Chapter 488: : Death Plan

Tumen is on duty in the villa, patiently watching the movement around him. With him, I want a buddy. One night, ten members watched the night and split into two teams. The three are in the surveillance room, the others are outside, and there are three hunting dogs.
"Grandma's, I feel that I owe millions of mosquitoes tonight, and I have to bite me." A member of the team couldn't help but complain, and slaps from time to time to drive away the mosquitoes.
"Thank you for a long time, it will be more than three hours, and we can rest well. This night shift is really difficult."
After a while, the headset sent a voice of lack of spirit: "You are quite spirited, I lost sleep last night, watched the night today, and now I feel that I have lost half life."
???? "This weather, mosquitoes are more. Hey, it is terrible."
???? "Follow Mr., this bitterness should be no problem?" The door opened, and a cigarette was ignited, and the gods were handed over to the players next to them.
???? "Mr. is really strong, can follow the gentleman, is my greatest honor." The headset sent a voice of worship.
At this time, in the early hours of the morning, the players were more or less exhausted. The sky is covered with clouds and the stars and the moon are not seen. There is no light, the only thing that can barely see clearly is the outline of the big tree outside the villa.
After a simple chat, the headset is quiet again. Now is the time when the human body needs the rest most. Their mental consumption is very serious and people are exhausted.
Suddenly, the low voice came.
"What voice? Have you heard any sounds?" Tumen's hand with a cigarette froze and his brow wrinkled.
"I also heard it, it feels like the wind, it’s..."
"Is it still? Are you stupid by mosquitoes?" a member of the surveillance room laughed.
"There is a strange voice, the monitoring room to see if there is any situation?"

The monitoring room team sent a definite answer.
The sound of the cockroach is getting bigger and bigger, as if it came from the top of the head. Tumen looked up and saw the helicopter that had hovered overhead. His face changed dramatically.
???? "Not good, enemy!"
The voice did not fall, a bullet struck, passing through the heart of Tumen. At the moment he fell to the ground, he saw a black shadow falling off the helicopter.
Invisible Black Hawk! SEALs!
The heart flashed through the last thought, and Tumen felt that consciousness was in the dark.
Da da da! ! As the door fell, the gunshots pierced the night, spewing fire tongues, and the hounds of the hounds. Not long after, everything became quiet, leaving only the bodies in the pool of blood, as well as the bullets that were not cold.
"Screening! Cover!"
Grant directed the team, occupying all the dangerous positions and quickly approaching the villa door.
The light of the entire villa lights up and everything around it becomes clearly visible.
boom! Da da da!
The explosion of the grenade and the sound of the guns were connected.
Ridmann was awakened by the alarm on the bedside, and was shocked and angry. This alarm only sounded when a major threat came. Someone sneaked, someone actually sneaked! What makes him angry is that someone dares to attack!
Hey! When he just woke up, the door opened and the poison rose opened the door and ran in with a gun.
Ridman subconsciously smashed his pupil and saw that it was a poisonous rose. He put down his gun: "What happened?"
"The seal commando's people, the invisible black eagle came over." The voice of the poison rose with a hint of panic.
Lidman, who has always been calm, has a somewhat unsteady voice, and his heart is sinking.
It’s over.
He did not think that the SEALs came to attack him. He had hatred with the United States, but it was a fictitious organization that was revenged by the RS controlled by Lerich. It did not exist.
According to theory, they did not reveal their identity. Unless there were traitors in the ranks, even if there were traitors, they could not know about RS. Liric could not betray him.
He never thought that the one who exposed his identity was Chen Mo, who had never seen him before.
boom! !
The explosion of the door awakened the two.
"What do you do now?" The poison rose asked coldly: "Do you want to escape?"
"Can't escape."
Surprised, Ridman quickly calmed down and shook his head slightly.
The SEALs used the invisible Black Hawk to make a surprise attack. Once only one person had this treatment, he was the second one. This is already a certain killing.
Only knowing that the RS organization is related to him will there be such a battle, and the Americans cannot let him go.
If it is an ordinary enemy, you may be able to escape by boat. It is impossible now. You can go out by boat and die faster. Maybe the whole villa has been surrounded, they have no chance to escape.
The other party’s action indicates that it has been thoroughly mastered here.
He felt that he was not exposed, and he still had no preparations for this kind of raid as usual. Caled Ridman, his eyes were extremely dangerous, his face flashed a hint of gloom and madness, mixed with ruthless indifference.
In another villa in the island, Lirik was awakened by the alarm, saw the source of the alarm, his face changed, his sleepiness disappeared, he hurriedly jumped out of bed, and took a brick from the drawer in the bed. Satellite phone.
At this time, the phone is flashing a red alarm.
It is not a last resort, and Mr. will not contact him by this phone. There was an accident over the sir, and Lirik’s heart sank.
Almost without hesitation, Liric was connected to the phone. Just turned on, there was a voice of gloom and demise. That was the voice of the gentleman.
"Starting the Death Plan."
The order from the satellite phone made Lirik’s body stiff and his pupils contracted. Just wanted to respond, but there was a blind voice.
On the first floor of the marching ant company, Chen Mo’s brow was screwed into a ball, and a heart sank.
Originally thought that the other party is asking for help, he also wants to see where to contact, maybe there are important clues. As a result, it was not a distress signal that was heard from Redman. When he heard Ridmann's instructions, he immediately let the ink girl cut off their satellite signals, but it was too late, and the order was sent out and was received.
Soon, in front of him, the ink girl has released the image of the satellite where the signal is received, or an island. The local area is at night, and it is not really true. It should be the island where the biological research institute he has been looking for.
Suddenly he had a bad premonition. Maybe the ‘Death Plan’ was related to the biological research institute. No one can guarantee that the ‘Death Plan’ in Riedeman’s mouth is the second bioterrorism plan.
In his knowledge of Riederman, the other party is a crazy and unscrupulous person, who will not care about life, it is a hazy madman.
And Chen Mo also confirmed that the signal was received, as well as the CIA.
Linna's face was a bit bad. They received a satellite signal in the villa. They thought it was the other party's distress signal. They could track the specific location of the signal and then smashed the organization.
I didn't expect that the signal would suddenly break when it was just turned on for ten seconds.
They can only see the approximate range of the signal and cannot lock the specific location. I am afraid that at the other end of this signal, there is another big secret, which may be related to the biological virus research they have been looking for.
"Immediately let people check the specific location of that signal."
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