Chapter 495: : Improved HX3 Pharmacy

The first batch of infected patients died, with no exceptions, with a mortality rate of 100%, which is a desperate mortality rate.
Once infected, there is no treatment within 15 days of the disease, which means death.
This result, in the shadow of all medical workers, the fear of death at any time, so that the frontline of the medical staff is filled with an invisible pressure.
The lack of specific drugs and vaccines against the Ridman virus has prevented patients from being treated and can only die in madness. As time goes on, the number of deaths will increase.
Soon, the hard-hit areas in Europe have sent out help to WHO, medical supplies are not enough, and medical staff are insufficient.
In some countries, coercive measures are taken to forcibly isolate all quarantine areas, and only allow them to be refused.
The small countries in the hardest hit areas even concentrated the patients in the isolation zone and the military's anti-chemical forces to isolate the centralized isolation zone.
The medical facilities and medical staff are seriously inadequate, and it is no longer able to take care of the patient's condition. Now the number of patients has more than 30,000, and the number of isolation is more than 700,000.
Letting the disease spread out will go in the direction of losing control, and it will be a disaster for all mankind.
The outbreak of the disease every day shows that there is no cure, and it continues to spread. Once it reaches a completely out of control situation, this bioterror will reproduce the tragic black death of Europe in the Middle Ages.
Some medical staff who have been accidentally infected with the virus are unwilling to commit suicide and various news, so that the world is shrouded in the dark clouds of terror.
Capital Tangshan Hospital.
Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the isolation room, people from the medical teams such as Chen Mo and Wu Bing were wearing protective clothing and observing the inside of the isolation room.
In the isolation room, a medical staff wearing protective clothing is preparing to inject the drug into the patient. A blue medicine with no label.
The pharmacy is Chen Mo's HX3 improved by acquiring the medical technology of the Science and Technology Library.
As a team during the VFV virus, there have been achievements. At the beginning of the Ridman virus outbreak, they were once again organized to look for specific drugs for the Ridman virus.
Chen Mo was also contacted without any accident, joined the medical team to tackle the special effects and treatment programs.
Seeing the information of the Ridman virus, Chen Mo only felt the horror of it. Even Starfish No. 3, which can reduce the activity of the virus, has no effect, and the special drug of VFV virus has no effect.
Every day, Chen Mo looks for special effects medicines in the science and technology library. He hopes to find the special medicine of the Ridman virus quickly. Unfortunately, there are too many books about drugs, and he is not familiar with them. The Ridman virus is also a new type of virus. Determining which drug is effective against the virus can only be lost.
In the end, only some special effects drugs can be used to improve the HX3 to reduce the activity of the virus. Under the guidance of Chen Mo, their team, for a month to tackle the problem, only a little bit today.
Experiments in monkeys have been successful, and improved HX3 has successfully reduced the activity of the Ridman virus and put the virus into a temporary dormant period.
It is now a human clinical trial.
After the medical staff injected the medicine, everyone began to wait.
No one talks, every minute, it seems as long as an hour.
As time went by, ten minutes later, the patient who was fixed on the bed, the degree of mad struggle slowly slowed down.
Seeing this scene, the person outside the room, his face floated a touch of joy. The instrument is stable, indicating that the patient's body function is stable. After the injection of the drug, the patient does not have a strange reaction, which is a good sign.

Feeling that we are going to succeed.
A medical team's expert spoke, even if wearing a mask, the joy in the voice can be clearly felt.
"In theory, there should be no big problem," another researcher said.
"Look at the situation again. If the patient is completely cured, he can't conclude." Wu Bing said. She said so, she already agreed with the two.
Because of Chen Mo, the man, like a fan, always creates miracles, giving people a kind of inexplicable confidence.
"The problem should be small." Chen Mo also said. When he had just finished speaking, the patient in the hospital bed had slowed down and his eyes recovered. It was the eyes of normal people.
Zhou Chengming looked at the white ceiling, and the smell of thick disinfectant water penetrated into the tip of his nose, so that his spirit was slowly concentrated.
He felt that he had a dream. A murderer took a kitchen knife out of the kitchen to kill him. Then he fought hard, wounded the murderer and ran out, and then the murderer's associates injected the drug.
where are you now?
Zhou Chengming turned around and saw the strange environment around him. A variety of medical instruments, as well as two fully armed medical personnel. This scene made Zhou Chengming feel a panic. Just wanted to sit up, but found that the body was fixed in the hospital bed, can not move.
Is the dream true? The murderer kidnapped the organ and experimented?
Thinking of this, Zhou Chengming almost cried out without fear: "Who are you? Why are you arresting me?"
"I am a doctor." Hearing Zhou Chengming's speech, the medical staff who injected the drug was happy, and asked: "You are infected with the virus, causing hallucinations. How are you feeling now?"
"You are a doctor?" Zhou Cheng obviously did not believe, the voice with panic and anger: "You are a doctor, why should you tie me like this?"
"You have an infectious disease, here is the isolation room. The murderer you see is the illusion caused by your virus affecting the cerebral cortex." The medical staff did not worry, explained. This is a good sign that the patient can communicate normally, indicating that the condition has been temporarily controlled.

Zhou Chengming suddenly panicked and heard 80% of the medical staff. Because he lost consciousness, there was news of infectious diseases during that time.
"Really, the virus in your body is temporarily controlled and further treatment is needed." The medical staff said: "In order to prevent you from getting sick again, you must fix it on the hospital bed. I need to take a blood test for you now."
"Doctor, can I still heal?" Zhou Chengming looked at the medical staff with enthusiasm.
"This is developing special medicines, you can do it with confidence." The medical staff comforted once and took blood to Zhou Chengming. Now Zhou Chengming is an infected person, and all his actions must be careful.
The virus in the patient has entered a dormant period, and the patient temporarily recovers his mind.
Successful! ! !
With this conclusion, the entire medical team cheered and several of the most front-line doctors burst into tears. In the past month, they have not seen hope, only in the face of the horror of the virus, and now finally see a glimmer of light.
"Chen Chen, thank you." Wu Bing took the lead to stop the joy and said to Chen Mo.
"Thank me for doing it?" Chen Mo asked strangely.
"If you don't have it, this pharmacy can't be studied." Wu Bing said. The direction and theory of the improvement of the drug are all proposed by Chen Mo. If it is not Chen Mo, it is impossible to find the agent that suppresses the activity of the Ridman virus.
"Thank you." Shi Hongtu also thanked Chen Mo.
"Thank you." After the joy, the people in the medical team thanked Chen Mo.
"The results are everyone's. With everyone's help, research will be so fast. Now it's just the activity of the suppressed virus, let the virus temporarily enter the dormant period, this time will not be too long, theoretically about half a month, the second time The effect will be worse, the third time will be worse, and the condition will be extended by up to one month. Now it is only the beginning, you should find the special medicine or vaccine as soon as possible, or you will die more people."
Chen Mo’s solemn gratitude to the people was somewhat helpless, but he was not happy because the disaster could only be the beginning.
The special effects and vaccines did not come out, and the disaster will not end so easily.
"CDC News: led by Chen Mo, Wu Bing, Shi Hongtu, etc., the medical expert group successfully developed drugs that can reduce the activity of the Ridman virus."
According to the news from Huaxia CDC, on the same day, Haixing Company, which owns the HX3 formula patent, announced that it has signed agreements with 20 pharmaceutical companies around the world. The modified HX3 formulation is temporarily licensed to major pharmaceutical production plants around the world, and it is hoped that the improved HX3 agent will be mass-produced at the fastest rate.
The two news immediately caused a sensation.
No drugs have been found for the Ridman virus, and nothing like the VFV virus. When the condition was almost out of control, Huaxia’s medical team once again reported good news.
The families of countless human patients may have been infected, and the isolated people are sobbing.
In this tragic moment, any good news is a life-saving straw for many people. Now there is a big news that is not too big, enough for many people to see the dawn.
"Thank you Chen Mo, thank you Huaxia Medical Experts Group, thank you Haixing Company, thank you to the world's frontline anti-Rideman virus medical staff."
"Thank you Chen Mo, thank you Huaxia Medical Team."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you to the medical team, thank you to all the medical staff around the world. I hope the disaster will pass early."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the medical staff. I hope this disaster will end soon."
The news attracted all parties to praise.
Among the many icy deaths and various data, the improved HX3 agent appeared, like a fire in the ice and snow, let countless patients' families, as well as isolation personnel, feel the warmth.
Chen Mo, who played an important role in the VFV biological crisis, once again stood up and took the lead in finding drugs that are effective against the Ridman virus.
The emergence of the improved HX3 agent has brought Chen Mo's personal reputation to the highest point.
However, the viral crisis did not end with the emergence of a modified HX3 agent. The improved HX3 agent only allowed the virus to go to sleep and could not eradicate the Ridman virus. Once unable to suppress, the patient's final result is still dead.
The cloud of death from bioterrorism still hangs in everyone’s heart.
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