Chapter 274: :condition

Alexander knows that his hunch is correct. This time, it is a great opportunity. This opportunity is enough for him to rise.
Suddenly come out with such a magical drug, he does not question, it must be fake.
Even if there are some doubts about the drug, it is not good to go back at this time. After verifying the drug, come back and talk. He knows that the opportunity is hard to come by. If he goes back to verify it now, it will only lower his goodwill in the eyes of the marching ant company.
However, he spent a lot of effort to make him the first choice for the cooperation of the marching ant company. He also did not believe that the army ant company would lie to him. This is a businessman's intuition.

The project of this cooperation is very simple. We will open a joint venture company and Jianghe Pharmaceutical will permanently authorize this pharmacy to the company.
Zhao Min said.
Hearing this sentence, Alexander was full of enthusiasm. If there was no one at the moment, he wanted to laugh out loud. Keeping the cloud open to see the moon, he is talking about his current situation.
If you get the company's equity, then the difficulties faced by their banking group will be solved. From the perspective of his investment, the drug's ability to absorb gold is not weaker than the mobile phone industry of the marching ant company.
"This is natural." The joy on Alexander's face could not be suppressed: "How is the share distributed?"
"You invest $1 billion and get 10% of the shares. The shares can be transferred to third parties, but if we need it, we have the right of first refusal under the same conditions."
"We invested $2.4 billion and got 20% of the shares, how?" Alexander said.
If the drug is true, in the case of a monopoly market, the market value of the company is more than 10 billion US dollars. After all, this drug is simply the gospel of women.
If you can get a little more shares, he won't be soft. After all, it's all money.
"No." Zhao Min shook his head.
"10% is too little." Alexander said: "More, we don't care if we invest a little more, $2 billion, let's take 15%?"
"10% is quite a lot, no more talk about it." Zhao Min said.
Jianghe Pharmaceutical, which she knows, is studying other drugs and will definitely cooperate in the future. Although 15% does not affect their absolute controlling interest, it is not in their interest to give too much.
Listening to Zhao Min’s firm tone, Alexander has no choice but to smile. If he wants a little more, it seems impossible:
Well, are there other conditions?

"The new company, except for China, is responsible for the expansion of the market. You are recommended by the president of the overseas region. After we have agreed, he can take office. If his work makes us dissatisfied, we can ask you to change. When you do not have Appropriate candidates or special circumstances, we will take over the position of the president. There is also the finance department, we arrange personnel management." Zhao Min said.
The most important thing to control a company is to control the company's finances and personnel. As long as the two departments are controlled, the company is under control.
For overseas markets, Zhao Min does not have a suitable candidate to manage.
The overseas environment is not the same as the domestic environment.
Tan Yong and Hou Youliang are the two heads of Jianghe Pharmaceutical, but the two companies they originally managed are relatively small in size. Now they are growing and have the ability, but they lack some heat.
Moreover, they have no contacts and resources overseas, do not understand the market situation, and are not suitable for the position of president of the joint venture company. It is enough for the two to manage the domestic market.
Alexander is more aware of overseas markets, with human resources, etc., and it is certainly faster to give overseas markets the speed of expansion. Taking full advantage of the value of Alexander, this is also Zhao Min's plan, of course, also need to give some benefits, no one will be willing to work free of charge.
However, she is sure to send someone to manage the financial problems of the new company. The financial power of a company is the lifeblood of this company, and she must be firmly in her hands.
The subsidiary company and finance department of the marching ant group are all personnel arranged by the head office. For the finance, Zhao Min has always been very strict.
The financial system, with the help of the R&D department, is upgraded to a smart financial system. Anyone who wants to be financially motivated must think carefully about the consequences.
Chen Mo's artificial intelligence ink girl, it is possible to monitor the finances, the company's only financial department accident, Chen Mo informed her past, she did not believe this is a coincidence.
Since then, the management and recruitment of financial systems has become more stringent.
"This is no problem." Alexander nodded.
Zhao Min's conditions are not excessive. After all, the marching ant company is the major shareholder and has absolute right to speak. Even if he does not give them any power, he has nothing to say.
Now Zhao Min’s conditions are undoubtedly to give some of the power of overseas markets to them. This is good for them. At least, there is no need to worry that Zhao Min will make decisions that harm their interests. Moreover, if the company grows, they can also gain fame and fortune.
However, this kind of power is premised. Once they make the marching ants dissatisfied with the decision, they may be taken back at any time.
As long as the development is good, the manager does not harm the company's interests, the marching ants will certainly let them manage the company, they also control the company's right to speak.
The overseas market gives them how much they can earn, depending on his ability. The bigger the company develops, the better the revenue, and the greater their income. After all, he also has shares in it.
In the past, their company was only an agent, and now the marching ant Ken and his joint venture to establish a company, this is a huge turn.
This relationship will certainly get better and better as the cooperation between the two sides goes deeper.
And 10% of this stock is already very high. He believes that if Zhao Min is taking the medicine to go out for financing, the A round will definitely have $1 billion or even more than $1 billion.
Because of the products of the company, the brand value is much higher than the average company.
The next time, Zhao Min began to discuss some details of the cooperation with Alexander. Due to the high intention of Alexandria cooperation, the negotiations between the two sides were very smooth.
After an hour, the two people's deliberations officially ended.
"The initial framework of the company has been determined. Other specific terms, you can make it first. We will see you if you are not satisfied. I hope that before the approval of the drug, the joint venture company can be established to avoid affecting the drug. Listing problem, is this okay?"
"Yes." Alexander said vowed.
From the marching ant company, Alexander was in a good mood and smiled all the way.
This time, the harvest is huge, he is gambling, as long as the pharmaceutical company is established, all his current problems will be solved. Those who doubt his ability in the family can also shut up.
"Alice, after you go back, arrange people immediately and draw up the terms of cooperation for me. Also, the notice goes on and a high-level meeting is held." Alexander said to the female assistant sitting next to him.
"Okay, boss." Alice focused on her head.
Looking at the marching ant headquarters that was drifting away from the window, Alexander patted the suitcase at the hand.
Inside, there are samples of medicines and some clinical data that Zhao Min gave him. He only needs to go back and find a senior pharmacist to identify the information, and he can confirm the true and false.
The key to whether or not their cooperation will proceed smoothly is whether the drug is true.
But even if it was not identified, he also believed in 80%.
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