Chapter 90: good night

In city y, people are still discussing the images on the ruins of city x, and they don’t know anything about the tragedy at the border of the settlement. +++Popular Tanmei novel: recently issued a request for residents to move inward to the city center, but the hot atmosphere during the new election was soaked up, and people did not panic-whether they moved or not, during this period Everyone has to go out every day. Now I just carry more property and live in the city center temporarily.
No one thought about what natural disasters could break the city's defenses. The tragedy in City X in history has taught people a lesson that humans cannot fall twice in the same place.
Only a few people noticed that the two leaders seem to be in poor condition—Zhu Yanchen has been sick and weak since he was attacked on the show. Yi Ning didn't know what was the shock. He turned pale all day long, and occasionally wandered in front of the camera.
However, this does not prevent the rest of the people from taking the opportunity to rest. The huge city Y has been running steadily for more than 100 years, and people have long been accustomed to a regular life. Everyone finds it fresh once in an emergency like this.
I have to say that Zhu Sheng is top-notch in terms of controlling the situation. City Y is like an omelette right now. People squeezed into the egg yolk area. Only the guards patrolling back and forth in the egg yolk area and the army ready to fight.
The underground bar of the old four is on the edge of city y. Now it is evacuated upon request and is now empty. This kind of horned place is not suitable for camping, it has completely become a ghost room, but it is convenient for some obscure gatherings
"The three settlements near the γ-31329 settlement have all completed the'fake massacre.' As for the settlements that have not prepared an underground stronghold, they have fled under the arrangements of the fourth family. They don't know other settlements. The truth is that the massacre is real."
Two points with a dice mask reported that the voice was still very slick. He sat on the slanted velvet chair and poured himself a glass of wine that was too late to take away: "Your actions are bigger than I thought."
"I heard that you have made a lot of money in the mud sled and material business." With a mask on his face, Zhu Yanchen suppressed his voice. He didn't respond to the two-point probe, and changed the subject directly.
"We obeyed the rules. Whether it's transportation or supplies, no one sits on the floor and raises prices. Don't worry, I will go back and beat three to six. This opportunity is rare in a century, and it's not surprising that someone is itchy."
Pan Zhu Yanchen looked up and down at two o'clock: "I heard that Miss Ai has entered the city center. It seems that you will have to take his seat recently."
Zhu Yanchen still ignored: "The price of consumables in the settlement must be coordinated. The medical supplies of the fourth family are controlled by a special person, and cannot be privately hidden or sold. Ai Xiaoxiao has arranged for someone. Again, especially in this regard, I don't want others to interfere."
There was a little smile in the two o’clock voice: "Yes, boss. But when it comes to this... Recently, Zhu Sheng has relaxed the restrictions on the fourth family. Have you heard that? The old man is planning to completely close the city outside. The guards don’t care about our people anymore. Now they are weak and have a lot of supplies outside. It’s better to—"
"It is strictly forbidden to conflict with the army. Once you are found, you know the rules."
"Oh, whether it's Sister Ai or you, it's really hard-working. Okay, I see, who made me only have to arrange'two o'clock'." The man shrugged.
After sending off at two o'clock, Zhu Yanchen loosened his tight nerves and opened a bottle of champagne infrequently. During this period of time, he basically "suppressed" the weapon production workshop-the underground bar-the command center at three points and one line, and people turned like a top. The days with Shu Jun were too easy, and he was a little uncomfortable with this time with almost no sleep.
I have to go back to the command center later to participate in the celebration meeting. Since being shot on the show, Xia Yufeng's whole body has been in a state of confusion, as if water had entered his mind. If you want him to convey information about the meeting, you can miss two sentences in three sentences.
People are really easy to fall. Before he had lived like an ascetic monk, but now he was separated from his lover for a few days, Zhu Yanchen felt a little tired. He sipped his champagne and looked at the empty tavern.
Then his eyes went dark.
Something cold and slippery caught his eyes, Zhu Yanchen's heart tightened, and then he was very relaxed.
"I won't ask'Guess who I am' anymore." Shu Jun said lazily. "Grand Sergeant, I haven't seen you use wine to pour your sorrows. This is not a good habit."
After all, Shu Jun let go of those corroded qualities and walked around in front of Zhu Yanchen. He took off the mask with one hand and looked at the opponent's bloodshot eyes.
"What's the matter, I haven't watched you for a while, and you can't sleep well?"
"The production of'suppression' weapons is limited, and I must personally check it." Feeling the temperature of the opponent's face, Zhu Yanchen couldn't help but curl his lips. The feeling of fatigue swept across the dam at once, washing away the bitterness into soreness. "In this battle, our side must be foolproof... Shu Jun, now the city is closed, how did you get in?"
"Learn the spirit of Luo Duan and slowly drill through the cracks in the ground." Shu Jun voiced bitterly, "Did you see my clothes? It's all erosive mimicry. Ah Yan, I was packed all the way by the box, The command center presented meticulous productions, but I have learned a lot of tricks."
"You really..."
"No way, miss you." Shu Jun unceremoniously grabbed Zhu Yanchen, and the two fell onto the sofa. He didn't do more, just held his lover in his arms. "And I guessed, you won't take a good rest."
"Don't make trouble, I'll have a meeting later." Wrapped by the familiar breath of the other party, Zhu Yanchen almost instantly fell asleep, but he held it firmly.
"How long have you not slept?"
"Less than three days."
"It's all here, let me go."
Zhu Yanchen suddenly awake, he squeezed his body from the sofa: "Now there are the most advanced purification equipment on the periphery of the command center, you can't get in! The ground seam can't work, they will definitely check the door monitoring and the guests. You... …"
"I can tolerate the internal purification. The most difficult thing is the purification cover around the yard. I know." Shu Jun smiled, "It's okay. I haven't been idle during this time. I also learned a lot from others."
Shu Jun pulled away and stood up, eroding up from his feet, wriggling slowly. The next moment, another "Zhu Yanchen" appeared in front of Marshal Zhu, even his uniform was not bad.
"It didn't take long for me to practice. The technique is still terrible, but it can also control the dust to a certain extent. It is still possible to make a purifier temporarily fail." Shu Jun's voice is still his own, he stretched out his hand and pulled Zhu Yanchen up. Wearing a wrist with a communicator, he then recovered his appearance. "Come on, just like before-talk to the parents first, and then you sleep with me for a while."
After all, he scanned the communication list and directly clicked the most frequent communication
"What's the matter?" Tang Heyu was obviously sleeping just now, with white hair sloppy. "Boy, I warn you—"
The old man's voice suddenly got stuck, he rubbed his eyes, then stared his eyes wide: "Shu Jun?!"
"A Yan needs a rest. We were at the bar where we met last time." Shu Jun said concisely. "I'll hide him first...Leave aside the meeting in the command center, how long will it be before your meeting?"
"Seven and a half hours." Tang Heyu's expression was complicated, his mouth closed and opened, opened and closed, and it took a long time to give an answer.
"Then seven hours later, you remember to wake him up."
"Lao Tang, he is joking." Zhu Yanchen tried to pull back his wrist, but Shu Jun grasped so tightly that he could only helplessly explain out loud. "I will go soon—"
"Fuck you." Shu Jun was justified, "Look at your face, it's as white as paper-Marshal Zhu, I warn you. I know you are immune to corrosion, and I can help you heal your wounds, but you have to Sudden death in the meeting room, you really get cold. Now, sleep."
"I checked my body, it shouldn't be..."
"I won't talk about the word'should' anymore. You will become stupid if you keep going this way." Shu Jun insisted, "I don't want to live with a fool."
Zhu Yanchen: "..."
Tang Heyu: "Can I cut off the call first?"
"Not for the time being." Shu Jun raised his voice, "Anyway, Tang Lao, that's it. You will pick him up in seven hours - well, it's okay now, you can hang up."
Mr. Tang cut off the communication at the fastest known speed.
Shu Jun let go of Zhu Yanchen's wrist, but there was not much victory on his face: "How do I feel that since we meet again, I have been monitoring your sleep problems."
Zhu Yanchen didn't answer, he frowned slightly, grabbed Shu Jun's wrist with his backhand, and dragged him back to the sofa.
"Why, don't worry about me going?" Shu Jun curled his mouth again when he saw the other party's serious expression. "I can't play the real you, Xia Yufeng can still do it to the degree. As for the sound, I have the ability to'copy'. I can adjust the vocal cords with eclipse quality without revealing anything."
After a few seconds of silence, the pair of vertical pupils slowly shrank.
"Of course, I won't take the opportunity to kill high-level humans, although this opportunity is quite tempting..."
"Since we met, I have been monitoring your emotional problems." Zhu Yanchen interrupted Shu Jun quietly, "I know you just want me to rest, but I also know that you like to be close to me when you feel uncomfortable. "
Shu Jun was stunned.
"You didn't imagine the scene of destruction. At least I didn't see too many deliberate elements, it was quite natural."
...And the sorrowful and desperate cry of the monster, Shu Jun, who is not good at acting, can never do it. It's more like a vent of a real emotion than acting.
Zhu Yanchen stretched out his hand and stroked Shujun's cheek with his palm. Seeing Shu Jun opened his mouth slightly, he couldn't help but poking Shu Jun's tooth tip that was exposed outside his lips.
"Those scenes are the intelligence instilled by sigma, right?"
"...Well, the destruction of City X, I have referred to it." Shu Jun's unformed hostility instantly dissipated.
"Last time, and this time too. Every time you turn yourself into a monster, you will be more susceptible to negative emotions." Zhu Yanchen retracted his hand and rubbed Shujun's hair top in this posture. "I don't mind if you come here to confirm-whether it is trust or love, anytime."
His eyes were extremely soft: "I agree with you to go, and I won't hold on any more. But on the other hand, don't deliberately hide your emotions."
"That's all right, shut up." Shu Jun pushed Zhu Yanchen down on the sofa and looked at the ceiling. "Go on, I can't help but kiss you. Then neither of us will sleep."
Zhu Yanchen did not struggle this time. He turned sideways on the sofa, with Shu Jun's legs resting on his head, and soon fell asleep.
When his lover was asleep, Shu Jun slowly moved away and put a soft pillow under Zhu Yanchen's head. Then he went around the store a few times and found another blanket, which he carefully covered for Marshal Zhu.
"I will come as soon as I go," Shu Jun said softly, and kissed Zhu Yanchen's eyes. "When you wake up, I will tell you the contents of the meeting."
Shu Jun stood up and turned off the only lighting in the bar. The windows were sealed long ago, and the surroundings plunged into darkness.
"Good night, sweet dreams."
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