Chapter 494: : Ridman virus

French radio and television news, the CDC issued a warning about infectious diseases. Recently, many violent incidents and strange incidents in China have been related to RS’s ‘Death Plan’, confirming that the party involved in the incident was infected with an unknown virus.

"Global News, the World Health Organization announced a level 6 infectious disease warning, the WHO said that there have been many cases of violent wounding in the world recently, the main outbreaks are concentrated in NATO countries and North America. The parties infected with unknown virus, RS disease The seizures are used in the cerebral cortex, causing the infected person to have hallucinations and violent tendencies, similar to patients with schizophrenia. Unknown viruses are highly infectious and can be transmitted through body fluids such as blood, saliva, sweat, etc., and can also be transmitted by mosquitoes."
After the WHO announced the warning of infectious diseases, it issued a travel warning.
To identify violent incidents as unknown viruses for RS organizations, CDCs in countries around the world quickly issued the most advanced infectious disease warnings.
Countries have also announced that domestic airports will close flights to Europe, and customs officers will carry out unprecedented strict inspections of freighters imported into Europe. With the VFV virus's anti-attack experience, various measures were quickly implemented in the first place.
Global panic spread as a result of identifying violent incidents as a result of viruses infected with RS-infected organizations.
In one week, 41 cities in 13 countries around the world, more than 70 cases of violent wounding, 187 deaths, 551 injured, more than 6,237 isolated.
On the 10th day, the WHO announced that the newly discovered virus became the Riederman virus, and the leader of the RS organization, Reidman, became the most evil synonym. The virus was also called the death virus.
About 15 days after the outbreak of the virus, the number of deaths caused by outbreaks in the world has exceeded 879, with 3,893 injured and more than 40,000.
The spread of violent incidents is spreading wildly and confirmed cases of infection, with more than 19 countries and 85 cities.
It’s just a 15-day serious hazard that has made people shudder.
Once the news was announced, it immediately attracted a large panic in the world. Almost everyone is hoarding food and preparing for long-term outings.
In the following period, WHO and countries did not choose to publish the number of deaths and the number of patients. The release of such data may lead to global control out of control and devastating panic.
The virus is highly contagious, and the patient does not have a sense of self-determination, adding more trouble to the control of the epidemic.
When someone is sick, the attack may cause infection to others, and ordinary people simply do not dare to approach him to avoid being infected. Once the onset of the disease, especially in the streets of downtown, surrounded by crazy people running away, no one can subdue patients with emotional instability and madness.
Some people even tried to escape at home, and there was a mad family chasing behind them.
The only way to subdue a patient is to inject a sedative, allowing the segregator to fix the patient to the quarantine. However, medical personnel and facilities are limited. The arrest of patients must be carried out with the help of the police, and the treatment in various cities is also growing.
More and more patients are around, causing countless people to panic. Many people have witnessed the onset of illness and the work of their loved ones. No one can guarantee that the next one will appear next to them.

Why is this happening again?

Why is the victim every time us?

"Those capitalists can go to island vacations, yacht vacations, and even enjoy in the villa courtyard, not to be exposed to the outside world, to avoid bioterrorism. We are just ordinary people who work to make money, why are the victims of each incident all of us? innocent people?"
"No one is innocent!"
"Who can save my mom and dad?"
"Which wars provoked by the capitalists who sell arms, the wars provoked by politicians with ulterior motives, why should we retaliate against us?"
There is a runaway grief and unwilling remarks on the Internet, and public opinion is almost out of control. Ridman said very well that he is retaliating against countries that like to control wars, and war is the origin of some military wages and joint politicians.
These two types of people have become the main targets of public opinion venting anger.
The panic is also spreading.
Many family and friends have become sick people. They have also become people who have been ordered to observe and observe at home. They live in fear every day.
As the first illness broke out, more and more violent incidents occurred in every corner of the world.
Almost every day, there are people in the country who have died of violent incidents or have illusory suicides. And the number is growing wildly.
Long-term incubation period and cross-infection, the range of virus infection has spread to a wide range, but some people are still in the incubation period, and there is no manifestation of the disease, but there is no large-scale detection reagent, and it is impossible to detect the virus in a simple way. Existence, it brings great inconvenience to control the control of the epidemic.
Some of the injured people who were attacked by the first patients gradually found out that the German virus was infected, and the number of deaths and injuries caused by infections and violence was constantly refreshed every day.
The medical power of various countries has been stretched, and the military’s anti-chemical forces are also involved. Even if the countries around the world are prepared for the virus outbreak, it still has little effect.
With the experience of VFV virus prevention, companies in high-incidence areas, the school has issued notices of suspension and suspension of work, and some large-scale organization activities, once again forced to suspend cancellation. The affected countries have also issued suspension notices and started disinfection work.
San Francisco Medical Center.
Black is wearing protective clothing and is patrolling the corridor of the ward.
Through the small glass window on the door, one patient can be seen, the patient is fixed on the bed, the fixed rope is not enough, and some patients have been fixed with ordinary rope. Every patient who has strength is constantly struggling, and even screams of fear, like a mentally ill person who is crazy.
This scene is chilling.
Black is also very scared. Working in such a place, he is much more likely to be infected with the virus than others.
Without distraction for too long, Black put his mind back on the patrol.
Suddenly, Black stopped his footsteps. Through the window at the door, he could see the patient on the hospital bed, his eyes turned white, his body was not twitching and shaking, and the blood of his mouth was suddenly coming out of the nose of the sick. terror.
Ten seconds later, the patient was already stuck in the bed, the chest was no longer undulating, and apparently no breathing.
Black reacted, his eyes panicked, his legs ran back, and he ran and shouted: "Doctor, doctor, patient in the isolation room No. 35 is abnormal..."
Hughes Medical Institute.
Judson asked the assistant to send the report to every researcher on the field. Everyone's face is extremely dignified and the atmosphere is suppressed to the extreme.
They still don't know anything about this virus. They haven't analyzed it yet. What kind of virus is there?
"This is a preliminary report. According to observations, the incubation period of the virus is very long, generally more than 20 days. The virus is highly contagious, and in addition to the patient's body fluids, mammals and mosquitoes can become carriers of transmission.
When the infected body is onset, the virus acts on the cerebral cortex, causing the patient to have hallucinations. Each person's hallucinations are different, and each animal's hallucinations are different. Commonality is abnormal body metabolism, emotional instability, and violent tendencies.
During the onset, the patient's strength and speed, as well as other indexes, are elevated, and the physical quality is much higher than that of ordinary people, comparable to those who have been trained for a long time. About 15 days after the onset, the patient will have visceral hemorrhage, alveolar rupture, and finally vomiting blood, and the blood also contains a large number of Ridman virus.

Judson’s voice is heavy.
This is almost the most horrible virus he has ever seen, no one.
From illness to death, they only have half a month of treatment, and now there is no treatment at all. They can only watch the patient die in madness and be helpless.
The medical staff of the entire institute were silent and heavy.
This time, from the signs of the Ridman virus outbreak, it is much more terrible than the VFV virus. Until now, they have not found any reagents that can detect the virus, let alone special effects and vaccines. If this continues, the death toll will exceed their imagination.
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