Chapter 422: :[Star Ring] completed

Chen Mo’s lecture at Binhai City attracted a lot of sensation.
Because Chen Mo from beginning to end, is to explain the application of future technology, and the prototype of the future city. That kind of prototype is extremely embarrassing, and that is all achievable.
The reports of various media make the holographic city one of the symbolic symbols of the future world. On various social networking sites, as well as forums, topics are being launched to discuss the landscape and possibilities of the future city.
All of this has nothing to do with Chen Mo who provoked the topic. After the lecture was held in Binhai City, Chen Mo disappeared again in the public eye. The [Star Ring] construction of the Science Island Institute is also underway.
Everything is in order, and half a month has passed by.
Zhan Tianming holds a box-sized instrument in his hand, next to him, a laptop, beating all kinds of data, and two intelligent robots and a smart robotic arm.
He is a mechanical engineering researcher and is currently working on the final commissioning and inspection of the thermal conductivity system.
When they came here, they discovered the horrible efficiency of the marching ant company.
With the help of intelligent robots and intelligent robotic arms, they act as assistants, detect data and provide on-the-spot strain assistance. The efficiency of building a [Star Ring] is several times faster.
Dozens of researchers, there are dozens of intelligent robots and robotic arms, so that the original three or four months of work, almost one month is nearing the end.
The last transmission pipeline was checked and the data was normal. Zhan Tianming showed a happy smile and packed up the tools.
At Star Labs, all the staff involved in the construction of the [Star Ring] were carrying out the final data detection and debugging around the ‘big fat man’ with a diameter of 6 meters and a height of about 8.5 meters.
Looking at the big star ring in the lab, the people on the field are full of sense of accomplishment at the moment. This is the charm of scientific research. There are countless sweats flowing down to enjoy the moment of success.
But now it is only a stage of joy. There is still a way to go before it is truly successful. The next experimental breakthrough is the most important.
After the completion of the commissioning of many researchers, Wan Yuanzhen led them to leave the Star Lab and enter the Star Loop Experimental Command Center.
The Star Loop Experimental Command Center and the Star Ring Lab are about the same size, except for various computer instruments that are surrounded by four. In the center of the command center, there is also a holographic projection of the [Star Ring], a holographic projection of the same proportion.
Seeing Chen Mo from the command center, Wan Yuanxiao smiled and greeted him: "Now the debugging of [Star Ring] has been completed, what should I do next?"
Chen Mo didn't want to say: "Start [Star Ring] and see if it works."
Under the command of Chen Mo, the researchers pressed the power on and turned on [Star Ring]. All the researchers who are eligible to enter the Star Loop Experimental Command Center are watching the data changes on the computer.
"The star column is working fine..."
"The vacuum chamber is normal..."

The divertor works fine.

"The field system is normal."
"The thermal conductivity system is normal."
The sound of artificial intelligence in the experimental command center made everyone laugh and blossom, as if they had a great victory and applauded. Checking [Star Ring] does not cause a malfunction, which means that [Star Ring] can perform experiments normally.
Chen Mo also showed a smile, turned to look at Wan Yuanwei: "What is the raw material of the 氘 and 氚? Is the Academy over there?"
"You need to contact them." Wan Yuanzhen said.
"You contact them, and send them as soon as possible. The sooner the better, if it is better tomorrow."
When working with the Academy of Sciences, the two sides also discussed the situation. The Academy of Sciences can sell the raw materials to their research institutes for use in experiments.
氚 Raw materials are strategic resources for nuclear fusion, and manufacturing and storage are very troublesome.
Chen Moru can also use the technology of the technology library to create defects, but he did not. Because of the manufacturing and preservation of enamel, there are ready-made technologies. Nuclear fusion is enough to shock the world. If he takes out the technology of making and preserving cockroaches, he will definitely be considered an alien.
There are ready-made technologies, he will not do it again. If others are unwilling to provide him with raw materials, he will use these technologies.
The Academy of Sciences promised that the first phase of the experiment would provide 500 grams to them.
500 grams of flowers spent 120 million to buy, a little more expensive than the market price. It’s just that in the market, this kind of thing has no price, not to mention a lot of it. Excessive experimental materials are also one of the reasons why nuclear fusion technology is called money-burning technology, and not everyone can afford it.

If other researchers are willing to come over and watch the fusion experiment, I welcome it,
Chen said.
"Okay, I will tell them." Wan Yuan nodded.
The nuclear fusion experiment is a rare experiment. Because the experimental resources are scarce, the capital consumption is large, and the talents are scarce. It takes one or two years to conduct a major laboratory. Every fusion experiment is a rare opportunity. Many researchers will participate in or watch the experiment, hoping to learn from the experience to optimize the fusion technology.
"Our next step is to prepare a controlled nuclear fusion experiment. Some arrangements and tasks will be handed over to you before the experiment. You will arrange it." Chen Mo said.
Wan Yuanzhen did not hesitate and nodded and promised.
The more project materials you contact, the more you gain, and he naturally won't miss such a good opportunity.
Arrange everything, Chen Mocai left the Institute of Science Island. [Star Ring] The construction is initially completed, followed by the experiment. It is necessary to wait for the experimental materials to come over. He does not need to wait in the Science Island.
March ant company, Chen Mogang came back, Zhao Min also followed.
During this time, Chen Mo has been staying in Science Island. It is difficult to get the current army ant headquarters. Just after Zhao Min also attended the meeting, he went directly to his office.
"I just met Yao Shuji. He asked me to say that he is going to make Binhai City a city of technology. He also said to me, smart transportation, urban brain, automatic driving public transportation system, and holographic world. Said that Yao’s ambition is not small.

Zhao Min told Chen Mo.
If this idea is realized, Binhai will become a famous city in China and even in the world. With the geographical advantage of Dawan District, it is likely to become one of the largest international metropolises in China.
"The idea of ​​the city of science and technology is really good. The prototype of the future city can start from Binhai City. When the planning is completed, I need to contact me when I need to participate."
Chen Mo agrees with this idea.
Yao Yi has this power, he has no reason not to accompany him. The more such ideas, the greater the influence of their marching ant group, and the greater the benefits, because holographic technology is currently the only one.
"Yes." Zhao Min nodded: "How about the project in Science Island?"
"[Star Ring] was built successfully, followed by controlled fusion experiments. When the Academy of Sciences sent it over, you will be able to enter the experimental stage. There is nothing big, I will rush out and sneak out." Chen Mo said.
Upon hearing the completion of the [Star Ring] construction, Zhao Min was also somewhat surprised: "It is really fast. If you are known by the outside world, I am afraid that it will set off a storm."
"Soon things, but it will be later when they are exposed later." Chen Mo said: "This stuff can change the world."
"So confident enough to succeed?"
"Crap, otherwise I spend tens of billions to play with my family."
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