Chapter 108: : Technology Apprentice

Ten days.
In the office area, Chen Mo’s book in his hand was thrown aside, with a relaxed smile on his face.
For the first half of the year, it is not long, and short and short. During this time, he finished reading, how many people can't finish the book for a lifetime. Even if he has a super brain, he still makes him dizzy.
1000 books, if not rational, he now has an impulse to write a poem.
In the temple, Chen Mo put all the books on the table back to the bookshelf. After reading 1000 books, he was surprisingly quiet inside.
The only thing he wants now is that the next level of authority in the Science and Technology Library should not be read.
After packing, Chen Mo lay back on the sofa in the office area and closed his eyes.
The golden gate of a hundred meters high is engraved with various incomprehensible words, symbols, dense and dotted. The feeling of the door is heavy and simple.
Standing under the door and looking up, Chen Mo sent out a small sigh of humanity from his heart.
When I first got the technology library, the door gave him a strange feeling, but the feeling at this time was completely different.
The palm of your hand is placed on the door, and the thick door slowly opens. The white light shot and drowned him. The glory is gone, Chen Mo has appeared in the library.
Still familiar with the hundreds of meters high bookshelf, only looking up, he felt like a confused ant.
Retracting the sigh, Chen Mo went to the table and opened the dark red book.
"Come." Shu old looked at Chen Mo and nodded slightly: "It’s ok to read 1,000 books in half a year."
"Is this still ok?" Chen Mo did not know why.

It’s really just OK.
Shu Lao said:
Your head is different from ordinary people, with super memory and understanding. If you spend your time reading books, you can put 1000 copies in less than four months. The book is finished."
"Then I can't hang it."
"But it's good, at least you are not a nerd, the foundation is also playing." Shu Lao said.
"Shu old, can you take technology, upgrade?" Chen Mo asked.
"Yes, but you don't need technology, because it doesn't make sense to you."
"You have completed the task of the first level of authority, and will enter the next level, and the technology of the [trainee] level will be open to you. You can take it without you.)
As your level increases, the permissions in the tech library will slowly open to you. The highest level of authority, all the books in the entire library, you can see.

Chen Mo nodded and expressed understanding.
"The technology of the trainee level, you can take it casually, these are the foundations for you to give the next level of technology." Shu Lao continued to introduce.
"What is the next level?" Chen Mo asked.
"After the apprenticeship period, it is [technical apprentice]" Shu Lao said: "Now you don't move, I will give you upgrade privileges."
Shu Lao’s finger was placed on Chen Mo’s eyebrow:
The process is a bit uncomfortable, but you have to bear it, it is good for you.

"it is good."
When Chen Mo’s words just fell, he felt like a whirlwind. The sense of dizziness made him feel very uncomfortable, and his head seemed to blow up.
Being stunned by Shu Lao, Chen Mo’s body could not go down, and he was constantly shaking and his face was getting whiter.
At the moment when Shu Lao released his finger, Chen Mo squatted on the floor of the Science and Technology Library and retched. The vertigo is too strong, so he can't stand it.
After a long time, Chen Mo was slowed down and gasped. The mental state recovered a little, and Chen Mocai stood up.

How do you feel?
asked Shu.
"Like the speed of ten laps per second is spinning, the brain almost blew." Chen Mo said to caress his chest.

It was just brain development.
Shu Lao said:
Now you already have the [Technology Apprentice] level authority.

"There is no special feeling." Chen Mo checked his body and said.
"There is no feeling at all." Shu Lao said with a smile: "This is a reward for your promotion to the [Technology Apprentice]." Shu old's finger clicked, and a book landed in front of Chen Mo.
Seismograph Technology and Manufacturing
Chen Mo has always looked at the book in front of him with amazement: "Can this seismograph be able to warn earthquakes in advance?"
"The correct answer, five hours ahead of the earthquake, the detection range of 50 kilometers." Shu old nodded.
Chen Mo took a breath of air and then ecstatic. This is definitely a good thing. If the earthquake can be early warning, it is worthwhile.
Without other technology, just this technology is enough for him to become a great man.
"Come to me." Chen Mo could not wait to say.
"You are a technology apprentice now, you can take it yourself." Shu Lao pointed to the book: "Place your hand on the cover of the book."
Chen Mo did not want to, and raised his hand on the cover of the book. Then, the book slowly faded, and in his mind, a lot of information flocked, engraved in the depths of his memory.
With the design drawings, working principles and manufacturing processes of the seismograph, Chen Mo recalled his fascination.
"What technology you need in the future, you only need to choose on the red book, then it will come out, you can get it yourself, but only for the apprenticeship technology, now to introduce you to the apprenticeship of science and technology."
Shu Lao interrupted Chen Mo’s careful memories.
"Your authority, in addition to the technical books that can be acquired at any time, there are optimization functions, but only limited to the technology apprenticeship and the following level of technology optimization. Finally, your apprenticeship has passed, and the monthly access to technology technology is random. cancel."
"How can I be promoted to the next level?" Chen Mo asked.
"Your level mission is this."
Shu Lao’s fingers clicked in the air, and the eight beams of light landed over the library, forming a book in eight directions, suspended quietly in midair.
"These eight books, each of which is a technology, represents a field. There are applied physics, chemical materials, biomedicine, computers, ecology, electromechanical, military weapons, energy."
Shu Lao pointed to the books in eight directions and introduced them to Chen Mo.
"The eight books are just a small representative of this field. The purpose is to tell you that as the owner of the technology library, you must be a versatile person. And your task is to put these eight books. Once the technology is complete, you can move on to the next level."
Chen Mo listened to the introduction of Shu Lao and nodded and understood.

What if I want to acquire other technologies in the apprenticeship level?
Chen Mo asked.
"You are now a technology apprentice, relying on yourself, technology sharing technology. Sharing the technology you developed to the technology library. But the technology of these eight books is not counted, you have to develop it yourself."
"Understood." Chen Mo nodded.
"These eight books, you have to complete the first book, in order to get the second book. I will go back this time, before you finish the eight technologies, I will not come out. So, everything depends on yourself, I have already You got into the door."
When I heard Shu Lao’s words, Chen Mo’s heart was a little uncomfortable.
After getting along with Shu Lao for so long, he and Shu Lao are also teachers and friends. As a result, Shu Lao is no longer accompanying him to go down, just like a feeling of discomfort in the face of relatives and friends.
"The next road is up to you. Remember to complete these technologies as soon as possible. Your goal is to open the highest authority of the technology library. After you complete the task, we will see you again."
"it is good."
Shu Lao’s figure slowly disappeared, and Chen Mo’s eyes looked at the eight books. The book is like a mystery, only the name of the field, not the specific technology.
Chen Mo thought for a moment, did not worry about getting the contents of the book, and retired from the technology library. He still has a lot of things to do now, and he has no time to study it.
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