Chapter 419: : Normal heart

"The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on the 2nd that this year the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Chinese scientist Chen Mo in recognition of his extraordinary contribution in the field of geomagnetic and spatial microphysics detection."
He won the Nobel Prize in Physics and made the whole world boil.
Among the Nobel Prizes, the Physics Award is the most important award, and it is also the most important award in the physics awards.
Since the seismograph came out, Chen Mo’s call for the Nobel Prize was very high, but there has been no news. Today, there is news, as expected.
In history, many Chinese have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, but the winners are not pure Huaxia scientists, not even Chinese nationality.
Chen Mo is the first scientist born and raised in China.
The physical mechanism combined with geomagnetic anomaly fluctuation detection and space physics monitoring of seismographs has created seismographs that can warn earthquakes, which is a technology for the benefit of mankind.
Chen Mo won the Nobel Prize and is also expected to return.
The Nobel Prize in Physics has made countless Chinese people excited.
This award is a hurdle in the hearts of many Chinese people. Now Chen Mo has finally broken this hurdle and pushed this door open.
The marching ant company was established by Chen Mo. Although Chen Mo did not receive any international awards, Chen Mo is an authority in academic fields such as computers, materials and optics.
Nowadays, with the blessing of the Nobel Prize, in the hearts of ordinary people, he is already a living legend.
"Congratulations, you won the Nobel Prize." Chen Mo is in the lab, Zhao Min's holographic projection video falls in front of him, and Liu Mei has a happy color, obviously the mood is very good at the moment.
"Thank you." Chen Mo nodded gently.
"How do you still look like this is not hot or cold?"
Zhao Min’s reaction to Chen Mo was somewhat hurt. Chen Mo has always been a calm and confident appearance. It is rare to see that his emotions are too fluctuating. He is obviously younger than her, but he is still calmer than him.

This is the highest award in the field of research. Shouldn’t it be very exciting and exciting?

"It's okay! When, when the 'Chen Mo Award' becomes the highest award in the global technology field, that should be happy." Chen Moyou said.
Okay? ?
Upon hearing this answer, Zhao Min caressed his forehead and the guy installed it in front of him.
Chen Mo was the first winner to dare to say the Nobel Prize in Physics, and he wanted to replace the Nobel Prize and set up the 'Chen Mo Award'. I have to say that I have a lot of ideas.
"Knowledge limits the tone of my speech. If you release this words, you have to be beaten. Do you know?"
"Just kidding, don't be nervous. Life is so much fun, don't be so serious. It's just a matter of winning the award. This award doesn't have much impact on me. I don't need any awards to enrich me. Honor." Chen Mo said nothing.
"Okay, normal heart." Zhao Min sighed.
How many scientists, the highest goal in life is the podium, the result is that Chen Mo said normal, how many people can be normal?

It seems that I have never heard of any international awards you have won?

"Because I have not published research papers, I have not participated in international academic forums and conferences, and researched things are used in companies to make money.
When studying the seismograph, he made a whim and published the feasibility paper for the earthquake detection. The result was ridiculed by people all over the world, and the small fisherman was mad at the time. I didn't expect that because of that whim article, I won the Nobel Prize and thought it was ironic.

Chen Mo laughed at himself.
What he studied, in addition to the technology developed by the ink girl, those technical theories are taken from the technology library.
The technology in the science and technology library is too avant-garde, and many technologies are regarded as top-notch technologies, so Chen Mo will no longer publish any papers to the outside world to avoid technology leaks.
Also, because he does not need those papers to help him increase his honor and research and development funding, he rarely publishes papers.
"If I want to get the prize, I will build the [Star Ring] now, and the technology inside can cover the Nobel Prize in the next five years." Chen Mo said.
"You dare to say." Zhao Min smiled silently, but Chen Mo said it is also a fact.
If someone else dares to say this, Zhao Min must have thought that he was taking the wrong medicine, but from Chen Mo’s mouth, she could not refute.
Zhao Min knows that the technology in [Star Ring] requires constant temperature superconducting materials and liquid metal of divertor filters. These are Nobel Prize-level technologies. There are still a lot of breakthrough technologies. She doesn't know. Chen Mo said that it is really possible to win the Nobel Prize in the next five years.
It seems that the Nobel Prize is not a difficult thing for Chen Mo.
"There is one more thing. The University of Binhai has sent an invitation and hopes to invite you back to the school lecture to give your teacher and sister a role model."
"Does this?" After thinking silently, nodded and promised: "Yes, go back and see. This Saturday afternoon, I am looking for a half-day time."
"Okay, then you are busy."
Chen Mo ended the holographic video call with Zhao Min and went to the Star Lab. Now he dreams that [Star Ring] will be built successfully, so that he can do research on controlled light nuclear fusion as soon as possible.
When I first arrived at the Star Lab, the people in the team and Wan Yuanyi all congratulated each other. Everyone looked admired and envious.
Chen Mo won a Nobel Prize for the highest technology, and he is still the most important physics field. Chen Mo is younger than their age, but has taken off achievements that they will not necessarily reach in their lifetime.
They were all post-doctoral. They were all genius figures in front of other peers. Now they find that for Chen Mo, they are ordinary people.
There is no harm without comparison. This is the luck of the same era as the legend, and the sorrow of the same era as the legend.
"Thank you all, the prizes are put in advance. During this time, everyone will work hard and strive to build the "Star Ring" as soon as possible. This is the top priority." Chen Mo looked at the semi-finished products in front of the [Star Ring] device. .
"it is good."
When I heard Chen Mo’s words, everyone was more energetic.
In front of this [Star Ring] is the top priority, the Nobel Prize is only the name of the person who announced the prize, and Chen Mu stood on the podium, there are two months.
These two months are enough to do a lot of things.
"The next step is the installation of the divertor. Follow the steps in the holographic demonstration. This is very important. When you install it, pay special attention."
Researchers are once again immersed in the work of building a [Star Ring].
"Academian Chen, the conductor material in the 'Star column', can't really give it a look?" Wan Yuan squatted his old face and gathered it around Chen Mo.
"Not for the time being." Chen Mo shook his head.
"Talk about it, what special nature and function does it have?" Wan Yuan slammed his hand and looked forward to a eager appearance.
He is one of the leaders of the construction project. Chen Molian is still mysterious and he is not curious. In order to see the specialness of those materials, he will open his old face.
Anyway, many of China's powerful technology and technology are created by the ancestors' teachers. He naturally learns cheeky skills.
"Now, when you don't announce the answer, don't worry, you will know soon." Chen Mo did not care about Wan Yuan's curiosity: "How is the theory digested?"
"It's okay, high-temperature plasma research has decades of experience. This theory has the same effect as the original one. The harvest is not small, looking for opportunities to sum up practice." Wan Yuanzhen said.
"That's good," Chen Mo said.
The nuclear fusion professional talents are not available for the time being, because the technology is very important, and the less contact with outsiders, the better, so in the future, there are people who rely on Wan Yuanqi and others to assist.
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