Chapter 82: Assassinate

Before the closing of the city, Shu Jun brought Xia Yufeng back to City Y. +++All Tanmei novels: Zhu Yanchen will be a "marshal" for a while, Xia Yufeng is placed in the Ai's medical hall-anyway, Ai Xiaoxiao is not there, and the medical hall is now empty.
I had to go out to see Shu Jun at night. Zhu Yanchen didn't go to the command center and went straight back to Zhu's house.
When the original mother and brother's family were there, Zhu's family was still lively. Nowadays, in addition to the family doctor and the nanny, there are only Zhu Sheng and Zhu Yanchen left in the Zhu family. In the spacious and bright house, most of the rooms are unoccupied. Zhu Sheng did not keep the habit of decorating the deceased's room, and the extra room was cleaned up, like a lost cicada.
The food is very generous, but there are only two people at the table.
It was Zhu Sheng’s notice to go back to eat. It seemed that Xia Yufeng would also go back to Zhu’s home to eat when he was absent.
I wish the old man is not a waste, there are only three simple dishes for dinner. A clear stewed oxtail soup, a cabbage tofu, and a minced meat stewed egg are all dishes suitable for the elderly.
Zhu Yanchen took his seat and ate without a word.
"Your posture is much more standard today." Zhu Sheng glanced at him.
"Exercise results." Zhu Yanchen replied neither humble nor arrogant.
Another cold field. Zhu Sheng ate very slowly, and the huge restaurant was warmed up by the lights, but Zhu Yanchen saw a coldness beside the old man—he had a lot of dealings with Tang Heyu during the recent period. Although Lao Tang is a bit suspicion of being an old man and disrespectful, he is six or seven times more energetic than Zhu Sheng.
Although the Tang family didn't like Tang Heyu, the Tang family had many descendants and lived together lively, and they took good care of Tang Heyu. On the other hand, Zhu's family, there are distant relatives, but considering safety factors, no family lives with Zhu Sheng.
Zhu Yanchen spoon paused.
"...I wish you old."
"Now you know that the player system may cause various problems. Then take a step back and cooperate with Yining as a way."
As long as we relax on the issue of the people in the settlement, the contradiction between the two people has not reached the point of irreversibility.
"Well, I have found someone to read Zhu Yanchen's research. The problem with the player system is because the swamp swallowed the body of the synthetic man and gained a lot of information." Zhu Sheng scooped a spoonful of stewed eggs and carried the spoon in his hand. The trembling characteristic of the elderly.
"Then don't let the eroding marsh reach them." Zhu Sheng said lightly. "After processing this batch of synthesizers, I will find someone to optimize the new system. After that, synthesizers do not need to go deep into the marsh battle, and the loss of the slower purification speed can be made up with the capacity of the new "life player"."
Then he stopped and began to mutter to himself: "The ‘campus training’ of the virtual city should be changed...the issue of isolation between citizens and synthetics...well, there are also handling after the service period..."
Zhu Yanchen squeezed the handle of the spoon instantly.
"What?" Perceiving Zhu Yanchen's sight, Zhu Sheng got out of the state of wandering. "Oh, I just talked about the cooperation with Yining. Yining is too soft-hearted, so he is constantly interrupted and suffers from the chaos. To let him be the leader, mankind will have a big trouble.
When he said this, Zhu Sheng stared at the spoon in front of him, without even looking at Zhu Yanchen.
Zhu Yanchen adjusted his mood for a while: "Why must the player system continue? Its loopholes are obvious enough, and the risks are too great."
"Do you know nuclear power towers? One of the important energy supply channels before the end."
Taking into account Xia Yufeng's knowledge reserves, Zhu Yanchen answered with caution: "Have heard a little."
"Hundreds of years ago, there were similar facilities such as'nuclear power plants'. Compared with safe nuclear power towers, nuclear power plants have the risk of leakage or even explosion. Once an accident occurs, the destruction of the city level is not uncommon."
Zhu Sheng had a rare interest.
"Of course, the probability of an accident is very low, but it's not that it hasn't happened. At that time, it was extremely important to all countries. Despite the risks, no one gave up its benefits. The player system is also a principle, which is related to people's livelihood. The big thing-if there is a risk, it will stop, and humanity will not be able to develop at all."
But life is not a machine.
Zhu Yanchen took a breath and suppressed his emotions: "Are you sure you don't consider abolishing the player system? Introduce people from the colony to labor, and the purification is slowly processed by the machine. The difference is only—"
"The efficiency is too low, and the burden on society is too great." After speaking, Zhu Sheng glanced at Zhu Yanchen again. "Xia Xia, you talk a lot today."
In the next time, Zhu Yanchen did not speak again. Until the end of the meal, he stood up and left the last question.
"Mr. Zhu, have you ever regretted this persistence?"
Zhu Sheng did not answer directly. He sat in the bright and empty dining room, setting the old man's face, the dining room was like a huge coffin.
"Persistence is good for the people, that's for sure. If you give up now..."
Until Zhu Yanchen left the restaurant, the old man didn't finish his sentence.
At the same time, the other side.
After listening to Zhu Yanchen's words, Shu Jun did not tease Yi Ning. According to the arrangement, he used the identity of "Grey Claw" as a resident of the settlement to disclose the information to Yining, and then declined Yining's solicitation request.
"I have a boss." Shu Jun whistled, "Sorry, Mr. Marshal."
Yi Ning is quite regretful, but he doesn't have the habit of being tough. Under the of Yining bodyguards, the two went out of the restaurant where they met.
"Mr. Greyclaw, where are you going next? If there is no place to live, I can find someone to arrange it."
"No, I have to go to the outskirts of the city to find my boss." Shu Jun waved his hand carelessly.
"Really, then I—"
Before Yi Ning finished speaking, Shu Jun drew him close. A bullet hit the position where Yining had just stood.
"Sniper." Shu Jun did not hesitate, tightening Yining's collar and flashing into the nearest alley. Yining's two bodyguards wanted to follow up, but were hit in the head by bullets.
"... Zhujia." Yining gritted his teeth.
"How do you say?" Shu Jun asked while observing his surroundings. "If you die, won't the election be delayed? I remember that Zhu Sheng wanted to get things done sooner."
"Maybe my recent movements were too big and he noticed it." Yi Ning frowned. "It is a tense period. Even if I die, Zhu Sheng can find a way to directly let Zhu...put his puppet to the post."
"This is really ruthless." Shu Jun pressed the mask on his face, "Speaking of which, the city is sealed like this, and the people outside the colony are too difficult to vote. Recently, Zhu Yanchen has been very diligent, and he has defeated you. Isn't it simpler? Zhu Sheng is so unconfident."
"...Zhu Yanchen has a bad reputation after all, and the support rate among the people is very poor." Yining sighed in a low voice, "Even if the voting rights of the settlement are cut off, he and I will have a 50-50 win rate."
When he shakes out the evidence that Zhu Yanchen is a fake, he will win. Zhu Sheng was absolutely aware of his thoughts, so he wanted to act first and cut the mess quickly.
"So that's it." Shu Jun smiled, "That's why I hate these intrigues. Forget it, Old Yi, you can't die now."
"Counting the snipers, there are about thirty people surrounded us. Such a mobilization of the teacher and the crowd, really determined to kill you."
Shu Jun was talking on his mouth, his eyes sweeping in this dark alley.
"To be honest, the synthesizers are rebelling outside, and you still think about the settlement, so you don't worry about city Y at all? If you are here to make trouble with Zhusheng, and the synthesizers overthrow you all, then it will put the cart before the horse. "
"I don't plan to kill Zhu Sheng. If something happens, he can protect the city." Yi Ning drew out his gun. "I understand what you said, but I can't see my compatriots die in front of my eyes and do nothing. do."
Shu Jun: "..."
A Yan's judgment is very accurate. This person is a kind person and will become a good leader. But he will not be a qualified leader.
"Let's survive before giving a speech, Yining." Shu Jun lowered his voice, "I'm going to ask you instead, where are you going next?"
"There must be an ambush in the command center, and my own house is also choking. If possible, I want to go to the Tang house."
"No problem, remember to pay."
It was a pity that he couldn't fly, Shu Jun touched the mountaineering bag behind him-in order to hide his eyes, he let it some water and set the sword up so that it could be stuffed into the backpack.
The abilities cannot be used, and the weapons are inconvenient to take out. This battle is really hard.
Shu Jun sighed fiercely, turned on the communicator, and sent a few text messages to Zhu Yanchen: "Yining, you take off my uniform jacket and hide it in the trash can over there. In an hour, there will be Tang family members. Come to meet you. Until then, no matter what you hear, don't look outside. Have you heard?"
"Grayclaw, how do you know the Tang family..."
"The way of the boss, ask no more questions." Shu Jun took off Yining's uniform hat and buttoned his head. "Get off quickly. When they come around, you won't have time to hide."
Yining had to take off his jacket, put on Shu Jun's dirty colony clothing, got up and hid in the trash can. Fortunately, for the city, there are a lot fewer people throwing garbage. The dustbin is fairly clean.
"The marshal's uniform is not bad." After changing into his uniform, Shu Jun tightened his belt grinningly. He picked up the backpack in one hand and made a casual gesture.
The "copy" ability was activated, and the other Yining slowly stood up in front of him, his eyes like a dead person, without any emotion.
Considering that the copy can only be made into layers, in order to ensure that the footsteps are realistic enough, Shu Jun added some corrosive vine pressure scales into it.
He thought for a while, unpacked his backpack, took out the ball-shaped Monday, and stuffed it into the "replica". On Monday, the sugar ball was sucked in the bag, and it was pulled out suddenly, and it poke three times angrily.
"Stop making trouble." Shu Jun looked at the trash can not far away and lowered his voice. "I'll beg for another can of sugar for you. You stay in this thing-when you get rid of those trackers, you will sniff my position and join me."
"Five. Cans."
"It's up to you, let's put you in a jar again." Shu Jun was angry and funny.
"Two. Cans."
"Fine, two cans, hurry up."
"Open. Heart," said Monday happily.
"...Just happy." Shu Jun ignored it, and simply stuffed it into the replica, and then gave instructions to the replica.
"They ran out! Yes, both of them ran out. One of them has lost his backpack, and may have another uniform in it." Not far away, the assassin under observation began to contact his companion.
"How to do?"
"Chasing. I took the two groups a and b to chase the east side, and the two groups c and d to chase the west side. The blockade of the alley was lifted... Yes, I'm pretty sure. There were only two people in the alley and both ran out. "
After about a dozen or so people chased him up, Shu Jun snorted, speeding up his pace. However, he has limited knowledge of the internals of City Y. Even if he can fly over the walls, there are still four or five people behind him.
I don't know what happened on Monday.
Shu Jun shook his head and turned over a low wall with his bare hands. It is a pity that he headed into a dead end-he seemed to ran into a residential area remodeled by a factory, and the surrounding walls were scary.
Unless he uses abilities, or manipulates the eclipse, he can't turn it over.
"Wait, wait. I'm not Yining." Shu Jun pushed the mask on the lower half of his face and raised his hands. "Your goal is Marshal Yi Ning, right? I'm a part-time worker in a settlement. It's useless to kill me with money. Or let's take a step back and you continue to work, and I will go home... "
"Grab." The killer made a gesture, "Ask Yi Ning's whereabouts well."
"Don't don't don't." Shu Jun hurriedly waved his hand, "I really don't know anything. I have been leading the synthesizer before, so I have to move faster. Forgive me."
"The news came from the other side, and I was sure to kill Yining. The body fell into the river and was washed away. What should I do?" The reporter's voice was extremely low, but Shu Jun heard it clearly.
The leader casually glanced at Shujun: "Forget it, let's help the other two teams. As for this..."
Shu Jun stood at attention.
"Kill it, save trouble." The man waved his hand. "He is from the settlement, and no one makes trouble when he disappears."
A wall behind him heard the sound of dripping water. Shu Jun sighed, "Everyone, I'm begging you. I haven't seen your looks, and you are not familiar with your life. What kind of secrets can I shed? Yi Ning is dead, I can't offend others. I will pay back tonight. There is a date, my wife is still waiting for me—"
"That's not what you said just now." One of them said coldly, "You said you want to see the boss, why, your boss is not your wife? This person is full of nonsense and can't keep it."
"Really can't be accommodating?" The sound of water behind him got closer and closer.
"Stop talking nonsense, do it."
The gunfire sounded, but it was not Shu Jun that was shot, but another human figure that appeared out of thin air-that thing had been twisted and deformed, with twisted limbs, barely able to see the shadow of a person, more like a dead corpse.
"Good job, I'll beg three cans of sugar for you on Monday."
"You. Said." There were several responses from the corpse cavity. Shu Jun smiled, and broke the "corpse" with one hand, grasping the hilt of the sword full of water stains.
The next moment, the killers didn't realize what was happening, and their thinking sank into darkness.
"Within an hour, dispose of the corpse and blood stains, including clothing and metal, and don't be picky eaters." He ordered the surrounding corrodes, "After the treatment, you should spread out and make sure you are more than ten kilometers apart."
After cleaning the scene, Shu Jun let out a long sigh. He leaned against the wall and stared at the slowly disappearing corpse, with no expression on his face. The air was cold and humid, and the smell was particularly pungent.
At this moment, the communicator vibrated. Shu Jun connected neatly.
"It's me." Zhu Yanchen's voice came, "Lao Tang told me that the Tang family has received Yi Ning. Then they will strengthen his protection until the end of the election."
"……in bad mood?"
"Is it all audible?" Shu Jun laughed dryly.
"You killed someone."
"It's true, you hid the camera on my body or what? Yeah, I killed four or five people, it feels really..."
It feels so strange and refreshing. Shu Jun is very keen on his own perception, and he is quite sure that "something" in his body that is different from humans has been satisfied. On the one hand, he was uncomfortable with this, on the other hand he got a weird pleasure-some kind of almost addictive pleasure.
This contradiction almost tore his emotions in half. If this is the reward mechanism created through "hatred", it is indeed tricky enough.
"Is it really pleasant?" Zhu Yanchen seemed to see through his mind.
"Ayan, have I said that you are really scary sometimes."
"No." Zhu Yanchen answered earnestly. "I discussed this situation with Tang Lao a few days ago. You are feeling unstable now, don't stay there for too long, go home first."
"Come back home?"
"...Come to me."
Shu Jun no longer looked at the corpse underground. He raised his head and looked at the sky covered by dark clouds. The emotion that was almost torn apart just now began to calm down again.
"Well, I will go back now."
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