Chapter 345: : watching the show

The CIA went to Amsterdam to catch people?
The ink girl told Chen Mo the first time. Upon hearing this news, Chen Mo just smiled. He guessed that there would be such a result, the iP address, just a downtime controlled by the ink girl, as a springboard and the CIA dialogue.
For the ink girl, each iP is true, but each iP is also fake.
"Give them an hour. If you don't pay the ransom within an hour, you will be at your own risk." Chen Mo said: "In the dark network, after an hour, sell US agent files, a $20 million, bitcoin transaction."
Knowing that the clown organization had placed a trading message on the dark network, Linna was angry and almost smashed the computer.
"Damn, how dare they?"
At this time, Lina trembled like a bomb that exploded at any time. The people around them were frightened. They were the first to see this hot and ruthless director, and this kind of emotional out of control scene.
But think about it too. As the world's largest intelligence agency, they were played by a small hacker organization. This feeling of being controlled is really uncomfortable.
"Respond to the clown and return the Archives of the hacked, we are not guilty. The CIA needs their talents. If they can join us, they can get everything they want."
After Linna forced her to calm down, her eyes stared coldly at the computer screen, as if she wanted to see clearly, the clown was hidden in the computer.
The mail was sent out, but the message was sent out, but no reply was received. Time passed by, and the CIA’s office was quiet and terrible. It seemed that the air had to condense.
People in the office should be careful when they breathe.
Half an hour passed and everyone was waiting, and every minute was a torment for them.
A telephone bell breaks the strange silence, and everyone looks at the source of the voice, which is the person in charge of the action department.
"The address in Amsterdam is fake, no one here."
Not only Lina, but also the technicians responsible for tracking, I also looked angry and had a feeling of being played.
The news made everyone on the field sneak and finally set their sights on Linna.
"Director, is it better to ransom the other party?"
A more prestigious high-level opening, everyone on the field turned his gaze to him.
"Now if we give him a ransom, they may not disclose the information. If we don't pay the ransom, the information will definitely be leaked out. This is a gamble. We have no choice but to fight together...

The top executive began to analyze the powerful relationship, and others saw it and nodded.
Think of that information as a bet worth two billion, they can only fight one. If the other party is trustworthy, they exchange the breathing time at a lower price. If the other party is not trustworthy, they can only admit that they are unlucky. But that information can shake the foundation of their CIA, and in any case, they must fight together.
"You will believe in a fear. Terror. Is it a credit?" Lina blackened her face.
"When they kidnapped several cities and received the money, they also kept their promises. Their purpose is money. If they don't give them money, then half an hour later, the information will fall into the hands of our enemies. China, Russia And Middle Easterners, they will be happy to buy the file for $20 million."
"Even if the information leaks, I will not compromise with them."
"Who is responsible? Who can afford this responsibility? The intelligence network is completely destroyed, can you afford the responsibility? Director." A senior executive is also angry.
"I am responsible."
"What are you responsible for? Take your abuse of the prisoner's stains? Take your position as the director? If the intelligence network that the CIA has worked hard for many years, if it is destroyed, is it a simple responsibility for you?"
"The files on the computer system involve up to half of the intelligence personnel. We have the foundation and can come back. If we compromise, the clown will publish the information again, we will become a joke around the world. It represents the United States, to a terrorist organization. Bow down, then did you know what was the loss?"
The dispute between the two sides has made the CIA full of gunpowder. Now the CIA executives are teamed up with their respective parties. One party supports the ransom and one party is against the ransom.
The time went by a little bit, the two sides were deadlocked, and the atmosphere was restored to a strange silence.
"The clown organization released Twitter. Since we did not pay the ransom within the specified time, they had to sell the intelligence in their hands, 20 million copies, and had already reached a deal with eight buyers."
"Now you are satisfied? You are ready to step down." A senior CIA officer snorted with a black face and turned away.
Linna angered and shuddered and walked back to her office. At the moment of closing the door, Linna also broke out completely.
"Fak, Bichi! Dog. Niang. Raised clown organization, don't fall in my hands, or I will make you worse than death... ah..." In the office, all kinds of broken voices scared people outside. Shrink the neck.
The entire CIA is a bleak cloud.
Another quiet place.
As the initiator of everything behind, Chen Mo, at this time, is sitting in the laboratory leisurely, paying attention to the reactions of all parties.
As he thought, the CIA did not compromise.
If the other party compromises and pays the ransom, he will release the information again, so Linna will step down. This is his purpose, but unfortunately it has not been reached, but it is enough for the other party to hurt for a while, and he has no idea to reinvent his idea.
In order to do a full set of drama, he sold the information to several people. As for the identity of the other party, Chen Mo was too lazy to check. Anyway, his purpose of revenge for the CIA has been reached.
"Momgo, what should I do next?" The holographic projection of the ink girl who fell in front of Chen Mo.
"Look at the show." Chen Moxiao smiled. The purpose of his revenge has been reached, and the next step is to think about how to end the incident. But before that, let the event ferment.
In the next few days, the world is in a lot of fun.
The clown organization really sold the information of the CIA's espionage network. This crazy practice has made countless people secretly admire their courage.
Dare to be so arrogant, there is only one such hacker organization in the world.
Shortly after the news from the ‘clown organization’, the CIA also issued a global wanted order, offering a reward of $30 million for members of the clown organization.
In the United States, the fermentation of clown events has attracted criticism from all sides. This also allowed the opposition party to seize the handle and directly attack the incumbent government, which led to many demonstrations.
The United States is very lively and other countries are not calm.
The country that got the archives of the CIA spy network was the first to act. In the corners that ordinary people are not paying attention to, the action of destroying the CIA intelligence network is being carried out vigorously. From time to time, there is news that an official has broken the rules or that a businessman has committed suicide or disappeared.
On the list, one of the informant agents was detained for interrogation or secret execution, and some of them got the wind and fled in advance. In the list of wanted people in various countries, there are many more when the ordinary people are not paying attention.
The intelligence network operated by the CIA for many years was destroyed in just a few days. The impact of the clown organization's invasion of the CIA event reached its climax in the past few days.
The impact of the incident, beyond the horror of imagination, many people are worried about which country the next target of the clown organization will be.
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