trying to find the troubles of the Ember Dragon was Queen Mey, and Fu Liya from the Jiangqiao helped to retreat. These Ember Dragon couples also looked at them.
"From now on you will be companions of the Holy Spirit, if you don't believe it ... I can take you to the gathering place of the Holy Spirit." Queen Maye also glanced at the Jiangqiao sitting behind her, and Jiangqiao was compared The gesture of OK means that the Ember Dragon will not face any threat if he goes to the Holy Spirit stronghold.
"Trap ..." This line emerged from the flames of the Ember Dragon.
"If you are afraid, you can refuse, but then you may face more than just the Holy Spirit." Queen Maye's voice became extremely strong. She knew that the Ember Dragons and theirs were now more afraid of the Holy Spirit.
Although they are strong like an elite Raiders team like Coca-Canadian, squatting at their nest door for more than half a month is enough to exhaust them.
The number of Holy Spirits on the island is becoming more and more. They have to choose whether to be destroyed by the Holy Spirit or to occupy a seat in the right to speak on the island of Brandander.
To have the right to speak is to communicate with the Holy Spirit ~ ~ time. "
"Three days later." Queen Maye gave a time for a CG recording.
"I'll go." The Yan Ember Dragon replied directly. After speaking, he turned around and walked into the cave with his spouse. The young Ember Dragon smashed at Queen Mey along the way. Queen May took out a swordfish and threw it at it.
After biting the swordfish like a seal, it followed her parents back to the cave with great joy.
"So ... what do you want?" Jiang Qiao glanced at the mistress sitting beside him.
"This question, please wait for a while before letting me answer you." The mother said at a glance at the ice pack that had melted in her hand.
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