Chapter 119: Moon Night Black Wolf

After a few more years after the chaos, the relationship between City X and City Y is still not very good. +++All Tanmei Novels:
The eclipse is evacuated from the mainland, and a hundred waste is waiting for prosperity. Human beings can't wait to grow three heads and six arms, sleep endlessly to make money, for fear that they will not keep up with the golden age. At this juncture, the coalition government has to spend a huge sum of money to raise 30,000 outsiders for nothing. Under the instigation of interested people, the opinions of the citizens can not be said to be minor--
Is such a large investment not good for development? Is it not good to use it to build public facilities? Thirty thousand sick seedlings, who have even had enemies, were originally unfamiliar wolves. Who knows when to turn around and bite.
If it were not for Zhu Yanchen's tough methods, some human groups in the city of Y would almost turn their faces.
Fortunately, the three major families Yu Wei is still there-Zhu Yanchen, as the new leader of the Zhu family, is not inferior to his father in the commander.
Xia Liang, the representative of the Xia family, and Tang Heyu, the representative of the Tang family, are all loyal to Zhu Yanchen. Most of the other large groups have formed rapidly in recent years, their foundations are unstable, and there is no other way for a while, so they can only watch the fat water flow into the fields of outsiders.
Dissatisfaction arises from the human side, and the synthetic human side is not much better.
The Synthesizer Revolution ended, all Synthesizers moved to City X, and the player system was abolished. All the equipment and data that can enter the "other world" are transferred to city x.
The information left by Zhu Rong has long been made public, and the situation faced by synthetic people is not simple-erosion symptoms can be cured, but it is difficult to stabilize a synthetic body. Even with compensatory medical support from Y city, synthetic people will have to undergo several years of long-term treatment to get a basically normal life and life span.
Worse, as the erosion symptoms healed, all synthetic human abilities were greatly weakened and nearly disappeared. Synthetic people are young and middle-aged, the age when they desire freedom most. To be trapped by drugs for several years, dissatisfaction secretly breeds-
"It must be that the upper hand is soft. After so long, I can't even find a revenge team."
The scheduled treatment day comes every week. To pass the two long days, synthetic people will enter the "other side" during the treatment process and spend a special weekend. I just thought that I was lying in the real world, with pipes all over my body, and people couldn't drink too much.
"Vengeance? Not everyone has an enemy. As for the top team, most of the relatives and friends of the top team are full of people, just thinking about the loss of being deceived by humans-Zhu Yanchen has a good attitude, and the propaganda that should be done is done. The compensation that should be given is not less. Even if you go to talk to the humans, you will not get better treatment. Tell me, how could those people desperately."
"It's all standing and talking, and it doesn't hurt your back. Don't people just fight bloody?" The young man gritted his teeth and knocked the wine glass on the table.
On the other side of the bar, a bartender dressed as a one-eyed pirate glanced at him, and the young man's expression was even more ugly.
"Opening up the data is definitely to make us degenerate. Shu Jun was dizzy and was deceived by such a sinister and treacherous villain. Look, when mankind develops, can the city of X be kept? It will cost hundreds of millions of people. Now, our new born babies must be genetically stable. Sooner or later it will be swallowed."
"Get used to it in peace. There are many people around me who have become families, and few want to fight. The reality is like this, you can't accept it."
"It's really humiliating." The young man sighed. "Someone needs to wake them up. Either that, when we get out of here, discuss with a few brothers..."
As he said, he glanced at the npc bartender on one side-the current city of x is led by Hu Yan, and the hazard detection system in the "other side" program is still retained. To discuss the sabotage plan here, within half a day, the Synthetic Government came to obstruct it.
The NPC didn't issue a warning, just turned his face away and wiped the glass with a composure.
The young man was relieved.
In fact, the plan is big and big, and small and small. The next day, he called three or five people and reluctantly formed a combat unit to go to the border of city y. If something happens, it will prove the sinister intentions of the coalition government.
City Y has expanded a lot, and the border has reached the original settlement. At the moment, the settlements are no better than before, clean and tidy, just like a city.
The group found a humble hotel. Compared with the publicly decorated shops around, this shop is simple and down-to-earth. There are basically no customers in it, so it is a good place to stay. The innkeeper is tall and big, wearing a hat with two of black wool, which is hard to miss.
Seeing the customer entering the door, the boss immediately grinned and smiled brightly: "How many newcomers, don’t you have dinner? This is my menu, and we also provide special snacks for purchase."
The young man answered with a blank face.
"Just call me Uncle Pan." The shop owner ignored the group's indifference, and his smile remained undiminished. "If you want to stay in a store, my house recently..."
"I'll talk about it if necessary, without introducing it." The young man interrupted coldly. "...First, five bottles of sparkling water, iced."
"Good!" The boss automatically filtered out all unkindness, and rubbed his hands with a smile.
"The cakes bought on behalf of this shop are good." The only customer in the store turned his face and spoke quite naturally. "Spread the soy sauce while it is hot, it tastes absolutely perfect."
The young man frowned. Forget the boss, even the guests are so troubled, the omen is really not good.
. He glanced at the man unconsciously—the man was dressed in bulging equipment, covered most of his face, and had a nondescript leather hat on his head, dressed as a ruined gold digger. The other party's voice was young and hearty, his complexion was indistinguishable by the dim light, and a little gray hair appeared from under the brim of the hat.
I don't know if the hair is dyed or the sequelae of erosion.
"Grey Claw, help me get business again?" Uncle Pan smiled and took the sparkling water back, the bottle full of condensation water.
"It's really delicious." Gray Claw's voice was also full of smiles, "No, I'm here to pack. My partner is busy with work and can't get out of the body. We both want to eat this bite again, there is no way."
Uncle Pan's smile became more meaningful: "Greetings for me, thank him for taking care of our brothers' business."
"Yes, it should."
The young man is not in the mood to listen to these two human beings, he is still calculating his actions tonight. The Department of Negotiations with Synthetic Persons in Bomb Y City should be clear enough, but I don’t know if I can find out the situation there tonight...
The weird guest just said this, but did not continue to harass.
It's just that that night, the closer the group was to the Negotiation Department of Synthetic People, the more deserted the surroundings. The young man headed gradually became uncomfortable-his sense of direction has always been very good. Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to the goal, they feel more and more biased.
"Hey." Just after the young man's nerves reached its limit and stopped, a greeting rang from behind him.
An unreasonably large black wolf hides in the shadow of a tall building, and two gray eyes are shining with cold light. Set against the surrounding angular buildings, the scene in front of me is almost illusion. The young man shook his hand and shot it out.
"Don't be so nervous." The bullet grazed the black wolf's body, and the black wolf was unmoved, vomiting. "I'm just here to determine a few questions."
After all, the huge black beast stood motionless and stood quietly, allowing them enough time to react.
The air solidified for several minutes.
"Shu Jun?" Although the black wolf was a lot smaller than he remembered, the young man still recognized this image-there is only such a person in the world who can turn himself into this. He adjusted his breathing for a while, tentatively speaking. "You, aren't you locked up by humans?"
"It's just a little trick." The black wolf's voice was a little more smiling. "It's boring to think about it when you sleep alone. How about it? I don't need to prove my identity anymore?"
"Have you been lurking here..."
"I don't answer questions, I'm here to ask questions." The black wolf tilted his head slightly, adeptly shifting the subject. "Do you come here for revenge, or...?"
"It has nothing to do with personal hatred. Some of our compatriots must be sober and look at the real faces of human beings. Recently, we have heard those "synthetic human cumbersome" sayings." The young man gritted his teeth and said, "Zhu Yanchen has a bad intention. Frog. He is doing it without leaking. When the term of office is over, the next leader will come to power, and the policy will change-we will never have a good life!"
Under the bright moonlight, the giant wolf was as black as a cloud of ink. Its ears trembled, and it listened very carefully.
"...Reasonable concern." Shu Jun paused for a moment. "If you are here for this, I can promise-as long as I stay here, within a hundred years, humans will not attack synthetic humans."
Dozens of eroded vines stick out from the black wolf's shadow and slide on the surrounding walls.
"If humans really do, I will be the first to stand up."
Today, Shu Jun's ability has been exposed seven or eighty-eight. The young man looked at the corroding vines with some fear, and muttered, "How do we trust you? What if you stand on the human side... You came here to protect you today?"
Shu Jun was indeed a synthetic human, but he—or he—is no longer considered a human. Not to mention, Shu Jun's relationship with Zhu Yanchen has always been unclear. Over the past few years, he has never appeared in X City, he may have turned to shelter the coalition government...
Countless thoughts passed through the young man's mind. Looking at the black behemoth in front of him, he even felt a bit of instinctive fear.
The black wolf seemed to smell the fear. It lowered its head and moved extremely lightly, only to scare the team: "I did come to protect this place."
The faces of several youths turned pale in an instant.
"...If you want to avenge your personal revenge, the target of your revenge is reasonable, and you have no intention of killing innocent people. Then I will not assist or interfere." Shu Jun maintained the wolf shape, with a calm tone. "But since you want a sense of security, I will guarantee the safety of City X, please go back."
"We can't trust you."
The black wolf let out a deep laugh: "You have no choice."
"There are more human groups that want to provoke war. Just like me here, there are also human beings working hard to maintain peace on the edge of City X. The stability of these years cannot be maintained by a contract. Everyone, think about it carefully. ."
"What kind of private hatred is not blocked." Someone in the team whispered, "If we want to kill anyone, do you know?"
"I know the name of each of you, as well as the names of each of your relatives and friends who passed away, and even the date of death. There are people who have always remembered it, and remember it very fast. Why, should you test me?
Silence spread in the night again.
"Go back," Shu Jun said sincerely, "Even if you want to take revenge, I also suggest that you take care of yourself and come back."
"...I don't believe..." After a long time, the headed young man murmured. "I don't believe in Zhu Yanchen, nor you. There is no guarantee for the future of Synthetic Man..."
"So far, 17 marriages between humans and synthetic humans have been recognized. After the offspring of synthetic humans receive gene therapy, they will be less and less different from humans. In a few decades, the concept of'synthetic humans' will indeed disappear. Not being wiped out, but you are living this life well, your offspring are mixed with normal humans and live steadily."
Immediately, the black wolf's voice lowered.
"But if before, the flames of war would be ignited. The new group on the human side will find ways to erase you and seek more resources and peace."
"How could I not know this, but we really can't trust humans! If we don't preemptively make everyone stay vigilant, what is the difference between sitting and waiting? As the captain of the Blackbird, do you really believe in human nonsense?"
"Of course I don't believe it." The black wolf shook his tail, his voice sly. "So I will guard everyone."
"...But we don't believe you either!"
The black wolf shook his ears again, and his narrowed eyes were full of smiles.
Seeing the dialogue circling around and reaching a stalemate, the team was half-dead-the former captain of the dignified Blackbirds team just stopped in front of the team with a smile, and his mouth turned over and over again, and he was a little bit more angry.
However, there is too much difference in strength, they can't beat Shu Jun, and they can't really grind the table with the donkey and let the lines spin in place. A few hours later, the team returned to the hotel in an awkward manner and ordered five pancakes with sauce awkwardly.
Command center, rooftop restaurant, private room of the summit.
"Someone is coming over tonight?" Zhu Yanchen touched the corroded vines behind Shu Jun-Shu Jun came too quickly to take all the corroded substances back into his body, they were still shaking slightly in the air.
"Sorry for being late. The young guys are too mobile." Shu Jun scratched his head with his paw. "Yesterday Yu Jin found out that they were talking about this on the'side' side. They ran over today-they still live in Pan. Uncle’s shop. Fortunately, you set up the Synthetic Negotiation Department there.
"Thanks for your hard work." Zhu Yanchen kissed Shu Jun's mouth softly. "Yu Jin also stopped a few saboteurs near City X recently... those emerging groups have not been very honest recently."
"It's time to beat."
"We can take the opportunity to compete against tactics." Zhu Yanchen said solemnly.
"Okay, I'm definitely going to beat you this time." Shu Jun bit Zhu Yanchen's lower lip with the tip of his teeth and smiled and curled his eyes. "Speaking of which, my military division, now that we have an appointment for dinner, let's talk about business later."
After that, he took out a bag of biscuits from his arms: "While it is still hot, let's eat it. Uncle Pan reserved it specially, and the skin is still crispy."
"it is good."
"Wait, wait Ayan, don't kiss first... Since it's Bibi tactics. Will I come over tomorrow?"
"Yes, I have arranged the schedule in advance."
"Premeditated, is this? I suspect you just want to see me more."
Zhu Yanchen curled his mouth: "Of course."
Shu Jun took a big bite of the pie and looked embarrassed. It's a pity that he lasted less than five seconds before he completely broke his merits-Captain Shu swallowed the cake in his mouth, his eyes flashed with delight.
"Okay, Ayan, see you tomorrow."
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