Chapter 451: : I am not so weak

When Chen Mo arrived at the abandoned old factory building, the warning line had been pulled up here. Five police cars and two special police vehicles are waiting for everyone.
It belongs to the suburbs, and is not surrounded by residential areas. There are no crowds onlookers.
The road has been blocked and the vehicles are not allowed to approach.
"Mr. Chen Mo, I am the captain of the special police detachment, Zhuang Yan, the commander of the on-site action." Wearing a special police uniform, the black-skinned man and Chen Mo made a greeting.
He has already received news that the hostage in the hands of the culprits is Chen Mo’s sister and asks him to ensure the safety of the hostages at any cost. The situation inside is a bit troublesome, and he does not dare to move.
Chen Mo nodded and looked blank: "How is my sister? Wu Qiang?"
"The bodyguard had a shot in his arm and was on his way to the hospital. Your sister and the gangster were inside." Zhuang Yan brought Chen Mo to the technical vehicle and opened the map of the factory, pointing to one of the small suites: "The gangster's The room is on the first floor, together with the hostages, there are only two people in the whole building. But..."
Zhuang Yan was solemn and solemn, and Chen Mo’s heart was tight, and there was an ominous premonition.

It used to be the employee dormitory of the factory. The front is the bedroom, and there is a small bathroom at the back. All the doors and windows are covered. The wall around the small room, the wall, the gangsters installed the homemade soil bombs, obviously arranged in advance. The place where the gangsters are at this corner, we can't kill. From the other side's approach, it is a professionally trained person."
Chen Mo looked at the portrait of infrared thermal imaging, his face was gloomy and scary: "Do they have conditions for you?"
"No, we sent a negotiating expert. The other party did not open the door. I only asked to see you. We are trying to communicate with the other party. The other party has no response. The shelter around him is solid, there are soil bombs, guns, hostages are in the hands of the other side, we I dare not rush to break the door." Zhuang Yan said.
At the beginning, he was close to the factory and was detonated by the other two bombs. They ate a small loss, and the two brothers were injured. Now they dare not move.
Chen Mo looked at the factory map and his brain was spinning at a rapid speed.
This is a place that has been prepared for a long time, and the purpose is for today. The other party counts all kinds of possibilities and does not give any chance of rescue.
"Merg brother, stranger calls." The voice of the ink girl in the phone instantly caught everyone's attention.
The surrounding technicians immediately turned on the equipment and waited. After receiving the headset handed over by the technician, Zhuang Yan indicated that Chen Mo could be connected.
"Mr. Chen, are you here?" The phone sent a cold voice from Dong Quan.
"what do you want?"
Chen Mo took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.
"It's very simple. You personally send things in. If you don't want to see your sister's fragrance disappear, it's best not to play tricks. If other people come in, I don't mind disposing of your sister's legs first, don't think I am joking."
The blind voice of the phone makes everyone sink into the heart, and the criminals simply do not give them any chance to speak, and can speak unconditionally.
Zhuang Yan changed slightly and looked at Chen Mo.
The gangsters have asked Chen Mo to bring something, probably a sensitive technology. Recently, the controlled nuclear fusion technology has been in full swing, and the gangsters chose to do it at this time, perhaps for this technology.
Moreover, Chen Mu’s identity and his influence, Zhuang Yan is clear, if Chen Mo is in trouble here, all of them will be held accountable.
"Mr. Chen, what do you want from the gangsters?"
"Artificial intelligence technology." Chen Mo said coldly.
"Mr. Chen, this..."
"I need to go in." Chen Mo interrupted Zhuang Yan's words.
Wang Hai, Zhu He, and Zhuang Yan are all in unison.
A few people are a little worried, and Chen Mo’s safety is more important than the safety of anyone present.
"Boss, let me go." Wang Hai said.
"The other party asked me to go in, otherwise it would hurt Xinxin. Do you have other ways to keep her from hurting?" Chen Mo asked a few people.
"Nothing." Chen Mo interrupted everyone, and the voice was unquestionable: "Give me a bulletproof vest."
"Mr. Chen, you can't go in." Zhuang Yan said with a bite.
Chen Mo took a look at Zhuang Yan: "Do you have a way to make Xinxin unharmed?"
"I went to talk to the gangsters, I sent things in." Zhuang Yan told the technician to contact Dong Quan, and after a minute, he put down the phone with a black face.
Chen Mo looked at Zhuang Yan's expression and already knew the answer. He walked over to the old factory.
"You can't go in."
Zhuang Yan indicated that two special policemen had stopped Chen Mo. There was already a person in it. If Chen Mo went in, the situation would be even worse. No one can guarantee that what will happen in the end.
Ignore the blocking of the two special police officers, Chen Mochao walked over the old factory.
"Mr. Chen, I hope that you will cooperate. If you rush in, it will only be more dangerous." Zhuang Yan stopped Chen Mo.
"Do you have a better way?"
Chen Mo’s calm voice made Zhuang Yan’s heart sink. In the current situation, if he wants to ensure the safety of the hostages, he does not have a good way to do so.
"Step aside."
"Sorry, Mr. Chen." Zhuang Yan said seriously, still blocking Chen Mo's way.
Chen Mo and Zhuang Yan looked at each other for a while, and took out a mobile phone and dialed a number: "Yao Shuji, you should pay attention to it and let them let me in."
"You want to see a gangster?" Yao Yi's dignified voice came from the phone. At the first time of the incident, he received a phone call. After all, it is related to Chen Mo, and he can not rush to the past, can only be anxious, through other people's reports to understand the situation.
"Do you have a better way?"
"Don't be impulsive, your safety..."
"It's your family, are you going to save?" Chen Mo interrupted.
The phone was quiet, Chen Mo was quiet, and the atmosphere on the court was a little stalemate. After a minute, the voice came from the other end of the line: "Do you have to go in?"
"Your safety..."
"My safety, I am responsible for it, don't let me in, I am hard, and everyone is not happy."
The phone was quiet again on both sides. After a long time, Yao Yi’s sigh came:
I think of a way, you wait. No matter what happens, your safety is the most important.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Mo looked pale, looked at Zhuang Yan and continued to pay attention to the situation of the old factory.
Four people are surrounded by special police officers, no one dares to act rashly. The hostages inside are special, and if they have problems, they will have trouble.
Chen Mo did not speak, others were quiet and the atmosphere was dignified.
Zhuang Yan also thought about the countermeasures with a black face, but all the plans were rejected.
Hard to break the door, the other side is in a dead end, can not be killed in the first time, once the bomb inside is detonated, the situation will be more dangerous. Killing is also a dead end. The other party is professionally trained and the position is just right. To ensure the safety of the hostages, they are helpless.
"Captain, the city bureau calls."
The silence was broken. Zhuang Yan took the call and put it down after a while. He looked at Chen Mo deeply and gave him the bulletproof vest and bulletproof helmet: "After entering, make sure that you are safe. If you find it is wrong, we will act now. ""
Chen Mo took the headset that the technician handed over and said, "Don't worry, I am not that weak."
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