Chapter 1128: : Mingpai

The Dark Forest Starfield was ousted by a coup in Dinanye, and the ghost fox turned to the marching queen and became fragmented.
Dinan Miro was frantically resisting the offensive of the endless sea and the marching ants. However, under the siege of the two giants, he ignored them and could not survive.
Two months of stubborn resistance eventually ended in a disastrous defeat.
From the outside, it is a miracle that Dinan Miro has resisted the endless sea and the marching ants for two months without the Super War Department.
The Black Forest was declared dead.
Since then, the dark forest and the black forest that split from the dark forest civilization have all been destroyed.
Dinan Miro led a small team to escape the dark forest star field, whereabouts are unknown.
Another god-level civilization is destroyed.
After experiencing the initial shock, other galaxies in the Dark Forest star field fell into panic.
However, the endless sea and the marching ant group are like two hungry wolves, devouring the fat of the dark forest frantically.
Soon, the mad beast empire and the beast alliance were destroyed in the two offensives, and the dark forest star field was divided and eaten, and all fell into the hands of the endless sea and the marching ants.
On the other side, the internal changes within the Thousand Star Empire were happening quietly.
Lan's layout and the operations of Poison Skin Girl made it easy for them to capture the entire high-levels of the Thousand Star Empire.
The meeting became a discussion about how to deal with the affairs of the Thousand Star Empire.
The consciousness of Ten Thousand Stars is controlled, and the consciousness of other high-level members of the Thousand Star Alliance is also controlled. Next, the poisonous girl will be given the original layout, so that their manpower will gradually replace the high level of the Thousand Star Alliance.
The changes in the Thousand Star Empire are not known to the outside world.
For decades, the girl with the poisonous skin has laid out according to Lan's intentions, plus she is at the top, knowing how to handle the weaknesses of those high-levels. The original Thousand Star Alliance team of the Thousand Star Empire was completely cleaned up in the hands of the Poison Skin Girl.
The person in charge of the original family of the Thousand Star Alliance changed.
In the face of the venomous girl's fierce methods, all the high-levels of the Thousand Star Alliance were treated well and docilely. As soon as the rebels appear, their race and family will be washed away overnight.
Turnip and stick, do both.
In order to prevent the outside world from seeing the drastic changes within the Thousand Star Empire, Wan Tianxing is still the leader on the bright side, but only a puppet, whose consciousness is manipulated like a puppet.
In the eyes of the outside world, the centralization of Wantianxing is constantly increasing.
In just two months, the Thousand Star Empire was cleansed quietly and was firmly controlled by Chen Mo.
In the conference room, poisonous women and a group of stars.
The generals headed by Kaliyi know their true patrons. They didn't object, they were originally talents excavated by women with poisonous skin when they were at the bottom.
And in troubled times, their backers are the strongest, the safer they are and the higher the upper limit.
Carrie and Hong Xu are all aware of a terrifying fact. Chen Mo controls the three strongest forces. The three giants are condensed into one. Who else is the opponent in the universe?
Many stars have been silent for a long time.
"The first batch of 10 million sets of super-powered armor has been transferred to the Black Eye Civilization." Zhi said, with a faintly excited voice: "There is also news from my hometown. The super-powered armor of the endless sea has also been sent to the black. Pupil civilization."
They participated in a peerless project.
As conspirators, there is nothing like their success in conspiring to win enemies and a sense of accomplishment.
Today's Thousand Star Empire, except for its name is Thousand Star Empire, all other inner parts are controlled by them. They are actually one family with Marching Ants and Endless Sea, but they have not yet revealed their cards.
Once this hole card is played, the universe may be unified.
The hegemony of unifying the universe is the supreme achievement.
"My lord, what shall we do next?" Carrie looked at the poisonous girl.
As a top star, no one knows what the current situation means better than her.
It won’t be long before the Black Eye Civilization fully accepts their Super Armor, and the Marching Ant, Endless Sea, and Thousand Star Empire complete the integration, the universe will be one word.
"Increase the supply of Super War Armor for Black Eye, Karly, you lengthen the battle line with Thor, and create the illusion that we have no time for him. At the same time, Hong Xu leads the Super War Department to take over the Black Eye civilization trade. The galaxy that came over, then deployed and stationed, waiting for orders."
The poisonous girl has a serious face.
This is the layout that Lan explained.
Before long, everything will be a foregone conclusion.
The Black Eye civilization urgently needs the equipment to resist the super warhead of the marching ants.
As soon as the Thousand Star Empire and the Endless Sea Super War Armor were sent into their hands, large-scale equipment began to enter the Super War Department.
The warhead of the marching ants, as if smelling danger, retreated like a tide, and the galaxies that gave up their occupation retreated one after another.
It was determined that the warhead of the marching ants would retreat, and the generals of the black-eyed civilization were like chicken blood, driving the newly equipped super warhead to carry out a major counterattack against the marching ants.
With the superpower warhead as the vanguard, the warships in the rear followed up, and countless warheads began to counterattack.
In the past few months, they have been crushed and beaten by the marching ants, and they have been very aggrieved, and now they can finally exhale. Under the same equipment, their black pupil civilization is not afraid of any forces.
At the time of the Black Eye Civilization's counterattack against the marching ants, the endless sea and the Thousand Star Empire issued a warning to the marching ants.
The strongest marching ant group has become the target of the siege of the great powers, and the endless sea and the Thousand Star Empire, which seem to have the title of giant, are extremely afraid of the marching ants.
Encouraged by the two declarations of war against the marching ants, the offensive of the Black Eye civilization suddenly increased, and with the blessing of the super armor of the Thousand Star Empire and the Endless Sea, Hitomi sent almost half of his troops to fight the marching ants star field The front line.
And the instigator of this layout, Lan was laughing wildly in the marching ant headquarters.
Now the super-powerful elites of the black pupil civilization are all equipped with super-powered armor, and the warhead that they are looking at is sent to the front line, this is undoubtedly a death.
"What do you do next?" Wang Hai and other generals asked.
"How to do it? Mingpai, tell them that I don't play anymore, and my hands are all Wang Fu." Lan's smile was sinister, and the feeling of leading the enemy's nose was extremely refreshing.
It's up!
Ming Tu and others knew that this war was about to end.
In this layout, the winner is already obvious.
"Tomorrow at 12 o'clock earth time, we will launch an offensive against the Black Eye Civilization. In the current Black Eye Civilization, the Super Warhead uses our battle armor. With a single button, the entire warhead will be destroyed. It is not a problem."
Lan's eyes were shining, and he was trying to suppress his excitement.
"After controlling their super warhead, Ming Tu jumped into the core area of ​​the black pupil civilization, don't give them any chance. Destroy the spacecraft, control the dark matter, antimatter storage galaxy. Use super warhead to destroy their defensive heavy stars , Let the subsequent warhead occupy. This time, don't give them any chance."
"Endless Sea can start from Devil Star Abyss and control the surrounding core star field."
"Don't keep your hands in other directions."
"Remember, the action must be fast, do not give them any time to react, destroy their confidence and trample on their dignity."
"This is a decisive battle."
"This battle will set the situation of the universe in one fell swoop."
The stars on the field are all top tactical masters.
Now the cards in the hand are all Wang Jian, even a pig can easily win the Black Eye Civilization, not to mention the Black Eye Civilization is still in their calculations.
After Lan arranged the general direction, many general stars began to refine their tactics according to their own tasks.
Seeing that the ministries are busy, Lan smiled with emotion.
Never thought that a young life encountered in Shi Ganxing would have such an achievement.
"Victory is here." Lan said impassionedly.
Wang Hai and others shouted with red eyes, extremely excited. They can feel every cell of their bodies trembling. As people on earth, their experience is the most profound. They have gone from a low-level life step by step to where they are today.
They are about to complete an unprecedented cause and be included in the epic of the universe.
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