Chapter 348: : The whole body retreats (third more)

"Asahi Shimbun": One of the members of the clown organization surrendered to the island police. According to sources, the member denied that the clown organization had invaded the CIA computer system and claimed that the official Twitter account of the clown organization was stolen.
"New York Times": Clown members chased for the CIA and surrendered to the island police! He also claimed that the account was stolen and denied the invasion of the CIA. At present, the CIA official and the US Foreign Ministry urged the island countries to hand over the clown organization members, and the United States is responsible for the trial.
Bloomberg News: Clown members surrendered to the island police. Some sources said that the member had submitted the ‘clown virus’ source code to the island police and denied that the CIA incident was related to the clown organization, saying that the official account of the clown organization was stolen.
Global Network News: The clown organization officially released the news, denying the invasion of the CIA incident, the account was stolen, will not be black-handed.
"The whole world is shocked! The clown organization turned out to be..." - squirrel headlines
"Huaxia hackers steal the official account of the clown! 》BBC
A wave of unrest, a wave of up again. The news of the self-sufficiency of the clown organization members was revealed by the insiders, and various news immediately occupied the headlines of all platforms.
The official launch of the ‘clown organization’ just announced the end of the game. The result was less than one day and the situation reversed. Now the official of the 'Clown Organization' actually denies the invasion of the CIA incident, making the world's melons stunned.
Who stole the account of the clown organization? Why use the coat of the clown organization to invade the CIA? Is the clown's self-directed performance? Still the beginning of the next conspiracy?
This reversal is too fast, so many people are caught off guard, and the answer becomes more confusing.
A variety of news, the whole world is in a lively state, and another place is very lively.
The University of Tokyo, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Development, the Murakami Water Stop and the members of the team behind it, looked at the test results and was jubilant.
"There is really a smart code, hahahaha..."
The Chinese character programming language is a better language than the existing high-level computer languages. Their team has noticed this when the 'Clown Virus' shocked the world.
The intelligent program of the marching ant company is developed by the Chinese character programming language. Moreover, the artificial intelligence of the marching ant company, its intelligence level, is far behind the artificial intelligence of other companies in the world.
Combined with some ideas, they suspect that Chinese programming languages ​​may have better results in artificial intelligence research. Therefore, as one of the most advanced teams in the artificial intelligence research institute of the island country, they are also committed to learning Chinese programming languages ​​and trying to develop artificial intelligence.
When the 'Clown Virus' broke out in the same year, they guessed that the source code of the virus might contain a fragment of the smart program, which would make it horrible.
They always thought about getting the source code of the 'Clown Virus'. Now the clown organization members surrendered and handed over the source code of the 'Clown Virus' and finally let them get what they wanted.
The first time they got the 'Clown Virus', they started testing.
I didn't expect their guess to be correct. The 'Clown Virus' really contains intelligent code. It seems now that the 'Clown Virus' is in the hands of clowns. It is simply a violent thing.
If this intelligent program may provide a breakthrough for their artificial intelligence research, the value is immeasurable. The team is ecstatic to think of their future achievements in the field of artificial intelligence.
He wants to use Chinese character programming language to develop artificial intelligence, but only the army ant company in the world masters the artificial intelligence algorithm of Chinese character programming. The team masters are few of them that they have explored.
Therefore, they can only find another way. Other artificial intelligence algorithms have matured. If they can combine the intelligent program of Chinese character programming with other intelligent programs, will there be a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence?

Now, try to embed this smart program into the existing smart program.
Murakami’s mind has a crazy and bold plan to create an ‘artificial intelligence mixed-race’.
"Do you want to resign? Why?"
Chen Mo looked at Wei Zhe and looked very serious. He was also surprised that Wei Zhe suddenly made this request.
Now Wei Zhe is also a member of the marching ant company, director of the Chinese character programming department, member of the holographic eco-software development team, and a member of the artificial intelligence development team.
Now that Wei Zhe is going to resign, Chen Mo can not let go.
"Yes, I am one of the founders of the clown's predecessor. The emergence of the clown organization, I also have some responsibility. Now things are so big, and membership is exposed. If my identity is detected, I am afraid it is not good for the company. I don't want to be tired of the company." Wei Zhe said.
Chen Mo has a good understanding of him, he does not want to leave the army ant company, but he is said to be the founder of the clown, if his identity is exposed, I am afraid that the company will be stuffed in the storm.
In the near future, he has tossed and turned. Because the clown is the product he once assembled, although he quit because of guilt, but he does not feel at ease.
"It turned out to be this." Chen Mo smiled easily.
Wei Zhe was the founder of the original clown. At that time, the Chinese character programming language was just coming out, and there were not many proficient people. Wei Zhe was one of them.
Because of the talents of the marching ant company, after the ‘clown virus’ crisis, he personally went to Huaibei City and invited Wei Zhe to join the company.
It is estimated that during this time, the clown organization appeared again, and now some people have been detected, and his pressure is not small.
"If it is because of this, you still go back to work. Now you, nothing to do with the clown organization, you are now an engineer of our company, not the founder of the clown organization." Chen Mo said: "And, know who you used to be and Not much, only me and the president know that you don't announce your identity, no one knows."
"But just..."

Chen Mo interrupted Wei Zhe’s words:
I can find you, and naturally I can erase your connection with the clown organization. You don’t admit that no one can detect clues. Even if you admit, there is no evidence. The crimes are not necessarily established. So I am worried that if I am tired of the company, I don't have to think about it.

Is the salary low? Or do you want to go out and start your own business?
Chen Mo once again interrupted Wei Zhe.
"No, the boss, you have the right to know me. The salary now is something I couldn't imagine before. I didn't think about leaving the company." Wei Zhe explained with a smile.
"Then work well, this matter has nothing to do with you, how to check it can not find you." Chen Mo pushed the resignation letter on the table back to Wei Zhe.
"Well, the boss is not worried, if I am afraid, it will become a coward." Wei Zhe laughed at himself, took back his resignation letter and tore it, and put it in the trash can next to it.
"That's right. I know your identity and I am looking for you. Naturally, I don't worry about your business going to the company, so don't think too much. Soon, the capital will have an artificial intelligence conference. Jia, there is Lin Shu to lead the team."
"Boss, don't you go?" Wei Zhe asked.
"I will pass. However, the company announced this time the 'Artificial Intelligence +' program. This project, you three are the main person in charge, many things are clearer than me, naturally you are going to talk. I used to talk about one Talking about dreams. I am getting off work now, and I should go back to my wife."
Wei Zhe smiled easily and turned away. Chen Mo also took out a ring box from the drawer and left the office.
The turmoil of the 'Clown Organization' is now full of the storms of the world. But all this has nothing to do with him. He has already retired from the whole body and naturally will not participate anymore. The revenge he wants has been reached, and there is still a lot of business to do.
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