Chapter 305: : Lin Shu's thoughts

After Lin Shu opened up, everyone began to listen carefully to her, they all want to see, the young girl who was personally invited by the boss to enter the company, what is the best place.
"I will first say the idea of ​​'artificial intelligence +'. The general function is similar to that of Director Wang. We can use the personal smart assistant approach, each person has a smart account, promotes intelligent assistants, and our 'smart assistant' Acting as a brain, connecting various devices to work.
But we can get users in a more flexible way, such as designing an image for smart assistants. Each person's personality hobbies are different, intelligent assistants can have personalized choices, so the image can be flexible, providing a variety of different dressing combinations, such as clothes, hair, skin color, personality, etc., so that users can combine their favorite assistant image.
The intelligent assistant positioning of ‘Artificial Intelligence+’ can be regarded as a partner in life, and has a specific image, allowing users to regard them as partners, which makes users more like this intelligent assistant.
We now have holographic mobile phones, and the image of 'artificial intelligence +' can be projected during use. This way, the user does not have to talk to a mobile phone, and feels awkward. Even if it is not a holographic mobile phone, the image of the smart assistant can also appear on the screen of the mobile phone when used.
In this way, when the user thinks of a personal intelligent assistant, a concrete image will appear in his mind. With the ability and image, the personal intelligent assistant is closer to life and easier to remember. It is not just a program.

The people on the field nodded. They all used the company's smart assistants, but they only talked to the mobile computer. It is very awkward. If there is a specific image and a favorite image, more people will like to use smart assistants.
At this point, Zhao Min nodded slightly and agreed.
When Lin Shu said, she thought of the ink girl, Chen Mo's artificial intelligence assistant. The artificial intelligence of the ink girl can be said to be the highest artificial intelligence achievement of the marching ant company, and the smart image and character are no different from human beings.
Those who know the existence of the ink girl, only her and Xiaoyu, the outside world only guessed that Chen Mo has more advanced artificial intelligence, but the outside world can not confirm this guess, but I don't know how high Chen Mo's artificial intelligence is.
"As for the function of personal intelligent assistant, it is the same as that of Director Wang. It controls life appliances, office software, computers, mobile phones, and when necessary, it can be embedded in large living machines such as unmanned vehicles and elevators.
You can also add functions like 'Xiaodie', encyclopedia dictionary, common sense, singing, dancing, language, mathematics, increase its expression movements, whether you are studying or living, you can use the image of the intelligent assistant in the details. More people like it.

Lin Shu explained his thoughts. The people in the conference room did not consciously combine the ideas of Wang Sijia and Lin Shu.
This kind of personal intelligence assistant, isn’t it what they have been looking forward to?
"The above is about the idea of ​​'artificial intelligence +' plan, then talk about the idea of ​​holographic ecological application. In fact, my thoughts, some people have said, is Lin Zhiyuan's game application. Most people around, like to play games with mobile phones. This idea is also the embarrassment of my roommates.
Holographic games can be developed like the King and the turret, as well as chess and fighting games. These games are still hot, classic, and most importantly suitable for the development of holographic games.

Lin Shu did not say the drawbacks of the game, may bring negative winds to the company. For example, many people are playing the game of penguins, but they are screaming at the boss of the penguin company, saying that they are poisoning students. This is not something she should consider. These things will be considered by the top, and it will be decided by the top.
"In addition to the above gameplay, we have another holographic game. Green, pollution-free, and close to life, is to raise pets, plant trees.
Many people want to keep pets, but they cannot keep pets because of various restrictions such as living environment, working hours and income.
We can develop a holographic pet, similar to the ‘travel frog’, which is a virtual pet that can be carried around and projected, better than ever. And there are no restrictions on the types of pets, pandas, dolphins, hawks, tigers, dinosaurs, etc.
Pet food, dress up and other sources can be purchased or acquired in another way, that is, exercise. During the exercise, randomly get food, dress up and other props.
Dressing up the various plants needed in the pet house, we also get energy through exercise or low-carbon travel. Similar to the practice of ‘ant forest, we connect plants in the real world and green the desert.
In this way, hobbies, sports health and environmental protection themes can be perfectly integrated. However, if you want to make the personal smart assistant in the AI+ program more interesting, you can combine this pet theme with ‘artificial intelligence+’, and the personal smart assistant needs ‘food’, so the smart assistant is more human and more interesting. A product, only people like it, will have a bigger market.

The people in the field are nodding, they are considering the problem from the general direction, ignoring these details. It is the last word to like it. Lin Shu said that letting the 'smart assistant' become more likeable will have great benefits for the plan.
After speaking all the ideas, Lin Shucai walked down the small podium and returned to his seat.

Who else has other ideas?

Zhao Min asked this question, the people in the conference room all face each other. So far, the questions and ideas that have been said are almost the same. Next, you must determine the direction before you can find more specific problems.

If there are no other ideas, then let me talk about my decision. The 'Artificial Intelligence+' plan is centered on the ideas of Wang Sika and Lin Shu, and you and others participate in the 'Artificial Intelligence+' program. Discussion of the ideas of the R&D members.
The function of the 'Artificial Intelligence+' Smart Assistant and other aspects of the design are perfected, and the feasible design is handed over to me. Julie, you are responsible for preparing the ‘Artificial Intelligence+’ program.
Holographic ecological application, with Lin Zhiyuan and Lin Shu's game theme as the core development, holographic ecological development laboratory, can set up a special game development team, first develop holographic application to the game, launch several holographic game applications, open holographic ecology The door.
As for the next step of the plan, when we look at the market response and then make specific arrangements, ideas that are developed in other directions can also be reported. If feasible, I will approve it.
Ok, today's meeting is like this. All the people who participated in the meeting put together the ideas that you think are good and put them into a report. It can be their idea, what you think can be improved.

Zhao Min announced the meeting, everyone was looking forward to the meeting room.
The ‘Artificial Intelligence+’ program, as well as the holographic application, is two new areas, and as long as it is completed, people’s lifestyles will change dramatically. Not to mention other people, they all have a look forward to the emergence of 'artificial intelligence +', and the era of holographic application popularity.
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