Chapter 247: : Building momentum

At the scene of the signing ceremony of the marching ants strategic cooperation, the crowds were surging, and more reporters came from the wind.
In the hands of every reporter, or a long gun and a short gun, or a mobile computer, all the instruments that can be used for recording are used.
Apple's autumn conference just recently, the news of Siri upgrade is booming. The marching ants made a noise at this time. What do you want to do? Many media have already smelled the special smell of gunpowder, and they are very excited. They naturally came over when they got the news.
Time passed by in a minute, and many journalists were whispering to discuss the purpose of the ceremony of the marching ant company.
There has been a rumor that the marching ant company will license multilingual intelligent assistants. But no matter which company is authorized, there is no specific news. Some pass the Chinese micro, glory, and some say rice, opal.
Various rumors, but there is no agreed answer.
When everyone was discussing, suddenly the scene was quiet and everyone looked at the stage.
Time seems to be still, and after seeing the people who are clear, the faces of the people slowly become incredible. The scene was turbulent and the last one was lost. All the photographers, like the blood of the chicken, pointed the camera in their hands to the people on the stage.
They are sure, not an illusion.
Zhao Min, Yu Chengnan, Lei Wei, Chen Mingyong, Fan Wei, and Zhao Changming, President of Glory.
This is the first time that several mobile phone companies have appeared on the same stage.
The reporter just discussed suddenly realized that the marching ant did not sign a licensing agreement with a mobile phone company, and it is likely to sign an agreement with five mobile phone companies.
For a time, the voice on the court was getting louder and louder, and many reporters were excited.
Big news, absolutely big news.
It’s just that the heads of the five companies are on the same stage. It’s big enough news. If something happens, the news is even bigger.
The taste of good play.
Under the stage, Joe brightened his lips, his eyes were a little excited, and he began to think about how to write the manuscript.
Apple has just announced the smart upgrade of Siri, and this is happening now. Obviously, it is coming to the apple.
The mobile phone products of the marching ant company have not set foot on the international market for a long time, but several others have already entered the overseas business. Does the marching ant company want to borrow the hands of several other companies to block Apple?
Hua Wei, glory, rice, Vivo and Opal, the country's five largest mobile phone brands, occupy more than half of the domestic mobile phones.
Is this a one-time full license? The marching ant company always seems to like not to play cards.
But this is the biggest news.
"The six sects besieged Apple? 》
The family of the marching ant company is enough to rival Apple, and there is no need to besiege.
"The mobile phone industry may reproduce the Huashan sword? 》
Qiao Liang thought about the title. When Zhao Min gave a speech, he was also writing a manuscript.
Zhao Min with a smile on his face, standing on the small podium, reading the prepared manuscript.
The five companies want a signing ceremony, the purpose is very clear, is to build momentum. Using the influence of the marching ant company to create momentum, plus their five companies, this must be a big news.
After the success of the momentum, it will be good for the mobile phones that will be issued by the five companies, and it will also have some benefits for the army ants.
Therefore, they proposed to conduct an open signing ceremony. Zhao Min did not refuse, but directly let people release the news and invited reporters to come over.
The cooperation between the two sides, a signing ceremony, should have existed and is beneficial to both sides.
Zhao Min’s speech is very simple. I will miss the glory of the past, describe the current situation, and look to the future. Five minutes after the speech, the process also officially entered the signing ceremony.
After signing the word, exchanging the authorization contract, there was no accident.
At the moment when the representatives of the six companies put their palms together, the shutter sounds of countless cameras are connected into one piece, and the flash is brighter than the lights.
The signing ceremony is over and all this has just begun.
The head of the mobile phone industry, half of the country, appears on the same stage. This has been something that has never happened before, but this time it appeared, at the signing ceremony of the marching ant company.
Five companies were also awarded smart assistants.
This news made the whole network feel awkward. Many netizens have already been excited, and it seems that they saw an annual good show being staged.
"To do things, I am waiting for the movie to eat melons! Like my claws."
"The marching ants have taken a step in the game, and the multilingual intelligent assistants have been granted to several companies. It is tantamount to making them even more powerful. Once they are scaled up, it is likely to squeeze out the mobile phone market of the marching ant company."
"Zhao Min once said that they are not afraid of competition, there is no competition in the market, it is a pool of stagnant water. The natural selection of the world, the survival of the fittest, this sentence is the truth. A market, if it is a pool of stagnant water, it is easy to be eliminated. Only competition, constantly With innovation entering this market, this market will be energetic."
In addition to the ideas of netizens, more and more expert media are also involved, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of marching ants.
At this festival, the signing ceremony was held with the five major companies. The practice of the marching ant company is tantamount to pouring a scoop of water into the already-rolled oil and blasting it in an instant.
However, this is only the beginning.
Not long after the signing ceremony, Hua Wei announced that the launch of the new generation flagship machine will be held ten days later.
Now that the news is in the hottest time, Hua Wei announced the news and poured a handful of oil on the fire. Then, rice also released news, and will hold a new machine conference half a month later.
This is followed by Vivo and Opal.
After several companies announced the launch of the new machine, they pushed the hot spot to the climax.
At Apple's president's office, Cook looked at the news and his face was ugly.
Finally, Siri’s intelligent breakthrough, they can raise their eyebrows. I wanted to take advantage of this time to create a momentum for S3, perhaps to allow S3 to get a bigger order, and the result was a slap in the face of the marching ant company.
The marching ant company authorized the smart assistant to five mobile phone companies, obviously not wanting them to be better.
In the international market, the mobile ant company's mobile phone business is very small, almost negligible, and it did not pose a threat to Apple. However, he did not expect that the marching ant company actually authorized the intelligent assistants to be such an important technology, and they were caught off guard.
However, they have no way to march ant companies.
In recent years, China's mobile phone quality and design are slowly catching up with them.
The emergence of Huawei's smart chip and marching ant system has got rid of the shortcomings of chip technology and operating system, so that the two can catch up with them.
After the emergence of smart assistants, they are already at a disadvantage in terms of competition. The sales of mobile phones last year and the first half of this year are the best evidence.
Apple’s market share is shrinking. Because the Android machine can use the smart assistant, the experience of the phone is better.
I thought Siri smart upgrade, can pull back a city.
As a result, the marching ants authorized the multi-language intelligent assistants to the five major companies, which is really terrible. Next, the mobile phone business in the international market, Huaxia's company, especially Huawei, will be their biggest competitor.

Notify the production department, increase production, pre-sale orders, and start shipping the day after tomorrow,
Cook said. Now I can only use a few companies when the new machine does not appear, and earn more money to avoid the impact of other companies' new machines.
"Okay." The assistant responded with a document and left the office.
After the assistant left, Cook knocked on the table and thought about the next countermeasure. And for the sake of this matter, not only him alone.
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