Chapter 310: :sensation

Tian Mei Studio.
Zheng Dong sat in the lounge. Sitting opposite him was a colleague from him. On the holographic mobile phone between the two, a holographic chessboard was suspended. It was a chess game released by the marching ant company.
Around them, there are still a few colleagues who are on the lookout and make suggestions from time to time.
I used to have the hobby of playing chess in the past, but now the relationship between life and work, the board can not be carried with me, this only hobby is slowly put down, playing chess games on the computer, can not find the former classmates around The joy of playing chess together.
The game of holographic chess appeared, and he regained this interest. Holographic chess is not only tall, but also convenient, and there is a real chessboard experience, which is not available for playing games on the computer.
So now the gap between work and rest, will pull up colleagues with the same preferences, around to kill two sets, by the way chat together.
"You said that this holographic technology is used to develop the moba games of the king and the heroes. I am afraid that we can make our game more enthusiastic?"
"You want it, it's impossible to think of it. The development of key holographic software, we don't even have a clue. At present, I am afraid that there is only a marching ant company."
"If the marching ant company uses holographic technology to develop a game similar to the king, then our situation will be troublesome. The marching ant company is a real army ant, and every time they go to a field, it will bring a huge threat. It is estimated that this is also the technology. The company doesn't like the reasons for marching ants."
This statement has caused many people to agree. Now the marching ant company is releasing a simple game like a stand-alone game or a pet adventure. If you develop a large game, their game becomes an outdated product, and it will be troublesome at that time.
When a few people were chatting and playing chess, a man of about 30 years old came in.
"Everyone stopped, there was a news, there was a meeting, there was an urgent work adjustment, and all the programmers who mastered the Chinese programming language came to me to sign up."
When the words came out, the lounge was amazed.
Now is the rest time after lunch. Many of them are programmers. The work pressure is great. The only rest time is to relax. I didn't expect to have emergency work adjustment today. This is the first time I met.
"Supervisor, why should we convene a Chinese programming language?" Zheng Dong and others stopped to look at the man who came over.
Since the ‘clown virus’ kidabed a city, the special ability of the Chinese programming language has broken into the eyes of major companies.
All major companies around the world are recruiting technicians who master Chinese character programming skills to develop software for Chinese character programming languages, especially anti-virus software.
After the clown virus crisis, people found that with conventional anti-virus software, it is impossible to kill and kill viruses written in Chinese-language programming languages, and can only be killed by killing software written in Chinese-language programming languages.
Chinese character programming languages ​​are an alternative to computer languages.
As a member of the huge team of Tianmei Studio, in order to improve their business capabilities, many of them have learned Chinese programming languages, but no one is as proficient as those of specialized technical teams.
But now the company is looking for them to meet with these less well-informed people. What do you want to do?
"The marching ant company just released an announcement to open a holographic software development tool. On the emergency meeting, we will gather all programmers who will be Chinese programming languages ​​and develop holographic games."
When the news came out, it was awkward.
The marching ant company opens the holographic software development platform!
The news came too suddenly, not even a little. The official announcement of the marching ant company came out, and the news point exploded in an instant, and the Internet circle stirred up waves.
Holographic projectors and holographic mobile phones are in the hottest stage, especially after the holographic games come out. The holographic mode makes traditional computer games more interesting.
Because of all kinds of novel experiences, the application of holographic games has been high in the news and forums of the Internet.
However, only the marching ant company has the ability to master the development of holographic software, so some companies can only helplessly watch the army ants company alone in this market, powerless.
Now, the marching ant company suddenly opens up the development tools for holographic software programs, which means that all program developers can develop their own holographic software with the holographic software development platform open by ants.
One of the happiest is the game company.
Penguin, Netease, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Villefort and other famous game production companies, after receiving the news of the army ant company's open holographic software development platform, they held an emergency meeting in the first time to form a research and development team to prepare for the holographic online game. First position.
Holographic technology is a revolutionary technology for other fields and a revolutionary technology for the game industry.
After the holographic projector came out, some game companies already had the idea of ​​developing holographic games, but there was no related technology and could not be practiced. After the marching ant company released the holographic game, they could only look at it with envy, powerless.
Because they have not developed related technologies for holographic software, there are only theoretical stages in various developments. Now the marching ant company releases the holographic software development tools, which is a big happy event.
For the Internet world, this is the beginning of a huge change.

Informed people revealed that Tian Mei and the fist company jointly developed the holographic combat mode of the two games of hero and king...

"Netease and Blizzard announced cooperation to jointly develop the holographic mode of World of Warcraft and StarCraft..."
"Perfect world official news, Perfect World and Villefort have reached a cooperation to jointly develop the turret 2 holographic game mode..."
After the marching ant company announced the development of the holographic software development platform, various news appeared on the network, and holographic games became the hottest topic.
In addition to the game company, Ali's Black Cat Mall also joined the ranks, announced the Internet holographic mall plan, other e-commerce platforms, through various channels, released similar signals.
In addition to all kinds of news on the bright side, in private, a rush to fight, is also carried out in major technology companies. Almost all Internet technology companies are recruiting programmers who are proficient in Chinese programming languages ​​at high salaries.
Programmers who understand Chinese programming languages ​​have become the target of headhunting without exception. Even some college students who are proficient in Chinese programming languages ​​have been targeted by major companies. The last time this happened, it was still in the 'Clown virus crisis'. .
These skills have become popular again in Chinese programming languages. Some universities have also begun to discuss the opening of the Chinese character programming language experiment class.
The marching ant company is just a small action that breaks the calm of the entire Internet world and stirs up the storm. Seeing all kinds of news on the Internet, some people have expressed their feelings that the holographic era has arrived.
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