Chapter 112: Logistic plan

It's like stepping over a fence and crushing a group of ants with the soles of your shoes. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:
Luo decided that he would hesitate or be happy. In fact, he couldn't feel anything. People gathered together in horror not far away, and he couldn't feel anything. He imagined the appearance of his fiancee, but his heart was blank. His heart was wrapped in mud and roasted so hard that it could not beat.
At this time Luo Duan had only one thing in his mind-he was here to destroy the city, so he should do his best to destroy the city.
Is he using sigma, or sigma has already assimilated himself as part of the swamp? Perhaps the human "Luo Duan" has long since died, but he is just a walking corpse replaced by a swamp.
But this question is not important. The central square is right in front of them, as long as they kill the people here, the three big families will have no foundation and no reason to insist.
The biggest threat to him is Shu Jun, and Shu Jun is already seriously injured. The second threat might be Zhu Yanchen, but it was a pity that this person had hidden too well before, and Luo Duan didn't get much information.
...I didn't care. The situation is ahead, even if Zhu Yanchen is the chosen talent, he can't save a dead city. He just needs to take this last step.
The sigma was very cautious. It didn't rush forward immediately, but avoided the purification facilities surrounding the square, and surrounded the huge body in a circle. It will have the arm side facing inward, and will move around outside the purification circle.
It is naturally impossible for humans to give up at this time. The soldiers guarded the outside of the people, and before the purification facility failed, they fought hard to attack those arms. The combat style (gan gan) is beautiful, and the commander is the Marshal Zhu.
But it doesn't matter.
Luo Duan commanded sigma in a low voice, let it disperse all the non-combat skills, and make use of the thick corrosive substance around to create more brain-eroded swamp. These swamps don't need to be able to fight as much as they can, as long as they try their best to tear open this solid purification circle.
The sigma's brains became much smaller, buried deep in its body, and it became more difficult to find.
For a while, the picture was like a nightmare.
Most of the former prosperous city Y was destroyed, and the buildings in the outer circle were completely wiped out. Under the crush of the sigma, they turned into barren swamps, or left some broken walls. The city center is lonely supported, and is firmly enclosed by the sigma in the center of the body. The whole city seems to be a rat hanging by a python.
More brain-eroded marshes rushed forward, each exerting their weird abilities, consuming the energy storage of the purifier. Humans cannot retreat, and this layer of defense is about to be stripped away
A missile flew from the direction of the command center.
It is not big and powerful, and it directly explodes part of the sigma (body shen) body, reducing that small part of the body to corrosive quality.
Luo Duan was hiding in sigma's palm, and he looked gloomily to the outside world through the huge finger gaps of his black hand-if he exploded casually, it would be fine. The nearby corroded matter piled up to a terrible level, and sigma could repair the wound at any time. But if its brain is blown up, things will be the same.
He made a gesture, and the erosive rain in the city center came more violently. (Death si) The rain of death fell mercilessly, striking gray (colored) spots on people's skin.
Taking advantage of Shujun's recovery, a quick fight is the top priority. It seems that it hasn't been long since mankind has just invented a new weapon, and there is not much to be left with abundant missile reserves.
Just as Luo Duan thought about this, the missile bombed again. It didn't bombard blindly, but exploded near the sigma's brain and got closer and closer to the brain.
……who is it?
Another missile hit, this time it rubbed the sigma's brain and exploded, Luo's heart tightened. With years of combat experience, he faintly had a bad feeling.
"Hurry up!" He ordered sigma.
The humans in the circle are still resisting desperately, whether it is a suppression weapon or a purification machine, the energy is not used up. Sigma stretched out countless arms, trying to catch people in the square. As soon as its fingers touched the periphery of the square, it was retracted by the fire.
Your own plan is proceeding step by step, and going forward will be risky. However, the matter has reached this point, and he can no longer back off.
Luo Duan lowered his voice and asked the sigma to shift the position of the brain string, and at the same time asked to change the position of the brain swamp around him. The attack must be expedited, and delaying in a war will never yield good results.
sigma had nothing to do with the hot potato in front of him, so he had to follow Luo Duan's advice. There are brain erosion swamps, and the fighters who oppose them get confused for a while. sigma took the opportunity to shrink the encircling circle, and the (body shen) body got closer to the purification boundary. Finally, under the onslaught of the brain eroding marsh, one side of the encircling circle had a faint tendency to rout.
Very well, in just a few minutes, he can hear the desperate cry of human beings before death.
Luo tensed his nerves and kept whispering to sigma. But when he concentrated on adjusting his formation, something happened suddenly.
A black wolf got out of the marsh surface, jumped from behind the sigma, and pounced on the wind.
It condensed the erosive quality of the surrounding marsh, which was a circle larger than the previous black wolf. This bite on the sigma (body shen) body, and almost bit the sigma brain. The sigma reacted fiercely immediately, it turned around, and countless black hands gripped the black wolf.
However, the black wolf jumped dexterously, leaped high, and went down for another bite. This mouth was also accompanied by other actions-more vines came up from the ground, tied the sigma body to the ground, making it slower.
The restraint speed is more than three times the previous one.
Luo Duan was a little startled for a while, he couldn't figure out how Shu Jun did it. The black wolf moves neatly and smoothly, full of energy, it doesn't look like he was injured.
The ominous feeling grew stronger. Before he said "Retreat", the fourth missile blew up. It hit the edge of sigma's head firmly.
When sigma distracted, the soldiers on the square also moved. A group of people carrying suppression weapons rushed to the sigma and began to attack its body desperately. Even if the sigma wants to shift the position of the brain string, the body near the brain string is constantly injured, it cannot suppress the instinctive reaction to protect the brain string, and will only expose (expose) the position of the brain string again.
Not to mention there is Shu Jun who is staring at him and can give sigma a bite at any time. Human beings weren’t a defensive idea from the very beginning. From Shu Jun’s
to the introduction of sigma to the square and letting it unfold in front of the command center, everything was calculated.
What a trap, Luo Duan held his breath in the mouth. The person who made the move-no matter who it was-had no less understanding of the eroded marsh than himself.
This will not work. Once the sigma's brain is seriously injured, their abilities are in danger of being unable to use them.
Sadly, they think that their time is running out.
sigma didn't think so deeply, it was beaten so unpleasantly, and countless black hands were clawing around. A crooked human figure emerged from the black palm, urging Luo Duan dissatisfiedly.
"What to do?" Its tone was stiff and dissatisfied. "How to do?"
"It's not (guan)." Luo Duan took a deep breath, then calmed it. "I asked you to prepare, are you ready?"
"Ready." It answered naturally, "Do you want to use it?"
Luo Xian (color) looked at the human figure with crooked nose and slanted eyes complicatedly, and was speechless for a moment.
sigma couldn't realize the deep meaning, and continued to explain: "Humans are really dangerous, I am willing to use it."
"...I know. Believe me. We will certainly not lose in this battle. The plan has not changed, so we will just follow the agreed upon.
Luo Duan stopped the rainstorm outside and signaled sigma to lift himself up. The black wolf's movements paused, and he did not attack him.
"Shu Jun." Luo Duan said tiredly, "I have something to say."
Although the heavy rain stopped, sigma's hands were still fluttering, and the surroundings were still full of rumbling noises. The black wolf stared at him without emotion, noncommittal.
"You can remotely (fuck cao) this wolf, right? It's just that when you leave, this wolf will become very clumsy." Luo Duan sighed. "Just now you slipped away in the conversation with me, and then sigma destroyed the wolf... In order to make me believe that'you must control (fuck cao) within the eroded creation', you deliberately showed yourself in front of humans. The look inside the monster."
The scene started as early as the He (chengcheng) people pretended to attack. Shu Jun knew he was watching, he did it on purpose.
"You pretend to be defeated by me, and conclude that I will misjudge the form, thinking that you are engaged in the'empty city plan' to lure sigma into deep. You know very well in your heart that the central square is full of humans, and I am eager for revenge. I will definitely choose to destroy the person in front of me first Go to torture the three big families again."
"... You succeeded, and sigma and I were drawn over. In order to encircle the crowd and oppress the human defense line, sigma stretches (body shen) body into the loop that is most easily analyzed. Then, your collaborators can command The center launches guided missiles to analyze the location of the sigma brain. As long as you erase the sigma, you can slowly clean the surrounding erosion according to your ability."
The black wolf sighed, his eyes narrowed. Shu Junfu xia body, and made an offensive posture: "You know very well, why, do you want to admit defeat?"
Luo Duan smiled.
"You think I came here to talk so much nonsense with you because I want to give up?"
The black wolf said nothing.
"I never beat you when I was sober, and now I don't even dare to pack a ticket." Luo Duan said softly, his feet are already in the sigma's claws, and his skin touches, which looks quite similar to a human being slanted on one side. "From the moment I decided to attack, I considered the outcome of the loss."
sigma stopped digging the ground, and his flat body tended to bulge.
Luo Duan stared at Shu Jun, the pupils of his eyes were eroded, and there was no gloss: "Calculating the time, it should be almost time."
Without the sigma noise (gan gan), their voices are quite clear, and the people in the square can hear them clearly.
"...What's the end?"
"There used to be a (强qiang) big player who had a similar wish before he died—(Dying si) death is too painful. If the world could be destroyed together, what would it be. Guess what, the abilities he left behind What will it be?"
The black wolf's fur suddenly exploded.
"If the sigma dissolves in place, you can slowly clean up the corrosive substance. But if the sigma'blows', the purification machinery, and the command center nearby, I'm afraid that nothing will be left... Oh, maybe you can. Survival, but there will be no one else. Unfortunately, it is now ready and its self-detonation capability has been successfully activated."
"This is my plan." Luo Duan opened his arms and raised his voice. "Let me now show (expose) a little bit, what human researchers can't know about marsh erosion-the marsh marsh is much more selfless than humans, it emits enough brain-eroded marsh even if it disappears sigma will also appear."
The black wolf (shows) teeth and anxiously stepped on its paws. The crowd in the square seemed to be frozen and motionless.
"Your collaborator hasn't fired for so long. Is there only one missile left? You can stop this tragedy, as long as you give up the human form, take over this huge eclipse, and become a new sigma. Just fine. Guess, will the last guided missile hit you?"
Luo Duan stood calmly on the black palm, looking down at the crowd not far away, finally showing a hint of happiness on his face.
The black wolf shook in place.
"Choose, Shu Jun." Luo Duan said softly. "No matter what you choose this time, you can't win."
"I only have one question left. How can you guarantee that as long as I am willing to take over, I can take over the sigma erosion?"
Luo Duan obviously doesn't like this question very much. His expression becomes complicated: "...Before the explosion, in order to avoid pain, the existing brains of sigma will fall into deep sleep, and they will not compete with you. Shu Jun, you really want to For this group of humans—"
"I see." The black wolf interrupted Luo Duan, looking at the swelling swamp, and answered quickly and calmly. "Well, you don't seem to be lying like this."
He said nothing more.
The giant wolf leaped high and plunged into the swamp.
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