Chapter 1217: The boss of the boss

Hearing this voice, Huang Daqiang’s face changed slightly. He stood up and walked to the door and opened the door. !
A few confused men pushed Huang Daqiang's body and walked in from the door.
There are a total of four of these people. One looks older and looks like a 30-year-old. The other three grades are very small. In their teens, they look at children, but they dye their hair in different colors.
"Huang Daqiang, you can really hide, you are hiding in this kind of bird place. When the name was Huang Shao, who was shocking the city, but now he has to live in such a place, it really makes people think of it!"
"Guo Shengpeng, I will pay you back at the beginning of next month. My car is now ready to be transferred by the dealership. As long as I have finished the house, I have money!" Huang Daqiang said with ugly face.
"I came to ask you for interest." The man in his thirties, called Guo Shengpeng, looked at Huang Daqiang’s home and then put his gaze on Li Susu’s body. He smiled and said,
Hey, I didn’t expect you to fall. There are still such beautiful girls around."
"I haven't already given you interest?" asked Huang Daqiang.
"What you gave before is the interest of the month. I am coming to you for the interest of this month. Do you not know how?" Guo Shengpeng asked.
"What month of interest, I clearly give you interest on the first day of this month, you are talking about this month's interest! How can you lie!" Huang Daqiang said excitedly.
"How can I call it? It is clear that we are talking about the interest of the settlement month of the first month of each month. Is the money given to me on the first of this month, is it not the interest of the month?" Guo Shengpeng asked.
"But when we said this on the 1st of this month, you didn't say that. You asked me to give you interest money in advance on the 1st of this month. If I say this, I can pay you back at the latest next month, and there is no extra. I received my interest, so I only sent you the interest of this month on the 1st. At that time, I made a total of two money for you, isn’t it?
Huang Daqiang said.
"No, no, it is not like this, you must remember it wrong!" Guo Shengpeng said.
"How can I remember correctly, I have a transaction record here!" said Huang Daqiang.
"I said that you remembered that you remembered it wrong. What are you special about? Give interest quickly. Otherwise, Laozi will sue you. Don’t forget, you borrowed three times and wrote it. If you sue you, You have to follow three times!!" Guo Shengpeng said.
" are not a rogue!" Huang Daqiang said with a grin. "I have already given it. I can't give you interest money anymore."

Is it?
Guo Shengpeng snorted and said,
Then don’t blame me for being polite to you.

"If you don't have money, you have to kill one day, you have to play rogue with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is desperate with you!" Huang Daqiang grabbed an old bench next to him and gazed at Guo Shengpeng.
Guo Shengpeng's three men directly pulled out a piece of steel from the waist. Each steel bar is about half a meter long and has enough weight. If you hit someone, you can basically stumble one person.
"It's just a little bit better." Xu Taiping stood up and said, "Let's have a professional ethics to lend, so you have to pay interest money. Do you still talk about the morals of the rivers and lakes?"
"Is the rivers and lakes right? I have been mixed with the rivers and lakes for so many years. I am using people like you to tell me the meaning of the rivers and lakes?" Guo Shengpeng said with a sigh of relief. "I am not afraid to tell you that Laozi is going to hang him, he wants to fix him, who makes He offended people, what's the matter?"
"Who is offended?" asked Xu Taiping.
"I don't know who I am offended. I only know that some people don't want Huang Daqiang to be comfortable, don't talk nonsense, or give interest, or you will give me a fall." Guo Shengpeng said.
"Very good." Xu Taiping sneered and said, "I would like to see, in the construction of the city of Xiahai, who can let Laozi fall."
"Oh, a big tone?" Guo Shengpeng stared at Xu Taiping with a disdainful look. "Where are you mixed? Not afraid to tell you, the boss of Laozi's boss, but Zhou Xiaoyu!"
"The boss of your boss is Zhou Xiaoyu? That is really good, Zhou Xiaoyu's boss is me." Xu Tai said in a flat color.
"Ha ha ha, what do you mean, Zhou Xiaoyu's boss is you? You are so crazy, you? You don't ask for inquiries, who is the rivers and lakes in the city? You dare to say that you are Zhou Xiaoyu. Boss, hahaha, you said this in front of Zhou Xiaoyu, you can get out of the sea city, the old man called you." Guo Shengpeng called.
"Yes, this is what you said." Xu Taiping nodded and then picked up his mobile phone and called Zhou Xiaoyu.
Zhou Xiaoyu quickly picked up the phone.
"Xu, what?"
"Are you in Xiahai?" asked Xu Taiping.
"Yes." Zhou Xiaoyu replied.
"Come on the 38th side of Xiling Road. There is a small alley next to it. There is an iron gate in the alley. There is a parking lot behind the iron gate. You enter the iron gate and go to the left hand side of the stairs. Come to the fourth floor and count in the middle. The third room, I am waiting for you here. Malay." Xu Taiping said.
"Okay, I am nearby, within five minutes." Zhou Xiaoyu said.
Xu Taiping hung up and said to Guo Shengpeng in front of him, "I am going to call Dad for a while."
"I will let you call Dad first, a few of you, give it to me!" Guo Shengpeng snorted.
A few teenagers around Guo Shengpeng rushed to Xu Taiping with an iron bar, and then unknowingly slammed the iron bag to Xu Taiping's head.
Xu Taiping swept his leg. The three of them didn't have time to lick it. They were swept out by Xu Taiping and slammed into the wall.
"Grass you still have no public morals, so noisy!" There was a scream in the next room, and then the footsteps sounded from the door. A man and a woman rushed to the outside of Huang Daqiang's room. The result was just seen. There are a few young social people on the side of the wall, and there is a social person in their thirties in front of them.
The man and a woman vented their anger and turned to run in their room.
"Kid, I tell you, you have a stall!" Guo Shengpeng took a knife from his pocket and pointed at Xu Taiping. "You can dare to play under the hands of Xiao Yu, you are finished, I promise you, you are finished." !"
"Know why you can stand still?" asked Xu Taiping.
Guo Shengpeng stunned and didn't know what to answer.
"Because I still have some things I want to know like you. If you faint, it will be useless to me." Xu Taiping said.
"Bastard, you can't afford to see people, how can you play, there is a kind of you waiting for Lao Tzu!" Guo Shengpeng called.
"Call." Xu Taiping said with a smile, "Go and call, call a little more!"
"This is what you said!" Guo Shengpeng said as he picked up his mobile phone and called out.
As soon as the phone was connected, Guo Shengpeng exclaimed excitedly. "Boss, I was beaten by the boss. Someone publicly insulted you with Xiao Yu, but I was angry with him, but I didn't expect him to play very hard. I can't beat. Ah boss, you have to take revenge for me!"
"Who hit you?" Guo Shengpeng came over the phone and heard the voice of a low man.
"I don't know, I am here at No. 38 Xiling Road. You can let the brothers come over and help out!" Guo Shengpeng said.
"No. 38, Xiling Road? I am downstairs. Don't make trouble, wait first. I will come to see Big Brother with the rainy boss." The person at the end of the phone finished talking and hung up.
Guo Shengpeng stood in the same place.
My boss, even Zhou Xiaoyu came over here to see Big Brother?
Where is Big Brother? There are only myself, there are a few people who have been beaten, and the man who beats people, said to be the man of Zhou Xiaoyu.
Guo Shengpeng’s pupil suddenly collapsed.
He looked at Xu Taiping with horror.
At this time, he already had some kind of speculation in his heart.
At this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the door.
Guo Shengpeng looked back and saw that Zhou Boyu, the boss of his boss, was rushing in from the door. At the same time, his boss also followed Zhou Xiaoyu. In addition to these two people, there were still several people. Behind Zhou Xiaoyu, behind them.
"Xu Ge." Zhou Xiaoyu did not look at Guo Shengpeng and smiled and looked at Xu Taiping. "When did you come?"
Upon hearing Zhou Xiaoyu shouting Xu Ge, Guo Shengpeng’s face turned into a pig liver color. He did not expect that this person was really the boss of his boss.
"I have come early, this person is the one under our hands?" Xu Taiping asked Guo Shengpeng.
"This is my men, Xu Ge." Zhou Xiaoyu said one after another.
"It’s really our people." Xu Taiping smiled and looked at Guo Shengpeng and said, "Cry."
"This..." Guo Shengpeng suddenly stunned, although he is a gangster, but when he screams at people, he still can't do it.
"Little Guo Zi, what is the situation?!" Guo Shengpeng's boss said frowning.
"This, this is a bit misunderstood." Guo Shengpeng said reluctantly.
"I will give you a chance." Xu Taiping looked at Guo Shengpeng and said, "Tell me, who wants to kill Huang Daqiang, who is behind you to tell you to hang Huang Daqiang, I want to see, who can use my People, come to hang my friend, or say, there is no such person at all, just because you want to get more money from my friend."
"Xu Ge." Guo Shengpeng squatted in front of Xu Taiping, excitedly said, "I, I am only trusted by people, really, Xu Ge!"
"Then tell me, who is it?" asked Xu Taiping.
"Yes... is a person named Li Qingqi." Guo Shengpeng said.

Li Qingqi?
Huang Daqiang said with a frown.
What are you talking about Li Qingqi who is very rich at home?

"Yeah, I have had a drink with him. He asked me to hang you." Guo Shengpeng explained.
"Do you know that person?" asked Xu Taiping.
"I know, but I am not familiar with it, and there is no festival between us. How can he make people come to hang me?" Huang Daqiang asked in confusion.
"I want to know why, let him come over and know." Xu Taiping said, looking at Zhou Xiaoyu.
"I let people find him!" Zhou Xiaoyu nodded.
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