Chapter 492: : No one is innocent

Stanley was drinking coffee in the office and browsing the latest news from Twitter.
Suddenly, I saw a video and the mouse in my hand was frozen. A video about the leader of RS organization Ridman? This is the hottest person in recent times, the leader of VFV bioterrorism.
He and his family, once a patient of the VFV virus, although later cured by special effects, some scars have not completely faded, there is still a psychological shadow on VFV, and there is a big shadow on the RS organization.
When Lidman was announced to be killed, he was happy for a few days, and he was very concerned about the news of the RS organization. Under hesitation, Stanley still opened the video.
What appeared in the video was Ridman himself, and Stanley saw his photos in the news and could recognize them at a glance.
"My real name is Ridman Carl Cobos Elips Tolix Alexi. When you saw this video, I was already dead.
I am an orphan of war. The war took the lives of my loved ones. I became an orphan. I was adopted by a family whose war lost her son, and I survived. I hate war, it took my childhood and took away my loved ones.
The war did not happen in your land. You don't know the fear of waiting for death every day. It is a kind of confusion that doesn't know where tomorrow is. I have witnessed the occurrence of war and witnessed the end of the war. I saw the prosperous land turned into ruins, and I saw that the creatures turned into charcoal.
Only when faced with the threat of death will people realize the value of peace, so I will volunteer to be the spokesperson of death and bring the fear of death to you. You only face the fear of death in your life, and the people under the rubble are experiencing this fear every day.
I am indeed a devil, an ugly devil, but unscrupulously provokes the war, and the people who support the war are more ugly than I am. Those people, dressed in ethical cloaks, spoke of the grandiose reasons that they did not believe, and with their powerful weapons, they slaughtered and destroyed other countries without any scruples.
Maybe you think that those who are killed by my virus are innocent. But in the land that you can't see, in the fear of bombing the smoke and the ruins, there are more innocent people there, thousands of times more than you see. But no matter who you are or they, no one is innocent.
I am very selfish, and everything I do is just for revenge, and I will give you back one thousandth of the people you gave to the ruins. This video was released, indicating that the Death Plan has begun. I hope your Lord can bless you.

The video frame freezes, and finally Riederman's face with a sneer seems to be a mockery of the person in front of the screen.
This strange smile made Stanley's heart panic, the shaking hand knocked over the coffee, and I didn't know it. Now he is in doubt.
What is the Death Plan? Is it a virus horror?
Last time he and his family, under the VFV virus, passed away with death. The feeling of waiting for death in the isolation room is absolutely uncomfortable. It can be said that it is the most desperate moment in his life.
Once, I don’t want to experience it for the second time.
Almost without hesitation, Stanley called to inform the family to go to places where there were few people to avoid.
Stanley is just one of the many innocent people in the panic. This scene happened in every corner of the disaster-stricken area of ​​the VFV virus.
Ridman's video appeared on major media platforms, including Twitter, iNS, Facebook and more. Because the video has the label of Reedman, the leader of the Death Scythe, this is the most widely circulated character recently. Just after coming out, the traffic volume of the clicks has risen rapidly.
People from all walks of life are watching this video. After watching the video, everyone is silent and wants to take refuge in order to avoid being affected by this disaster.
As the video spread, panic spread.
Not long after, the major online platforms deleted related videos. But it is too late, many people see the video, the news has spread.
Revenge from that madman, it makes people think when they think about it. No one knows what this is facing, but one thing is certain, the revenge of the RS organization is definitely more crazy than the last VFV bioterrorism.
Some people who have experienced the horror of VFV bio-virus have begun to pack their bags and go to their remote homes, hoping to escape this possible disaster.
Binhai City, the study of the incense burner beach villa.
It was already late at night, after watching the video of Riederman, Chen Mo’s brow was twisted into a ball. Originally, he had fallen asleep, but when the video appeared on the Internet platform, the ink girl woke him up.
As he fears, the Death Plan has already begun, and perhaps he is already preparing for it. This time, I am afraid it will be more serious than the last time. He didn't know what the biological virus in the other hand was, but the intuition told him that it was dangerous.
Back to the room, Xiaoyu has woke up and is worried about watching him. After all, Chen Mo rarely has an emergency and is awakened by the ink girl late at night.
"You will return home with you for a while and accompany your parents."
"What happened?" asked Xiao Yu. This is the first time Chen Mo has been so serious about her, and she is worried.
"Just a RS organization posted a video on the Western network, they have a death plan, it should be a more serious bio-terror. Not sure if the other party is targeting us, but be prepared to avoid being attacked. You After going back, try not to get in touch with outsiders. Hey, too, try to go to places where there are too many people."
Homes with few outsiders are the best places to escape the massive plague. This kind of thing can't be lucky, just in case, Chen Mo can only be so embarrassed.
"What about you?"
"I participated in the last incident, and I was destined to leave this time." Chen Mo said.
"Then you have to be careful."
"Yes, you can rest assured." Chen Mo whispered softly.
When Xiao Yu fell asleep, Chen Mo also lay down and entered the Science and Technology Library.
[Technology Apprentice] The medical technology at the stage is temporarily unavailable. The information on the universal vaccine and the super vaccine can only be seen and cannot be moved. But he can prepare some knowledge and technology reserves during the probationary period to prevent problems, and perhaps to stop the disaster through research.
The video of Riederman on the Internet has caused a lot of panic. In addition to the ordinary citizens, the CDCs of various countries will issue early warnings and do a good job in virus prevention.
In the city where the VFV virus was the hardest hit, the isolation area was cleared at the first time, ready to isolate infected patients.
Almost all hospitals are waiting, even if there are people with suspected cases of infection, they will be observed in isolation.
After WHO once again condemned the RS organization, it also issued an early warning of infectious diseases.
The similar bio-shield schemes of all countries have been launched again, convening the best experts in the country, and preparing for the development of vaccines and special effects drugs.
Just a video is enough to panic around the world. Everyone has a shadow on VFV bioterrorism, and now there is no shadow. No one wants to experience the horror again.
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