Chapter 664: : Intelligent life and chaos

3D printing technology, greatly shortening the manufacturing cycle, the development of super quantum chips is successful, and the early stage is ready. In less than four hours, a brand new super-quantum computer mainframe was assembled and displayed in a quantum laboratory.
The host of the super-quantum computer is only the size of a double-door refrigerator, and the logo of the marching ant group is clearly printed on the outer casing.
This super quantum computer, Chen Mo named: ink female heart.
As the name suggests.
This is a super quantum computer for the ink girl.
In the outside world, the first generation of quantum computers is still in the learning stage. Chen Mo has successfully developed the second generation of super quantum computers with a very short cycle.
The super quantum computer host connects to the first generation of quantum computer hosts.
Chen Mo put all his attention on it.
The next step is crucial.
It will determine whether the ink girl can successfully possess the human emotions and ways of thinking, and is no longer a machine for icy execution.
The ink girl was created by him and followed him for so many years. In Chen Mo’s opinion, the ink girl is no longer an ordinary machine program. As Xiao Yu said, she is already a member of the family.
"Ink girl, connect the ink girl, and transfer the core program into the super quantum computer."
Chen Mo issued instructions.
"Transfer is complete."
On the holographic test bench, Chen Mo called out the core program to view it.
Crazy data scrolling, Chen Mo found that the female core program is very large, if the computer, can not accommodate such a large program core.
The core program is growing all the time.
When it was a quantum computer with 103 qubits, the data of the ink girl increased and was fast enough. At this moment, Chen Mo found that the increase in the data of the ink girl became even more crazy.
However, data is not only increasing but also decreasing.
Chen Mo found that there will be specific data disappearing every moment, and it should be the information that the ink woman herself was judged to be invalid in the cleanup part.
Close the core program data, just turned around and saw the ink girl is watching him.
This gaze made Chen Mo physically shocked.
He felt it.
Clearly felt that the eyes of the ink girl are full of curiosity, and there is a strange feeling.
This kind of gaze is very familiar, and the feeling of looking at him is the same when he was born.
"Ink girl."
The ink girl nodded and showed a smile.
After Chen Mo’s hand reached over, he put his face together.
Seeing a series of movements of the ink girl, it looks very small, but it reveals different aspects everywhere, which is not available before.
Chen Moyi.
All the differences show that the super quantum computer really makes the ink girl really change a lot.

What is the special feeling?
Chen Mo asked.

The ink girl shook her head a little:
I don’t know.

Still what is the fault.
Chen Mo caressed the head of the ink girl and fell into thinking.
Now the ink girl is in a state of chaos and chaos, similar to the early stage of the formation of infant consciousness.
But the ink girl is not a real creature, and it is a little bit worse than the real life.
She has no pain, consciousness, smell and touch. In terms of senses, she only has program settings, and she does not really feel the feeling through the sensing of brain nerves and skin touch.
She doesn't know the pain, but she doesn't know if she will cry, she will cry, she doesn't know if she is hungry, she doesn't even know how to feel hungry.
Without this one, the world of ink women will always be chaotic and temperatureless, and the emotions will not be full and difficult to appear.
Now the ink girl has a powerful 'quantum brain', and a huge treasure is hidden behind the gate.
This quantum brain has the initial consciousness of the creatures formed by quantum.
Need a key to open the door, connect this 'quantum brain', and then let the ink girl feel the true emotion and perception through the bridge.
Let the 'quantum brain' simulate and perceive the way human emotions and thinking work, thus taking the 'quantum brain' away from the cold, chaotic, temperature-free world of operation.
The situation of the ink girl is as he thought at the beginning.
When Chen Mo acquired the super quantum computer technology, he had already thought about this situation today, and acquired related technologies such as the principle of neural consciousness connection system and brain wave induction technology.
Through the brain wave device and the neural consciousness transmission technology, the emotions and ways of thinking of human beings can be learned by the form of electric waves.
Brain wave induction technology and neural consciousness connection technology are the keys that Chen Mo is looking for. One is to open the 'quantum brain' of the ink girl, and to build a relay medium of reality and quantum consciousness.
Just let the ink girl's 'quantum brain' personally feel the existence of 'feeling' and 'emotion', and let the quantum simulate the way of 'feeling' and 'emotion'.
Then when she touches or encounters the same similar behavior in the future, the 'quantum brain' will simulate the same 'feeling', and she can feel the existence of 'feeling', feel the emotions, and then exist with emotions and humans. A similar way of thinking.
Chen Mo remembered a mythical story: chaos.
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Chen Mo now learns the feelings and emotions of human beings from the ink woman, which is the process of ‘chaotic opening.’
Chaos opened seven, failed to die, and he opened the ink to the woman, the possibility of success is great.
The "quantum consciousness" of the ink girl was initially formed. With the increasing number of quantum bits in the future, the "quantum consciousness" of the ink girl will become stronger and stronger.
Because of the emotional learning of the ink girl, even if she fails, she can start all over again. She will not die like chaos.
This is a ‘God’ project.
Ink's ‘quantum brain’, her computing power is better than the common human cognition, and eternal life. Once she can think like humans and learn human creativity, her horrible computing power can be fully utilized.
"It seems that brainwave induction technology and neural consciousness connection technology are the next project."
Chen Mo touched the head of the ink woman and pondered the problems of brain wave induction technology and neural consciousness connection technology.
He determined that the neural consciousness connection and brain wave technology must be the last link of the ‘Mu Girl Plan’. I thought it was just a spare part. I don’t need to start this ring. Now it seems that this ring is indispensable.
Because the ink girl has insufficient congenital conditions and no real senses and nervous system, she needs an external bridge to help her communicate the world and feel the world.
The plan is a bit bold, but scientific research must be bold, and now he has enough capital to try his ideas.
Now the ink girl is just super artificial intelligence, and once the ink girl has emotions and feelings, it can be regarded as the intelligent life in the definition.
Chen Mo wants to create the first intelligent life.
Looking at the time, it is almost time to go home.

Is the anti-aging agent test in the medical laboratory completed?

"It was completed yesterday, and the test results are the same as those said by Mergo."
"Bring a bottle of medicine and go home."
"Give a little fishing sister?"
"Yes, give you a gift from Xiao Yu's sister."
Chen Mo took the ink girl and left the quantum laboratory.
Just after going out, the ink girl followed suit, but the behavior was not as rigorous as before. There was a lot of anger in the move, like a child who was afraid of losing.
Chen Mo felt a little dependence on the ink girl, like the dependence of the baby on his loved ones. This was not in the past. Since the ink woman entered the quantum computer, the number of such phenomena has increased. This is a good thing.
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