Chapter 280: :Refuse

In the reception room, a bald middle-aged man and a blond foreign woman sat on the sofa. They stood next to them and stood two assistants.
If someone is here, I can definitely recognize it. The bald middle-aged man is Wu Xiaobin, president of Pfizer's Greater China region.
At this time Wu Xiaobin is talking with the blonde woman.
This woman, who is the representative of the US headquarters, is mainly responsible for the contact with the marching ant company. Wu Xiaobin, as the president of Greater China, came to join her in order to facilitate communication and coordination with the army ants.
Recently, Starfish has made a lot of money because of the two drugs. Statistics show that the sales volume of their company's Viagra is also affected by the starfish company's "Haizhiwei", which has fallen a lot.
No wonder so many companies are afraid of marching ant companies, anyway, there are industries that the army ants are in contact with, and ultimately they are unlucky.
In the past, the mobile phone industry, Apple Samsung fell a lot. When the computer operating system and office products came out, it coincided with the computer virus raging, and the office products of Microsoft, Apple and Umbrella Company fell down again.
I did not expect the marching ant company to enter the pharmaceutical industry. This news is beyond their expectations.
Since the advent of the marching ants, they have been labeled as unicorns in the scientific and technological world. Now they touch the pharmaceutical industry and let them not know what to say.
The door of the reception room opened, and Zhao Min and Xiao Yu were seen. There was also a robot coming in. Wu Xiaobin’s face was loose.
"Hello, Mr. Zhao, I am Wu Xiaobin of Pfizer." Wu Xiaobin stood up and smiled and reached out to Zhao Min.
"Hello, Mr. Wu, long-awaited name." Zhao Min politely shook hands with Wu Xiaobin.
"Oh, Zhao always laughed, it is my long-awaited name." Wu Xiaobin and Shan Xiaoxiao: "I am introducing, this is the representative of the American Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Elena."
"Hello." Zhao Min smiled and greeted.
"Hello, Ms. Zhao." Elena looked at Zhao Min carefully and politely shook hands.
"The two are coming today, what are you doing?"
Zhao Min walked to the sofa opposite the two and sat down naturally.
When I heard the assistant's translation, Elena's eyes were a little surprised. In her impression, the Chinese people like to bend around, which is the name of the Chinese people who didn't expect Zhao Min to be so direct.
"Come here today, it is a matter of discussing with Mr. Zhao." Elena is not tempted, straight into the theme: "We Pfizer, want to buy a starfish company, or buy a stake in Haixing."
"Sorry, Haixing has no preparation for the transfer of shares." Zhao Min did not have any accidents, just smiled.
The face of the capitalist is to see the peaches cooked, just like picking them up. From the beginning of the marching ant company to the present, this situation has never stopped.
If they loosen their mouths, they will be controlled by the capitalists and even eat away.
Elena's face was not good at all. She didn't expect it to be rejected so quickly, and Zhao Min didn't think about it.

Zhao Zong, we have invested in the company and helped Haixing to grow. With the resources of our Pfizer company, the products of Haixing Company can be sold to the markets of all countries at the fastest speed.
Elena said confidently.
Pfizer is the largest pharmaceutical company, and she is confident enough about the pharmaceutical industry.
"I believe Pfizer has this ability." Zhao Min said.
"In this case, we are investing in Haixing, isn't it better? You can make more money and get a bigger market." Elena's face was loose.

Zhao Min smiled softly:
It’s really tempting, but we have no plans to transfer shares for the time being, and we can expand ourselves in the market.

"Ms. Zhao, isn't it good? It takes time to expand the market. It takes a short time to get the most benefit. Isn't that good?" Elena looked at Zhao Min, she wanted to see Zhao Min's reaction. As long as Zhao Min has any heartbeat, she can chase after victory.
Unfortunately, she was disappointed. Zhao Min did not have any mood swings from beginning to end, and she still had a dull appearance.
Elena’s vision is good, but the premise is the company’s shares. Roche spent so much effort to get such a joint venture opportunity. Pfizer waited for their peaches to be cooked and wanted to make a trip.
This is simply a risk-free sale, and the abacus is better than anyone else.
Seeing that Zhao Min did not speak, Elena brows a little and continues to say: "Zhao Zong, you have a saying in Huaxia, called the big tree to enjoy the cool. Haixing company has our big tree in the medical field of Pfizer, can use the most When the speed is developing, why not?"
Elena is very confident, Pfizer's conditions can be said to be perfect, as long as it is a smart company, it will not refuse.
"But, under the big tree, the little tree will never grow up, and when the wind blows, it will fall." Zhao Min smiled softly.
When Elena heard the assistant's translation, her mood sank. Sure enough, as in the rumor, the people who marched the ant company did not enter the oil and salt.
"Mr. Zhao means that I don't want to make this transfer of shares?"
"After the company was first established, many things were not stable. We have no idea of ​​transferring shares for the time being." Zhao Min said calmly.
"Ms. Zhao doesn't listen to our prices, refuses?"
"Miss Elena, do you think our company is short of money?" Zhao Min asked.
This problem directly afflicts Elena. The marching ant company can be said to be one of the most cash-rich companies, making it impossible for the marching ant company to have money.
But they are still very interested in Starfish.
When Pfizer's Viagra went public, it was an unprecedented success. It was the commercial success of Viagra, which allowed them to annex companies such as Lambert and become the largest pharmaceutical company in the United States. Pfizer thus rose.
After years of mergers and acquisitions, Pfizer has established itself as a pharmaceutical giant.
Now that they see the potential of Starfish, Haizhiwei may threaten the status of Viagra in the future. Haizhiyu is a drug with great potential and its income will not be too low.
You know, these two drugs, the profits and the market are very good, and the future potential is huge.
"Ms. Zhao, you can cooperate with Roche. They are the laymen of the pharmaceutical industry. Why can't we cooperate with our Pfizer? If we cooperate with us, it seems that the income is bigger?" Wu Xiaobin said.
In the previous exchange, he did not mean to speak. Now the scene is a bit stiff, and he is also a warm-up. Being able to sit on the position of Pfizer's president in Greater China, he naturally cannot be a normal person, and his ability is definitely there.
"Our marching ant company never refuses to cooperate." Zhao Min said: "But when we want to open up cooperation, it seems that only the Roche family."
"Is there more choices now?" Wu Xiaobin said with a smile.
Zhao Min is undecided: "But that time has passed."
When I heard this, Wu Xiaobin did not say anything. After I heard the translation, I was not very good-looking. There is no doubt that they came here to seek cooperation and were rejected.
"Ms. Zhao, we are very sincere, I hope you can consider it." Elena said.
"Yes, next time there is a chance, Pfizer must be our first partner."
When I heard Zhao Min’s words, the people on the field already knew that it was impossible for the marching ant company to sell the shares of Starfish.
After Elena and Wu Xiaobin had a few words, they did not continue to stay. Two people were sent away, Zhao Mincai and Xiao Yu returned to the office.

Do you know why I refuse to cooperate with them?
Zhao Min passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched Wu Xiaobin and Elena’s car leave the marching ant company.
"This is not very clear." Xiao Yu shook his head.

The top ten shareholders of Pfizer, including the BlackRock Group and the Pioneer Group. There are also several consortiums such as Morgan and Jingdong Capital, which are the consortiums that block our company’s external expansion. They are our enemies,
said Zhao Min.

The consortium behind them wants to suppress us? Why?

"Do you know why the Western world is a capital-controlled market? If you look closely at their information, you will find that the consortiums are also the major shareholders of technology giants such as Microsoft, Apple, and Umbrella.
The consortiums, along with other Wall Street predators, consortia and banking groups, can influence the entire US capital market. They blocked us and wanted to put pressure on us to open up equity to them and achieve the purpose of controlling our company.
It’s just that we are in China. The official will not let those capitals come to the market in our country. Their hands will not come in and they can only be blocked overseas.

The focus of the small fishing is heavy, she still does not know, there is such a large knowledge.
Zhao Min looked at the vehicle leaving the army ant headquarters through the floor-to-ceiling windows: "Although the mall has no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. But I have not been generous, use our company's interests to please them, to resolve them. Our hostility, and they just want to pick peaches."
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