Chapter 39: Program effect

The transportation of materials is under the responsibility of the coalition government. Yujin bought it cool, not afraid that big bags and small bags are not easy to carry. He rented a trailer and swayed slowly to the Ai's Medical Center, still humming a small tune.
The world is still too early to recover. Except for those who have no worries about food and clothing, most people have no opinion on homosexuality. To put it ugly, it would be nice to be able to have fun in hardship in this world. Since one doesn't steal or steal or cheat others, who cares about other people's fun?
As a person seeking life in the border zone, Yujin looks more open than ordinary people. Thinking of the two being in the hospital and no time to shop, he even brought some gifts.
"Just bring this stuff." Seeing the luggage of the two, Yu Jin slapped his tongue. "The coalition government will provide us with some basic materials, but this job needs to be comfortable (gan gan), and I must bring some more. You..."
The dust claws and smoke are not big, and the dust on the two dusty handbags is not wiped (gan). A corner of the zipper is broken, (exposing) the packaging of the nutrient inside and the pill box full of creases.
It's like going to spring outing.
Forget it, no matter how smart the people of the fourth family are, this kind of experience is still not enough, and he still has to take action at the critical moment.
"Here, for you both." Yujin threw a box boldly.
Shu Jun dullly accepted: "Thanks."
Half an hour ago, the two of them had stolen the brain samples with their front feet and returned to the Ai's Medical Center with their back feet, but they could not even enter the door. Ai Xiaoxiao helped them prepare their luggage and threw it out like trash. Considering that the two are immune to eroding and the eroding marsh, Ai Xiaoxiao made no secret of the degree of perfunctory baggage-even if they were tossed directly into the erosion zone, they could live well.
By the way, Monday was also thrown out. When it saw Shu Jun, it suddenly wailed like a dog was stepped on its paw, struggling to climb onto Shu Jun's back, and refused to let go.
Originally, Shu Jun thought that he was not there, and this thing might be a sneak attack. Looking at this reaction now, it is estimated that he was bullied.
Zhu Yanchen obviously understood the temper of his subordinates. He took out a brain sample and solemnly handed it to Ai Xiaoxiao. The latter nodded at him, putting away the disgust in his expression. She thought about it, and put a few candies on the luggage.
"Thanks, I will study it as soon as possible." Without the arrogance and ridicule on his face, Ai Xiaoxiao leaned against the door, his tone a bit like a soldier.
As soon as she returned to the store with her front foot, the turmeric on the back foot arrived.
From entering the city to leaving the city, the two of them revolved around for twelve hours. Shu Jun was a little sleepy, he almost instinctively opened Yu Jin's gift, and then he was sober.
Yujin bought them a box of body lubricant.
Seeing Shujun froze on the spot, Yu Jin quickly explained: "After all, it is used by people, and the anti-corrosion effect is quite good. Don't Smoke Brothers use guns? We all use this brand of goods to maintain parts, and the weapons break slowly...and In the erosion zone, you have to wear old and heavy equipment, and your skin is easy to wear out. Painting is very effective. Expensive is a bit more expensive, but (dry gan) you usually have a can of it on your body."
He hesitated twice again: "I guess the two have brought them, but the brand may not be correct. Just in case, I will give you a bottle of general purpose."
Shu Jun made several erhs and quickly stuffed the bottle into the bag. Zhu Yanchen didn't look here, he was probably thinking about it.
Fortunately, Marshal Zhu is in a daze. Shu Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and then reprimanded himself, who was startled by a few words in his heart-he had made trouble with acquaintances before, and he never cared about making jokes. Next to him is Hu Yan, the deputy captain of the Blackbird, who can laugh wildly for 30 seconds, and then use this as a stalk to instigate each other wildly.
It's like now, Zhu Yanchen still didn't say a word, but he reversed crazy in his mood and escaped back to puberty.
Hope this mission is over and the weird atmosphere between them will be better.
Say Hu Yan Hu Yan will be there.
As the "npc" who led the way, the three of them spent most of the day in city y, which was considered a benefit from the top. A dozen non-disclosure agreements were signed, and all the procedures were completed. They were taken to the gate of City Y, where they were meeting with the core team of Blackbird.
Hu Yan was promoted from deputy captain to captain, but he was not very happy, and he looked like he was fainted.
Shu Jun originally thought he could control his emotions. When he saw those familiar numbers, he still clenched his fists secretly, his throat bitter. Zhu Yanchen stretched out his hand and gently pressed the back of his hand.
The two did not move, but Yujin only treated them as their first mission, and they were unskilled in business. He cleared his throat, greeted him calmly, and shook hands with Hu Yan.
Hu Yan glanced over the three of them, and received them as soon as they touched them.
Shu Jun could guess what Hu Yan was thinking—when he was a player, he had only tasks in his mind. Even if they came to lead the NPC, most NPCs did not say anything, and they would not eat and live with them. They are more like a day tour guide who pays and delivers goods. There is no need to specialize in the department.
But this time I can't help but Hu Yan, he has no place.
Although without the old captain and just won the competition, the Blackbirds are in a good mood. Reconnaissance missions have never been difficult, and there is not much pressure in the team. Shu Jun didn't leave the safe area on the first day, and Shu Jun was quite satisfactory. On the evening of the second day, Yujin went out to command the team to camp, and they finally had time to drill.
Zhu Yanchen is better at the theoretical research of marsh erosion, not as good as Ai Xiaoxiao in terms of treatment, so he naturally follows Shu Jun. Ai Xiaoxiao had just gotten a brain sample, and the repelling medicine had not yet been made. At the moment, they can only deal with Hu Yan with their mouths.
When they entered the door, Hu Yan was turning on the indoor purifier to the maximum gear, wearing (sleeping Shui) clothes and drinking soup. Seeing two NPCs got in by themselves and locked the zipper of the tent, he followed them with suspicious eyes, almost getting burned by the hot soup.
"Old Hu." Shu Jun took off his mask directly, not planning to give his deputy team some time to breathe.
Hu Yan took a sip of the hot soup and just hit his tongue. At this moment, even the lid of the thermos was knocked over. The soup splashed on the socks, his tongue screamed, and a little tear came out of the corner of his eyes. Shu Jun waved his hand casually, and the breeze circled the wet socks twice. Finally, Hu Yan stopped screaming and hissed instead.
The taste of soup is mixed with the taste of socks, and the taste in the tent is unspeakable for a while.
"Team Beam?!" Hu Yan gasped for a while and finally eased. "Didn't you go on your honeymoon with your sister-in-law?"
Shu Jun's emotions have been brewing for a long time. Before he could speak, he was stupefied by the thunderbolt of the blue sky. His speaking style began to move closer to Monday: "Huh? What?"
"No, you just sent a sweet group photo to your brothers a while ago? I guessed it, my sister-in-law is a beautiful woman. How did you enter the game if you left the other girl alone?"
Zhu Yanchen had to conceal his identity. He didn't take off his mask, but Shu Jun could still feel the sight of the opponent.
"Oh, my brothers have envied you for a long time. No, in order to let you play at ease, we dare not bother you two for a while. Take your vacation, how did you become an npc?"
After eating Hu Yan's soul three questions, Shu Jun realized then.
In order to tease him, Hu Yan always likes to call Yanchen "sister-in-law". Right now the genuine smoke and dust is sitting behind him, the one in the "real world" must be a fake. It is not surprising to think about it. If Yanchen's identity is not in line with the Blackbirds' imagination, the AI ​​Shujun who pretends to be himself will inevitably be contacted and comforted back and forth.
Therefore, it is better to create a pair of fake and inferior goddess couples in one step, which will kill two birds with one stone-it can not only reduce the contact between the players and the fake Shujun, but also show the players a bright future after retirement.
"I had a conflict with your sister-in-law, and the atmosphere was a bit stiff." Shu Junsuo (sexual xing) climbed along the pole. "It just so happened that the "Corrosion" official found me and discussed making such a show. Anyway, I work as an NPC on a part-time basis. Can I tell you—if everyone knows, the effect of the show will be gone."
Seeing the return of the old captain, Hu Yan suddenly felt happy: "Then dare to love you."
"This task is actually quite difficult. You need to be mentally prepared. I and your sister-in-law... well, I told you that I will help with tactics with my friend.'One Eye' is a real npc, don't disturb him . "Shu Jun almost mouthed.
"Can you play like this in the future?" Hu Yan looked at Shu Jun eagerly, "To tell the truth, the team is tied. Without you, I'm really uncomfortable with this team."
What is needed is this effect.
"Of course, "Erosion" originally asked me to come back as an NPC, and the picture is estimated to be an off-court guide. Do you still keep the contact information of the captain? Remember to help me pass the message then."
"Hey, dogs can't change eating shit." Hu Yan scolded with a smile, and gradually let go of his emotions.
Even with fierce fighting on the battlefield, Shu Jun was never the type to actively suppress his opponent. The fact is the opposite-he is willing to keep in touch with the captains and even give some tactical advice. Anyway, this game does not have a pvp setting. Rather than secretly stumbling people, Shu Jun hopes that his rivals will retain their strength and change as much as possible (strong qiang), so that they can win more easily.
He knows this habit, Blackbird knows all about it. It's not that no one objected, but the Blackbirds couldn't stay comfortable, and gradually turned off. Hu Yan is not too old, and he will lose Shujun from time to time, but he has never made small moves in private and is very open.
At the beginning, Shu Jun was fancy Hu Yan's frankness and integrity, and he mentioned him all the way to the position of deputy captain.
Hu Yan's emotions returned now. Seeing this comrade-in-arms who had been fighting side by side for several years, Shu Jun lied, and the bitterness in his heart began to writhe again.
Before Ai Xiaoxiao's results came out, they couldn't relieve the impact of the shock in his brain. Since they couldn't communicate the truth, the two could only use this method to make an emergency and minimize the sacrifices of each team.
Seeing Hu Yan smiling happily, Shu Jun resisted the needle-stick emotions and couldn't help but speak again: "Old Hu, you are serious, don't take it seriously—"
"Let's talk." Hu Yan interrupted Shu Jun unceremoniously, turning his eyes to the silent Zhu Yanchen, "This nickname is also called'Smoke'? Why, my sister-in-law is looking for someone to supervise?"
"Also?" Zhu Yanchen asked politely.
Shu Jun: "..." Before his emotions were brewed, he was smashed by Hu Yan.
"Ah, don't you know? My sister-in-law's game id is called ‘Smoke’. The team beam is quite--"
"Suddenly there is a notice, let's take a step first." Shu Jun tightened his chin and interrupted roughly. "Remember what I said, don't take it seriously. I will stare at you all the way. Blackbird will be one less person this time. I will screw your head off."
Hu Yan hissed him a few times: "I'm doing business, don't worry."
Shu Jun buttoned the mask, dragged Zhu Yanchen out of the tent, and took a few deep breaths in the tent.
Before the mission started, he also expected the atmosphere between the two to be more natural. Now that stiffness hasn't improved, it is about to turn into amber, solidifying him inside.
"I have encrypted our conversation." Zhu Yanchen opened his mouth thoughtfully, breaking the silence. "The system can only see the tampered content. It is not surprising that'smoke' is judged to be an npc. As for the image of npc..."
"I can guess, it's just to plug the mouths of other people in Blackbird." Shu Jun didn't dare to turn his head and said to the air in front of him. "What did you make of our conversation?"
"From the system's point of view, the main content of our exchanges is flower-cultivation skills, and tactics are just a supplement."
Shu Jun had nothing to say, he did raise two pots of lisianthus flowers on the balcony, which he could barely make up.
After a while, he asked again: "The people in the city on the'other side' can't be all players. Are you ready for even the NPCs for meeting?"
In the "real world" where the players live, NPCs are real NPCs.
"Yeah." Zhu Yanchen answered honestly. "An eighty-year-old man (sexual xing)."
...How to put it, in this respect, the two of them also have a strange understanding. Shu Jun (gan gan) laughed twice.
Zhu Yanchen's purpose is quite obvious. If he didn't engage in the self (killing sha) style (fuck cao), the two of them really met, and the later (guanguan) department could only keep on writing. Among other things, he can't always drag an eighty-year-old man to eat and drink together.
And if it hadn't been for halfway (killing sha) by himself, Zhu Yanchen had planned to investigate the erosion area by himself and wait for (die si) to die.
Marshal Zhu really did a good job of calculating-after he died silently, in that fictional city, Shu Jun would not be too surprised by the death of an "old" friend.
Thinking of this, Shu Jun's stomach suddenly twisted into a ball.
...When this task is over, they should probably talk about it seriously.
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