Chapter 15: High quality blank

"Have you seen it? You can't control it." From a distance, Shu Jun was in a hard fight and a dilemma. Even though Zhu Yanchen pointed his gun at him, Old Wei smiled especially happily.
He stretched his neck and looked far away, his face twisted and squeezed: "Young man, people with a certain status will not come here. Why do you work hard if you want to work? Why don't you take your weapons honestly? chat."
Zhu Yanchen stood like a statue, did not respond to Wei, and there was no sign of taking his gun off.
Most of the people gathered to Shu Jun's side, but there were also small groups of villagers with knives and guns, and a united mutant beast surrounded Zhu Yanchen. Even if they are just some sick numbers, the number cannot be underestimated.
Compared to Shu Jun, who didn't look like ordinary people, Zhu Yanchen seemed to be a better control target. At the beginning of seeing the eclipse marsh being taken up, Old Wei was still a little flustered, and now he has restored the appearance of the old god. Confirming that Shu Jun hadn't pleased him, Old Wei turned his face and looked at Zhu Yanchen who was standing behind him.
Then he couldn't help shivering.
To be honest, Old Wei hadn't paid special attention to this person before. Shu Jun's appearance changed eye-catchingly, and his appearance was quite pleasing, coupled with the leadership temperament, the attention of others could easily be drawn away by him. In contrast, this tight-faced young man is slightly boring.
Apart from making some technical (sexual xing) explanations, this young man didn't talk much. Old Wei paid special attention to the fact that the communication between this person and Shu Jun was rather dull, not like a person with many identities. It is estimated that Shu Jun was brought up by some big man in the city, and this is an accompanying technician, who has just received some combat training.
Having said that, those who dare to come to the erosion zone these days are not weak even as a cook. Although this person's combat power is amazing, it is not worth all the fuss. As long as Shu Jun is dealt with first, this person can deal with it casually.
Now seeing those eyes behind the goggles, Old Wei instantly realized the problem. I made a terrible mistake-
This person is definitely not a technician.
There was no coldness or (killing sha) in the eyes, no compassion or disgust, only a gray and dead air. Obviously, when the three of them acted together, this person's eyes were quite ordinary.
unusual. Ordinary people will be scared now, and those who are a little courageous should be cautious now. In any case, he should let out some emotions.
Old Wei had an illusion-although it was strange to say-he was being watched by a dead person.
"You just feed it with the corpse and the eclipse, it will soon grow up." Zhu Yanchen's tone was calm and scary, "If you don't deal with it, it will eat all of you. It's still too late to let your people stop."
His voice is neither high nor low, just enough to be heard by the villagers crowded into a circle.
"I, I..." Old Wei Zhen stammered when Zhu Yanchen looked scared. "I don't believe... Don't listen to him! Can you prove it? You don't have evidence, you just want to cheat us and deceive the swamp..."
The villagers commotion briefly, and none of them put down their weapons.
"Yes, where's the evidence?"
"Have the people who recovered from the marsh tell you anything other than the name? Did they show up outside of your'feeding' time?"
"That can't prove anything, this is our research!" Old Wei roared. "We've been doing it for many years, and there have been no problems. You guys are stubborn, we have to buy it?"
Old Wei didn't want to think about the meaning of those sentences. He had to believe in his own conjecture. He could only believe in his own conjecture.
Kill sha) he!" Old Wei added. "The one over there alone—"
"But before you said..."
"They are not familiar with each other, listen to me! Don't worry about me, just throw my (body shen) body into that swamp..."
This time he could not finish speaking. Suspicious and angry, Old Wei vaguely heard a sigh.
Zhu Yanchen shot. He didn't hit (kill sha) Old Wei, but chose a site that was extremely painful and not lethal. Old Wei let out a scream and fell to the ground, the blood slowly seeping into the soil.
"It's time to explain, I have explained it." Zhu Yanchen threw down a hard sentence and kept moving. Seeing Old Wei screaming and falling to the ground, the villagers subconsciously looked at his situation. Fortunately, those who held the knives were shot by Zhu Yanchen.
The encirclement of the villagers was tightly closed, and the exploded blood splashed to others. The patients were no better than a well-trained army, and they were wailing and chaotic in an instant. There were some neat hands and feet who still did not give up, trying to continue to attack Zhu Yanchen, but the latter did not keep his hands, and there was no hesitation in firing the gun.
People quickly discovered the pattern. Except for the screaming old Wei on the ground, all the others were beaten first, then shot with the same forearm, and then shot into the shoulder. The position was not bad.
Three warnings, no one wanted to know where they would fight the fourth time. This person seemed to have eyes long behind, and they just couldn't catch a blind spot.
Smelling the smell of blood, the dozen mutant beasts that squeezed forward gradually lost their formation. I don't know if it is because the Swamp Swamp is busy dealing with Shu Jun, they begin to show their fangs at the villagers around them-the target person who is surrounded will not kill them, and these things will not be soft. Many villagers had to relocate their targets, and the scene was chaotic.
Shun □ □ killed a few mutant beasts, Zhu Yanchen stabilized his box, squeezed into the chaotic crowd, and marched in Shu Jun's direction neatly.
The other party's situation is a bit bad, Zhu Yanchen clenched the gun in his hand. If necessary, even if the concentration of erosive substance there is high, he must (insert) his hand.
On the other hand, Shu Jun's situation does look bad.
The swamp was rounded up by the crowd. He seemed to have no idea, and could only mechanically pull away or fly away the people in the outer circle, and could not touch the inner circle where the swamp was hiding. During the close contact, his left arm was stabbed several times, and the blood tickled to the edge of the small puddle of the beach, staining the water from gray to black.
He himself seemed to gradually lose his fighting spirit, his movements became slower and slower, and his breathing became heavier. Perceiving his slower and slower movements, his pitch-black arm stretched out quietly, squeezing it out of the people's cracks, and leaning towards the seductive pool of blood.
Sufficient water, alluring erosive qualities scattered, plus weak opponents. Faced with such a combination, the eclipse really took the bait.
The corner of Shu Jun's mouth suddenly accelerated.
He chopped his hand and snatched the knife from the villager beside him, and the gust of wind blew up, pushing his whole body toward that hand like a cannonball. Before that hand could be retracted, Shu Jun pulled it straight.
Then he twisted in the air, stepped on the outermost layer of the human wall, and kicked with all his strength.
Maybe it was surrounded by a wall of people, and I felt more at ease, the mother did not hold her tightly. Shu Jun moved too fast and too strong (strong qiang), and before she could react, the child-like swamp was violently pulled out by Shu Jun.
At the woman’s screaming, Shu Jun swung his knife, trying to take advantage of the situation to cut off the scouring marsh. In this state, as long as you find the half with the brain, and then throw the other half far enough, the scouring marsh can be greatly weakened. Then condense the human form.
The plan is beautiful, the reality is cruel.
The part of the swamp that was about to be chopped squirmed for a while, suddenly squeezing out a lot of water. Shu Jun cried with all his strength, the blade clanged, and immediately broke into two pieces, and the fragments continued to rustle. Shu Jun squeaked, and before it completely squeezed the water (dry gan), his hand went in from the soft spot behind his back.
If the previous few times were like mixing cement, this time he felt that he had reached into the sand pile, making it difficult to move. Fortunately, he probably remembered the position of the brain. The swamp became so thick that the brain itself would not move too fast.
The brain of the swamp is at the end of several soft tendons, about the size of an egg, and soft.
As soon as the brain was held, the swamp lost its human form and turned into a piece of coke, hanging stiffly on Shu Jun's hand. This thing is now pretending to be dead, Shu Jun laughed and laughed.
As long as he holds it, he can destroy the brain of this thing. but……
Shu Jun shook the weight of his hand, and a crazy idea came to his mind. He didn't love war anymore, turned around and ran, leaving the crazy villagers behind.
Then he almost ran into Zhu Yanchen who was coming.
"A Yan?" Shu Jun braked with a hard brake with a heavy object hanging on his hand.
Zhu Yanchen looked at the marsh dangling from Shu Jun's arm, and looked at Shu Jun again. There is no more lifelessness in his eyes, only a little doubt. However, before he had finished looking at Shu Jun, he was caught in a circle by Shu Jun and took him to the sky.
"Run first, run first." Shu Jun smiled, "I have an interesting idea."
"Your thoughts on the last game are also very interesting, please remember the result." Shu Jun's injured left arm was still bleeding, and Zhu Yanchen's tone was rarely gloomy.
"...That's not the case, this is a skin (flesh) injury. Speaking of which, it's your inspiration for me. What happened to your arm?"
"Please don't change the subject, you didn't act according to plan at all. Why do you want to save it?"
"Isn't it just the right study."
"I didn't joking with you." Zhu Yanchen's voice was a little helpless.
"Actually, I want to tell you more formally. After all, this matter involves the issue of trust between us-if there is such a thing between us."
Zhu Yanchen said nothing.
Seeing that the other party fell silent, Shu Jun smiled and continued on his own: "I haven't seen other swamps spraying water to concentrate before. This thing has this ability because of a little brain, right?"
"Yes, but there are special circumstances. For example, you have a brain, but you can't do it."
...Sometimes it doesn't have to be so serious. Shu Jun thought for a few seconds, and couldn't figure out whether the other party was sarcasm, (gan gan) and gave up: "Anyway, because of this, I have some ideas and need your help."
"I don't think you have any plans to return to the city next. If you really want to continue wandering in the erosion zone, for your safety, I need weapons."
Shu Jun glanced at the erosion marsh that was stiff and pretending to be dead.
"I need a sword, a sword that can cut through other swamps."
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