Chapter 533: : Antitrust investigation

"How can it be so beautiful? I want to go to China!"
"Poor our country, still guarding the glory of the old times, refused to let the marching ants group enter the market, an aging eagle, refused to admit that he is old."
"Holographic technology, that is the future, Chen Mo will bring the future world into China."
"I am sure that the people of China live in the 23rd century, we are the human beings of the 21st century. Holographic mobile phones, holographic movies, holographic e-sports, holographic paradise, what is next?"
"Chen Mo is definitely a bloodline of South Korea. He is a descendant of our country!"
"We want to tell Chinese people to monopolize holographic technology, and we should share holographic technology to the whole world."
The holographic park opened, and various holographic videos appeared, causing the global netizens to vibrate.
The holographic playground can create a paradise for any scene, all of which is realized by the ant park.
Holographic films are still on the air, holographic e-sports are also in the air, and now there is a holographic paradise. The holographic technology of the marching ant group has always been high fever, attracting envy of countless countries.
Whoever controls the holographic technology, whoever has the ticket to enter the future world, is now realized in China.
Binhai also enters the field of global tourists.
With the world's first holographic paradise, Binhai has a unique label.
Here is the door to the future world.
After the opening of the holographic park, the Global Tourism Group Company sent travel experience experts to the coastal city to develop corresponding travel routes.
Coastal city government.
Yao Yi saw the latest tourist data, and the smile almost reached the ear.
After the holographic movie premiere, holographic e-sports, there is now an ant park, and now Binhai has become an internationally renowned city.
It is foreseeable that in the future, the service industry in Binhai will usher in a golden period of development.
In the holographic e-sports competition, the number of tourists in Binhai City has increased significantly, and now there is another holographic paradise.
The development of the service industry and the increase in international popularity will definitely drive the development of the entire coastal city.
In Binhai City, there is a marching ant group. With the advantage of Dawan District, it is also an open city. Nowadays, the landmark business card is about to be completed, and it is just around the corner to become an international metropolis.
For more than a year, he will be promoted.
With the development of the coastal city during this time, and his achievements, it is appropriate to enter the province. The road in front of him is a bright light, and he is excited when he thinks about it.
"People prepare a full launch ceremony for the holographic city." Yao Yi said.
The holographic city project has come to an end. He hopes to start the holographic city project before the Spring Festival, and completely win the name of the holographic city of Binhai.
"Okay." The secretary nodded and promised to leave Yao Yi's office.
After the office was quiet, Yao Yi took out the map and carefully looked at the planning map of the holographic city of Binhai. The holographic city project is a landmark project of Binhai City. As long as the project is smoothly opened, the image of the international metropolis is completely completed. .
At that time, the logo of Binhai 'fishing woman holding pearls' will become the most perfect city image in Binhai.
Marching Ant Group.
In the president's office, Zhao Min is looking at the report last year.
After the holographic technology was hot, especially after the holographic film was released, people from major theaters rushed to order holographic projectors, ready to renovate the theater.
Sales of medium-sized holographic projectors skyrocketed, but there were no significant changes in the report. You must wait for the January report to come out, or the first quarter report to see the obvious changes.
In the past three years, the marching ant group has invested in the holographic field, and then it is time to return quickly.
However, due to the influence of holographic e-sports, there are also holographic movies, and the sales of holographic mobile phones have skyrocketed again.
Due to hardware limitations, holographic mobile phones have been in short supply.
After the nano-scale 3D printer came out, the output of the holographic mobile phone increased and barely could be supplied.
The holographic technology has blossomed in an all-round way, and the sales of holographic mobile phones have risen again, and there is a shortage of supply. She expects that this will happen and she is already working hard to build the production line. The production line is not finished yet.
Only holographic movies, this year is the season of flowering results.
"The president, the overseas branch came to the news."
When Zhao Min looked at the documents, Lanxi knocked on the door and entered the office. The voice was a little anxious.
"what news?"

The overseas branch said that many countries have launched anti-monopoly investigations on our company.
Lanxi put the document report on Zhao Min’s desk.
It is the report letter sent back from the overseas branch.

Anti-monopoly investigation?
Zhao Min took over the documents handed down by Lanxi.
"Yes, including the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and other countries, they found that some of our products are suspected of monopoly, so we launched a survey, we have issued a notice." Lanxi said.
Zhao Min has also looked at the letter of notification.
"Come together? Oh!" Zhao Min did not worry, continued to look at the letter.
All of this is expected.
Now that the holographic technology storm is sweeping, the income of holographic equipment every day is a terrible astronomical number.
The cake is too big and the money is moving.
Holographic technology is currently on a global scale, and only the marching ant group is in control. It is not uncommon for someone to sue them.
"You go out to work."
Zhao Min put down the letter. From the beginning to the end, his expression did not change much. It seems that this is a trivial matter.
"Antitrust investigation?"
In the lab, Chen Mo was surprised at the news that Zhao Min said.

Is the US also involved? Our products in the US seem to have only medium holographic projectors and seismographs?

"There are only two kinds. They think that our holographic projectors are suspected of monopolizing, controlling market prices, and obtaining huge profits. Therefore, anti-monopoly investigations are conducted on projectors. In other countries, in addition to holographic projectors, there are holographic mobile phones, intelligent robots, etc. ""

So many countries are investigating together? It’s obviously premeditated, but it’s time to choose.

"Now holographic technology is fully blossoming, big cakes have emerged. Our technology monopoly, others can only see can not eat, natural red eyes." Zhao Min said.
Only one holographic film, the marching ant group masters all holographic equipment products, and in the subsequent cinema transformation, it is also their holographic equipment.
The terrorist interests are self-evident.
"It’s a mediocrity not to be blamed. You can handle this matter. The toughness is tough. Now the company has a firm foothold, no shortage of money, no shortage of technology, no fear of anyone's restrictions and sanctions." Chen Mo said.
"With your words, don't bother you."
After that, Zhao Min’s holographic projection disappeared in the laboratory.
"Let's go ahead and prepare for the 37th experiment."
Chen Mo called the ink girl and continued the experiment.
The Laser Pulse Lab is a laboratory that Chen Mo has created for laser experiments.
The laboratory is grounded in the bottom of a newly built floor in the No. 1 area. It is made of reinforced concrete and is also covered with thick carbon steel. It is enough to do some experiments that can't be done in ordinary laboratories.
Three large lasers are set up in three directions in the laboratory.
The gain medium for each laser is the type of meteorite that is mounted on the war robot so that the laser can be maximized.
In the center of the laboratory, a lifting platform and a telescopic mechanical tube on the ceiling and underground can fix things and facilitate experimentation.
At this time, in the lifting platform, a light blue metal crystal is fixed, and the hexagonal honeycomb shape has a thickness of about two centimeters.
He now needs 1024 allogeneic elements, which are modified from indium. The metal crystals in front of them are the isomers of the elemental indium metal that have been modified in the first stage.
The second phase of the transformation has failed 36 times, this is the 37th.
Chen Mo’s instructions fell and the instruments in the lab started.
The first is the particle accelerator in the laboratory, high-energy particles, which begin to bombard the metal indium, and the three lasers illuminate in three directions, bombarding the indium sphere in the center of the laboratory.
In just a moment, the central metal crystals began to light up and became dazzling, like a red iron block. The laser and particle accelerators have not stopped, and the isomer crystallization of indium is being modified in a two-pronged approach.
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